22.09.010 Definitions. [1981 c 296 § 37; 1979 ex.s. c 238 § 12; 1975 1st ex.s. c 7 § 19; 1971 c 65 § 1; 1967 c 240 § 51; 1963 c 124 § 1.] Repealed by 1983 c 305 § 77. Later enactment, see RCW 22.09.011. 22.09.210 Rights and duties of licensees — Receipt, delivery, of commodities — Departmental inspection required. [1983 c 305 § 38; 1979 ex.s. c 238 § 18; 1963 c 124 § 21.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.700 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 65. 22.09.270 Police protection of terminal yards and tracks. [1963 c 124 § 27.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.860 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 70. 22.09.280 Railroads to provide side tracks and track scales — Weighing of cars. [1963 c 124 § 28.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.850 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 69. 22.09.360 Powers and duties of receivers. [1963 c 124 § 36.] Repealed by 1983 c 305 § 77. 22.09.370 Action by depositor upon licensees' bond. [1983 c 305 § 53; 1963 c 124 § 37.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.615 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 61. 22.09.380 Designation of inspection points and terminal warehouses. [1979 ex.s. c 238 § 21; 1963 c 124 § 38.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.710 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 66. 22.09.390 Inspection and grading of commodities — Federal grades and standards — Regulations. [1963 c 124 § 39.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.720 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 66. 22.09.400 Inspection and grading of commodities — Method of inspection and grading. [1963 c 124 § 40.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.730 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 66. 22.09.410 Inspection and grading of commodities — State samples. [1963 c 124 § 41.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.740 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 66. 22.09.420 Inspection and grading of commodities — Powers and duties of inspectors at terminal warehouses. [1983 c 305 § 54; 1963 c 124 § 42.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.750 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 67. 22.09.430 Inspection and grading of commodities — No inspection if commodity is to be loaded into defective container. [1963 c 124 § 43.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.760 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68. 22.09.440 Inspection and grading of commodities — Unlawful practices — Penalty. [1963 c 124 § 44.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.770 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68. 22.09.450 Inspection and grading of commodities — Appeals. [1963 c 124 § 45.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.780 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68. 22.09.460 Inspection and grading of commodities — Fees and charges. [1963 c 124 § 46.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.790 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68. 22.09.470 Inspection and grading of commodities — Scales and weighing. [1963 c 124 § 47.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.800 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68. 22.09.480 Inspection and grading of commodities — Inspection of commodities shipped to or from places other than inspection points. [1963 c 124 § 48.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.810 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68. 22.09.490 Inspection and grading of commodities — Unloading commodity without inspection or weighing. [1963 c 124 § 49.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.820 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68. 22.09.500 Disposition of revenue. [1981 c 297 § 25; 1963 c 124 § 50.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.830 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68. 22.09.510 Transfer of moneys in grain and hay inspection fund. [1963 c 124 § 51.] Repealed by 1981 c 297 § 42. 22.09.530 Fumigated conveyances to be labeled. [1963 c 124 § 53.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.840 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68. 22.09.540 Injunctions. [1963 c 124 § 54.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.870 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 71. 22.09.550 Cooperation with governmental agencies and private associations. [1983 c 305 § 55; 1979 ex.s. c 238 § 22; 1963 c 124 § 55.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.880 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 72. 22.09.560 General penalty. [1963 c 124 § 58.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.890 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 73. 22.09.700 Delivery of commodities for export — Departmental inspection required. [1983 c 305 § 38; 1979 ex.s. c 238 § 18; 1963 c 124 § 21. Formerly RCW 22.09.210.] Repealed by 1989 c 354 § 61. 22.09.940 Severability-1963 c 124. [1963 c 124 § 61.] Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016. 22.09.941 Severability-1979 ex.s. c 238. Cross-reference section, decodified by the code reviser, July 2016. 22.09.950 Repealer — 1963 c 124. [1963 c 124 § 62.] Decodified pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 74. 22.09.951 Repealer, effective date, appropriation — 1981 c 297. [1981 c 297 § 42.] Decodified pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 74.
[1981 c 296 § 37; 1979 ex.s. c 238 § 12; 1975 1st ex.s. c 7 § 19; 1971 c 65 § 1; 1967 c 240 § 51; 1963 c 124 § 1.] Repealed by 1983 c 305 § 77. Later enactment, see RCW 22.09.011.
[1983 c 305 § 38; 1979 ex.s. c 238 § 18; 1963 c 124 § 21.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.700 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 65.
[1963 c 124 § 27.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.860 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 70.
[1963 c 124 § 28.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.850 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 69.
[1963 c 124 § 36.] Repealed by 1983 c 305 § 77.
[1983 c 305 § 53; 1963 c 124 § 37.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.615 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 61.
[1979 ex.s. c 238 § 21; 1963 c 124 § 38.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.710 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 66.
[1963 c 124 § 39.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.720 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 66.
[1963 c 124 § 40.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.730 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 66.
[1963 c 124 § 41.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.740 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 66.
[1983 c 305 § 54; 1963 c 124 § 42.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.750 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 67.
[1963 c 124 § 43.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.760 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68.
[1963 c 124 § 44.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.770 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68.
[1963 c 124 § 45.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.780 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68.
[1963 c 124 § 46.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.790 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68.
[1963 c 124 § 47.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.800 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68.
[1963 c 124 § 48.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.810 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68.
[1963 c 124 § 49.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.820 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68.
[1981 c 297 § 25; 1963 c 124 § 50.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.830 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68.
[1963 c 124 § 51.] Repealed by 1981 c 297 § 42.
[1963 c 124 § 53.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.840 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 68.
[1963 c 124 § 54.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.870 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 71.
[1983 c 305 § 55; 1979 ex.s. c 238 § 22; 1963 c 124 § 55.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.880 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 72.
[1963 c 124 § 58.] Recodified as RCW 22.09.890 pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 73.
[1983 c 305 § 38; 1979 ex.s. c 238 § 18; 1963 c 124 § 21. Formerly RCW 22.09.210.] Repealed by 1989 c 354 § 61.
[1963 c 124 § 61.] Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.
Cross-reference section, decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.
[1963 c 124 § 62.] Decodified pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 74.
[1981 c 297 § 42.] Decodified pursuant to 1983 c 305 § 74.