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Chapter 182-30 WAC

|Show DispositionsLast Update: 7/22/24


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF182-30-030Employer contribution for school employees benefits board (SEBB) benefits.
HTMLPDF182-30-040Premium payments and premium refunds.
HTMLPDF182-30-050What are the requirements regarding premium surcharges?
HTMLPDF182-30-060How do school employees benefits board (SEBB) organizations and contracted vendors correct enrollment errors?
HTMLPDF182-30-070The employer contribution is set by the health care authority (HCA) and paid to the HCA for all eligible school employees.
HTMLPDF182-30-075Subscriber address requirements.
HTMLPDF182-30-080When must a newly eligible school employee, or a school employee who regains eligibility for the employer contribution, elect school employees benefits board (SEBB) benefits and complete required forms?
HTMLPDF182-30-085What happens if my health plan becomes unavailable?
HTMLPDF182-30-090When may a subscriber change health plans?
HTMLPDF182-30-100When may a school employee enroll, or revoke an election and make a new election under the premium payment plan, flexible spending arrangement (FSA), limited purpose FSA, or dependent care assistance program (DCAP)?
HTMLPDF182-30-110Which school employees benefits board (SEBB) organization is responsible to pay the employer contribution for eligible school employees changing SEBB organizations?
HTMLPDF182-30-120Advertising or promotion of school employees benefits board (SEBB) benefit plans.
HTMLPDF182-30-130What are the requirements for a school employees benefits board (SEBB) organization engaging in local negotiations regarding SEBB benefits eligibility criteria?
HTMLPDF182-30-140What is the process for school districts to offer optional benefits?
HTMLPDF182-30-200Employer group application process.
HTMLPDF182-30-205May employer groups applying for participation in school employees benefits board (SEBB) insurance coverage include their retirees?
HTMLPDF182-30-210How will the health care authority (HCA) decide to approve or deny a group application?
HTMLPDF182-30-215Employer group participation requirements.
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