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Title DigestPDFIncluding dispositions
Title 415 WAC
|Show DispositionsLast Update: 1/7/25RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, DEPARTMENT OF
415-02 | General provisions. |
415-04 | Petition procedure. |
415-06 | Public records. |
415-08 | Appeals. |
415-10 | Purchase of service credit after statutory deadline RCW 41.50.165. |
415-100 | Judicial retirement system. |
415-103 | Washington state patrol retirement system (WSPRS). |
415-104 | Law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system. |
415-105 | Local disability board procedures. |
415-106 | Public safety employees' retirement system. |
415-108 | Public employees' retirement system. |
415-110 | School employees' retirement system. |
415-111 | Plan 3—Defined contribution plans. |
415-112 | Teachers' retirement system. |
415-113 | Portability of public employment benefits. |
415-114 | Assessment of interest charges on overdue receivables. |
415-115 | Assessment of an additional administrative fee. |
415-117 | Cooperation of employers in administration of the retirement systems. |
415-200 | Employee retirement benefits board. |
415-501 | Deferred compensation plan. |
415-700 | Higher education retirement plan supplemental benefit fund. |