Chapter 58.17 RCW



HTMLPDF 58.17.010Purpose.
HTMLPDF 58.17.020Definitions.
HTMLPDF 58.17.030Subdivisions to comply with chapter, local regulations.
HTMLPDF 58.17.033Proposed division of landConsideration of application for preliminary plat or short plat approvalRequirements defined by local ordinance.
HTMLPDF 58.17.035Alternative method of land divisionBinding site plans.
HTMLPDF 58.17.040Chapter inapplicable, when.
HTMLPDF 58.17.050Assessors platCompliance.
HTMLPDF 58.17.060Short plats and short subdivisionsSummary approvalRegulationsRequirements.
HTMLPDF 58.17.065Short plats and short subdivisionsFiling.
HTMLPDF 58.17.070Preliminary plat of subdivisions and dedicationsSubmission for approvalProcedure.
HTMLPDF 58.17.080Filing of preliminary platNotice.
HTMLPDF 58.17.090Notice of public hearing.
HTMLPDF 58.17.092Public noticeIdentification of affected property.
HTMLPDF 58.17.095Ordinance may authorize administrative review of preliminary plat without public hearing.
HTMLPDF 58.17.100Review of preliminary plats by planning commission or agencyRecommendationChange by legislative bodyProcedureApproval.
HTMLPDF 58.17.110Approval or disapproval of subdivision and dedicationFactors to be consideredConditions for approvalFindingRelease from damages.
HTMLPDF 58.17.120Disapproval due to flood, inundation or swamp conditionsImprovementsApproval conditions.
HTMLPDF 58.17.130Bond in lieu of actual construction of improvements prior to approval of final platBond or security to assure successful operation of improvements.
HTMLPDF 58.17.140Time limitation for approval or disapproval of platsExtensions.
HTMLPDF 58.17.150Recommendations of certain agencies to accompany plats submitted for final approval.
HTMLPDF 58.17.155Short subdivision adjacent to state highwayNotice to department of transportation.
HTMLPDF 58.17.160Requirements for each plat or replat filed for record.
HTMLPDF 58.17.165Certificate giving description and statement of owners must accompany final platDedication, certificate requirements if plat containsWaiver.
HTMLPDF 58.17.170Written approval of subdivisionOriginal of final plat to be filedCopiesPeriods of validity, governance.
HTMLPDF 58.17.180Review of decision.
HTMLPDF 58.17.190Approval of plat required before filingProcedure when unapproved plat filed.
HTMLPDF 58.17.195Approval of plat or short platWritten finding of conformity with applicable land use controls.
HTMLPDF 58.17.200Injunctive action to restrain subdivision, sale, transfer of land where final plat not filed.
HTMLPDF 58.17.205Agreements to transfer land conditioned on final plat approvalAuthorized.
HTMLPDF 58.17.210Building, septic tank or other development permits not to be issued for land divided in violation of chapter or regulationsExceptionsDamagesRescission by purchaser.
HTMLPDF 58.17.212Vacation of subdivisionProcedure.
HTMLPDF 58.17.215Alteration of subdivisionProcedure.
HTMLPDF 58.17.217Alteration or vacation of subdivisionConduct of hearing.
HTMLPDF 58.17.218Alteration of subdivisionEasements by dedication.
HTMLPDF 58.17.220Violation of court order or injunctionPenalty.
HTMLPDF 58.17.225Easement over public open spaceMay be exempt from RCW 58.17.215HearingNotice.
HTMLPDF 58.17.230Assurance of discontinuance of violations.
HTMLPDF 58.17.240Permanent control monuments.
HTMLPDF 58.17.250Survey of subdivision and preparation of plat.
HTMLPDF 58.17.255Survey discrepancyDisclosure.
HTMLPDF 58.17.260Joint committeeMembersRecommendations for surveys, monumentation and plat drawings.
HTMLPDF 58.17.275Proposals to adopt, amend, or repeal local ordinancesAdvance notice.
HTMLPDF 58.17.280Naming and numbering of short subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks.
HTMLPDF 58.17.290Copy of plat as evidence.
HTMLPDF 58.17.300ViolationsPenalties.
HTMLPDF 58.17.310Application for approval of plat within irrigation districtApproval without provision for irrigation prohibited.
HTMLPDF 58.17.320Compliance with chapter and local regulationsEnforcement.
HTMLPDF 58.17.330Hearing examiner systemAdoption authorizedProceduresDecisions.
HTMLPDF 58.17.900Validation of existing ordinances and resolutions.
HTMLPDF 58.17.920Effective date and application of 1974 ex.s. c 134.


Fees for filing subdivision plats and short plats: RCW 58.24.070.


The legislature finds that the process by which land is divided is a matter of state concern and should be administered in a uniform manner by cities, towns, and counties throughout the state. The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the subdivision of land and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare in accordance with standards established by the state to prevent the overcrowding of land; to lessen congestion in the streets and highways; to promote effective use of land; to promote safe and convenient travel by the public on streets and highways; to provide for adequate light and air; to facilitate adequate provision for water, sewerage, parks and recreation areas, sites for schools and schoolgrounds and other public requirements; to provide for proper ingress and egress; to provide for the expeditious review and approval of proposed subdivisions which conform to zoning standards and local plans and policies; to adequately provide for the housing and commercial needs of the citizens of the state; and to require uniform monumenting of land subdivisions and conveyancing by accurate legal description.


Reviser's note: Throughout this chapter, the phrase "this act" has been changed to "this chapter." "This act" [1969 ex.s. c 271] also consists of amendments to RCW 58.08.040 and 58.24.040 and the repeal of RCW 58.16.010 through 58.16.110.
Severability1981 c 293: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1981 c 293 s 16.]


As used in this chapter, unless the context or subject matter clearly requires otherwise, the words or phrases defined in this section shall have the indicated meanings.
(1) "Subdivision" is the division or redivision of land into five or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership, except as provided in subsection (6) of this section.
(2) "Plat" is a map or representation of a subdivision, showing thereon the division of a tract or parcel of land into lots, blocks, streets and alleys, or other divisions and dedications.
(3) "Dedication" is the deliberate appropriation of land by an owner for any general and public uses, reserving to himself or herself no other rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public uses to which the property has been devoted. The intention to dedicate shall be evidenced by the owner by the presentment for filing of a final plat or short plat showing the dedication thereon; and, the acceptance by the public shall be evidenced by the approval of such plat for filing by the appropriate governmental unit.
A dedication of an area of less than two acres for use as a public park may include a designation of a name for the park, in honor of a deceased individual of good character.
(4) "Preliminary plat" is a neat and approximate drawing of a proposed subdivision showing the general layout of streets and alleys, lots, blocks, and other elements of a subdivision consistent with the requirements of this chapter. The preliminary plat shall be the basis for the approval or disapproval of the general layout of a subdivision.
(5) "Final plat" is the final drawing of the subdivision and dedication prepared for filing for record with the county auditor and containing all elements and requirements set forth in this chapter and in local regulations adopted under this chapter.
(6) "Short subdivision" is the division or redivision of land into four or fewer lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions for the purpose of sale, lease, or transfer of ownership. However, the legislative authority of any city or town may by local ordinance increase the number of lots, tracts, or parcels to be regulated as short subdivisions to a maximum of nine. The legislative authority of any county planning under RCW 36.70A.040 that has adopted a comprehensive plan and development regulations in compliance with chapter 36.70A RCW may by ordinance increase the number of lots, tracts, or parcels to be regulated as short subdivisions to a maximum of nine in any urban growth area.
(7) "Binding site plan" means a drawing to a scale specified by local ordinance which: (a) Identifies and shows the areas and locations of all streets, roads, improvements, utilities, open spaces, and any other matters specified by local regulations; (b) contains inscriptions or attachments setting forth such appropriate limitations and conditions for the use of the land as are established by the local government body having authority to approve the site plan; and (c) contains provisions making any development be in conformity with the site plan.
(8) "Short plat" is the map or representation of a short subdivision.
(9) "Lot" is a fractional part of divided lands having fixed boundaries, being of sufficient area and dimension to meet minimum zoning requirements for width and area. The term shall include tracts or parcels.
(10) "Block" is a group of lots, tracts, or parcels within well defined and fixed boundaries.
(11) "County treasurer" shall be as defined in chapter 36.29 RCW or the office or person assigned such duties under a county charter.
(12) "County auditor" shall be as defined in chapter 36.22 RCW or the office or person assigned such duties under a county charter.
(13) "County road engineer" shall be as defined in chapter 36.40 RCW or the office or person assigned such duties under a county charter.
(14) "Planning commission" means that body as defined in chapter 36.70, 35.63, or 35A.63 RCW as designated by the legislative body to perform a planning function or that body assigned such duties and responsibilities under a city or county charter.
(15) "County commissioner" shall be as defined in chapter 36.32 RCW or the body assigned such duties under a county charter.


Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.
Camping resort contractsNonapplicability of certain laws toResort not subdivision except under city, county powers: RCW 19.105.510.

Subdivisions to comply with chapter, local regulations.

Every subdivision shall comply with the provisions of this chapter. Every short subdivision as defined in this chapter shall comply with the provisions of any local regulation adopted pursuant to RCW 58.17.060.

Proposed division of landConsideration of application for preliminary plat or short plat approvalRequirements defined by local ordinance.

(1) A proposed division of land, as defined in RCW 58.17.020, shall be considered under the subdivision or short subdivision ordinance, and zoning or other land use control ordinances, in effect on the land at the time a fully completed application for preliminary plat approval of the subdivision, or short plat approval of the short subdivision, has been submitted to the appropriate county, city, or town official.
(2) The requirements for a fully completed application shall be defined by local ordinance.
(3) The limitations imposed by this section shall not restrict conditions imposed under chapter 43.21C RCW.

Alternative method of land divisionBinding site plans.

A city, town, or county may adopt by ordinance procedures for the divisions of land by use of a binding site plan as an alternative to the procedures required by this chapter. The ordinance shall be limited and only apply to one or more of the following: (1) The use of a binding site plan to divisions for sale or lease of commercially or industrially zoned property as provided in RCW 58.17.040(4); (2) divisions of property for lease as provided for in RCW 58.17.040(5); and (3) divisions of property as provided for in RCW 58.17.040(7). Such ordinance may apply the same or different requirements and procedures to each of the three types of divisions and shall provide for the alteration or vacation of the binding site plan, and may provide for the administrative approval of the binding site plan.
The ordinance shall provide that after approval of the general binding site plan for industrial or commercial divisions subject to a binding site plan, the approval for improvements and finalization of specific individual commercial or industrial lots shall be done by administrative approval.
The binding site plan, after approval, and/or when specific lots are administratively approved, shall be filed with the county auditor with a record of survey. Lots, parcels, or tracts created through the binding site plan procedure shall be legal lots of record. The number of lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions shall not exceed the number of lots allowed by the local zoning ordinances.
All provisions, conditions, and requirements of the binding site plan shall be legally enforceable on the purchaser or any other person acquiring a lease or other ownership interest of any lot, parcel, or tract created pursuant to the binding site plan.
Any sale, transfer, or lease of any lot, tract, or parcel created pursuant to the binding site plan, that does not conform to the requirements of the binding site plan or without binding site plan approval, shall be considered a violation of chapter 58.17 RCW and shall be restrained by injunctive action and be illegal as provided in chapter 58.17 RCW.

Chapter inapplicable, when. (Effective until January 1, 2028.)

The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
(1) Cemeteries and other burial plots while used for that purpose;
(2) Divisions of land into lots or tracts each of which is one-one hundred twenty-eighth of a section of land or larger, or five acres or larger if the land is not capable of description as a fraction of a section of land, unless the governing authority of the city, town, or county in which the land is situated shall have adopted a subdivision ordinance requiring plat approval of such divisions: PROVIDED, That for purposes of computing the size of any lot under this item which borders on a street or road, the lot size shall be expanded to include that area which would be bounded by the center line of the road or street and the side lot lines of the lot running perpendicular to such center line;
(3) Divisions made by testamentary provisions, or the laws of descent;
(4) Divisions of land into lots or tracts classified for industrial or commercial use when the city, town, or county has approved a binding site plan for the use of the land in accordance with local regulations;
(5) A division for the purpose of lease when no residential structure other than mobile homes, tiny houses or tiny houses with wheels as defined in RCW 35.21.686, or travel trailers are permitted to be placed upon the land when the city, town, or county has approved a binding site plan for the use of the land in accordance with local regulations;
(6) A division made for the purpose of alteration by adjusting boundary lines, between platted or unplatted lots or both, which does not create any additional lot, tract, parcel, site, or division nor create any lot, tract, parcel, site, or division which contains insufficient area and dimension to meet minimum requirements for width and area for a building site;
(7) Divisions of land into lots or tracts if: (a) Such division is the result of subjecting a portion of a parcel or tract of land to either *chapter 64.32 or 64.34 RCW subsequent to the recording of a binding site plan for all such land; (b) the improvements constructed or to be constructed thereon are required by the provisions of the binding site plan to be included in one or more condominiums or owned by an association or other legal entity in which the owners of units therein or their owners' associations have a membership or other legal or beneficial interest; (c) a city, town, or county has approved the binding site plan for all such land; (d) such approved binding site plan is recorded in the county or counties in which such land is located; and (e) the binding site plan contains thereon the following statement: "All development and use of the land described herein shall be in accordance with this binding site plan, as it may be amended with the approval of the city, town, or county having jurisdiction over the development of such land, and in accordance with such other governmental permits, approvals, regulations, requirements, and restrictions that may be imposed upon such land and the development and use thereof. Upon completion, the improvements on the land shall be included in one or more condominiums or owned by an association or other legal entity in which the owners of units therein or their owners' associations have a membership or other legal or beneficial interest. This binding site plan shall be binding upon all now or hereafter having any interest in the land described herein." The binding site plan may, but need not, depict or describe the boundaries of the lots or tracts resulting from subjecting a portion of the land to either *chapter 64.32 or 64.34 RCW. A site plan shall be deemed to have been approved if the site plan was approved by a city, town, or county: (i) In connection with the final approval of a subdivision plat or planned unit development with respect to all of such land; or (ii) in connection with the issuance of building permits or final certificates of occupancy with respect to all of such land; or (iii) if not approved pursuant to (i) and (ii) of this subsection (7)(e), then pursuant to such other procedures as such city, town, or county may have established for the approval of a binding site plan;
(8) A division for the purpose of leasing land for facilities providing personal wireless services while used for that purpose. "Personal wireless services" means any federally licensed personal wireless service. "Facilities" means unstaffed facilities that are used for the transmission or reception, or both, of wireless communication services including, but not necessarily limited to, antenna arrays, transmission cables, equipment shelters, and support structures;
(9) A division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with chapter 58.09 RCW and is used or to be used for the purpose of establishing a site for construction and operation of consumer-owned or investor-owned electric utility facilities. For purposes of this subsection, "electric utility facilities" means unstaffed facilities, except for the presence of security personnel, that are used for or in connection with or to facilitate the transmission, distribution, sale, or furnishing of electricity including, but not limited to, electric power substations. This subsection does not exempt a division of land from the zoning and permitting laws and regulations of cities, towns, counties, and municipal corporations. Furthermore, this subsection only applies to electric utility facilities that will be placed into service to meet the electrical needs of a utility's existing and new customers. New customers are defined as electric service locations not already in existence as of the date that electric utility facilities subject to the provisions of this subsection are planned and constructed; and
(10) A division of land into lots or tracts of less than two acres that is recorded in accordance with chapter 58.09 RCW and is used or to be used for the purpose of establishing a site for construction and operation of a rural fire district station, provided the proposed lots or tracts contain sufficient area and dimensions to meet minimum building site width and area requirements, and appropriate provisions are made for potable water supplies and sanitary wastes.


*Reviser's note: Chapters 64.32 and 64.34 RCW were repealed by 2024 c 321 ss 501 and 502, effective January 1, 2028.
FindingsIntent2024 c 190: "The legislature finds that fire protection is a critical component in maximizing fire preparedness and response in rural and suburban areas of the state that are living with increasing fire danger. Even though this year was not characterized by excessive forest fires, the fires that did happen were devastating. The legislature finds that areas with existing communities that oftentimes include rural school districts and fire districts need the ability to increase fire preparedness and response times. The experiences of the last few years have shown that rapid response is highly effective in reducing the destruction of wildfires. The legislature intends to be a partner with these communities in maximizing fire protection by enabling existing fire districts to expand their services." [ 2024 c 190 s 1.]
Finding2019 c 352: "Tiny houses have become a trend across the nation to address the shortage of affordable housing. As tiny houses become more acceptable, the legislature finds that it is important to create space in the code for the regulation of tiny house siting. Individual cities and counties may allow tiny houses with wheels to be collected together as tiny house villages using the binding site plan method articulated in chapter 58.17 RCW.
The legislature recognizes that the International Code Council in 2018 has issued tiny house building code standards in Appendix Q of the International Residential Code, which can provide a basis for the standards requested within this act." [ 2019 c 352 s 1.]
Effective date1989 c 43: See RCW 64.34.930.
Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Chapter inapplicable, when. (Effective January 1, 2028.)

The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
(1) Cemeteries and other burial plots while used for that purpose;
(2) Divisions of land into lots or tracts each of which is one-one hundred twenty-eighth of a section of land or larger, or five acres or larger if the land is not capable of description as a fraction of a section of land, unless the governing authority of the city, town, or county in which the land is situated shall have adopted a subdivision ordinance requiring plat approval of such divisions: PROVIDED, That for purposes of computing the size of any lot under this item which borders on a street or road, the lot size shall be expanded to include that area which would be bounded by the center line of the road or street and the side lot lines of the lot running perpendicular to such center line;
(3) Divisions made by testamentary provisions, or the laws of descent;
(4) Divisions of land into lots or tracts classified for industrial or commercial use when the city, town, or county has approved a binding site plan for the use of the land in accordance with local regulations;
(5) A division for the purpose of lease when no residential structure other than mobile homes, tiny houses or tiny houses with wheels as defined in RCW 35.21.686, or travel trailers are permitted to be placed upon the land when the city, town, or county has approved a binding site plan for the use of the land in accordance with local regulations;
(6) A division made for the purpose of alteration by adjusting boundary lines, between platted or unplatted lots or both, which does not create any additional lot, tract, parcel, site, or division nor create any lot, tract, parcel, site, or division which contains insufficient area and dimension to meet minimum requirements for width and area for a building site;
(7) Divisions of land into lots or tracts if: (a) Such division is the result of subjecting a portion of a parcel or tract of land to chapter 64.90 RCW subsequent to the recording of a binding site plan for all such land; (b) the improvements constructed or to be constructed thereon are required by the provisions of the binding site plan to be included in one or more condominiums, cooperatives, or owned by an association or other legal entity in which the owners of units therein or their owners associations have a membership or other legal or beneficial interest; (c) a city, town, or county has approved the binding site plan for all such land; (d) such approved binding site plan is recorded in the county or counties in which such land is located; and (e) the binding site plan contains thereon the following statement: "All development and use of the land described herein shall be in accordance with this binding site plan, as it may be amended with the approval of the city, town, or county having jurisdiction over the development of such land, and in accordance with such other governmental permits, approvals, regulations, requirements, and restrictions that may be imposed upon such land and the development and use thereof. Upon completion, the improvements on the land shall be included in one or more condominiums, cooperatives, or owned by an association or other legal entity in which the owners of units therein or their owners associations have a membership or other legal or beneficial interest. This binding site plan shall be binding upon all now or hereafter having any interest in the land described herein." The binding site plan may, but need not, depict or describe the boundaries of the lots or tracts resulting from subjecting a portion of the land to chapter 64.90 RCW. A site plan shall be deemed to have been approved if the site plan was approved by a city, town, or county: (i) In connection with the final approval of a subdivision plat or planned unit development with respect to all of such land; or (ii) in connection with the issuance of building permits or final certificates of occupancy with respect to all of such land; or (iii) if not approved pursuant to (i) and (ii) of this subsection (7)(e), then pursuant to such other procedures as such city, town, or county may have established for the approval of a binding site plan;
(8) A division for the purpose of leasing land for facilities providing personal wireless services while used for that purpose. "Personal wireless services" means any federally licensed personal wireless service. "Facilities" means unstaffed facilities that are used for the transmission or reception, or both, of wireless communication services including, but not necessarily limited to, antenna arrays, transmission cables, equipment shelters, and support structures;
(9) A division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with chapter 58.09 RCW and is used or to be used for the purpose of establishing a site for construction and operation of consumer-owned or investor-owned electric utility facilities. For purposes of this subsection, "electric utility facilities" means unstaffed facilities, except for the presence of security personnel, that are used for or in connection with or to facilitate the transmission, distribution, sale, or furnishing of electricity including, but not limited to, electric power substations. This subsection does not exempt a division of land from the zoning and permitting laws and regulations of cities, towns, counties, and municipal corporations. Furthermore, this subsection only applies to electric utility facilities that will be placed into service to meet the electrical needs of a utility's existing and new customers. New customers are defined as electric service locations not already in existence as of the date that electric utility facilities subject to the provisions of this subsection are planned and constructed; and
(10) A division of land into lots or tracts of less than two acres that is recorded in accordance with chapter 58.09 RCW and is used or to be used for the purpose of establishing a site for construction and operation of a rural fire district station, provided the proposed lots or tracts contain sufficient area and dimensions to meet minimum building site width and area requirements, and appropriate provisions are made for potable water supplies and sanitary wastes.


Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2024 c 190 s 2 and by 2024 c 321 s 407, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
Effective dates2024 c 321 ss 319 and 401-432: See note following RCW 64.90.485.
FindingsIntent2024 c 190: "The legislature finds that fire protection is a critical component in maximizing fire preparedness and response in rural and suburban areas of the state that are living with increasing fire danger. Even though this year was not characterized by excessive forest fires, the fires that did happen were devastating. The legislature finds that areas with existing communities that oftentimes include rural school districts and fire districts need the ability to increase fire preparedness and response times. The experiences of the last few years have shown that rapid response is highly effective in reducing the destruction of wildfires. The legislature intends to be a partner with these communities in maximizing fire protection by enabling existing fire districts to expand their services." [ 2024 c 190 s 1.]
Finding2019 c 352: "Tiny houses have become a trend across the nation to address the shortage of affordable housing. As tiny houses become more acceptable, the legislature finds that it is important to create space in the code for the regulation of tiny house siting. Individual cities and counties may allow tiny houses with wheels to be collected together as tiny house villages using the binding site plan method articulated in chapter 58.17 RCW.
The legislature recognizes that the International Code Council in 2018 has issued tiny house building code standards in Appendix Q of the International Residential Code, which can provide a basis for the standards requested within this act." [ 2019 c 352 s 1.]
Effective date1989 c 43: See RCW 64.34.930.
Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Assessors platCompliance.

An assessors plat made in accordance with RCW 58.18.010 need not comply with any of the requirements of this chapter except RCW 58.17.240 and 58.17.250.

Short plats and short subdivisionsSummary approvalRegulationsRequirements.

(1) The legislative body of a city, town, or county shall adopt regulations and procedures, and appoint administrative personnel for the summary approval of short plats and short subdivisions or alteration or vacation thereof. When an alteration or vacation involves a public dedication, the alteration or vacation shall be processed as provided in RCW 58.17.212 or 58.17.215. Such regulations shall be adopted by ordinance and shall provide that a short plat and short subdivision may be approved only if written findings that are appropriate, as provided in RCW 58.17.110, are made by the administrative personnel, and may contain wholly different requirements than those governing the approval of preliminary and final plats of subdivisions and may require surveys and monumentations and shall require filing of a short plat, or alteration or vacation thereof, for record in the office of the county auditor: PROVIDED, That such regulations must contain a requirement that land in short subdivisions may not be further divided in any manner within a period of five years without the filing of a final plat, except that when the short plat contains fewer than four parcels, nothing in this section shall prevent the owner who filed the short plat from filing an alteration within the five-year period to create up to a total of four lots within the original short plat boundaries: PROVIDED FURTHER, That such regulations are not required to contain a penalty clause as provided in RCW 36.32.120 and may provide for wholly injunctive relief.
An ordinance requiring a survey shall require that the survey be completed and filed with the application for approval of the short subdivision.
(2) Cities, towns, and counties shall include in their short plat regulations and procedures pursuant to subsection (1) of this section provisions for considering sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school.
(3) All cities, towns, and counties shall include in their short plat regulations procedures for unit lot subdivisions allowing division of a parent lot into separately owned unit lots. Portions of the parent lot not subdivided for individual unit lots shall be owned in common by the owners of the individual unit lots, or by a homeowners' association comprised of the owners of the individual unit lots.


SeverabilityPart, section headings not law1990 1st ex.s. c 17: See RCW 36.70A.900 and 36.70A.901.

Short plats and short subdivisionsFiling.

Each short plat and short subdivision granted pursuant to local regulations after July 1, 1974, shall be filed with the county auditor and shall not be deemed "approved" until so filed.

Preliminary plat of subdivisions and dedicationsSubmission for approvalProcedure.

A preliminary plat of proposed subdivisions and dedications of land shall be submitted for approval to the legislative body of the city, town, or county within which the plat is situated.
Unless an applicant for preliminary plat approval requests otherwise, a preliminary plat shall be processed simultaneously with applications for rezones, variances, planned unit developments, site plan approvals, and similar quasi-judicial or administrative actions to the extent that procedural requirements applicable to these actions permit simultaneous processing.


Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Filing of preliminary platNotice.

Notice of the filing of a preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision adjacent to or within one mile of the municipal boundaries of a city or town, or which contemplates the use of any city or town utilities shall be given to the appropriate city or town authorities. Any notice required by this chapter shall include the hour and location of the hearing and a description of the property to be platted. Notice of the filing of a preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision located in a city or town and adjoining the municipal boundaries thereof shall be given to appropriate county officials. Notice of the filing of a preliminary plat of a proposed subdivision located adjacent to the right-of-way of a state highway or within two miles of the boundary of a state or municipal airport shall be given to the secretary of transportation. In the case of notification to the secretary of transportation, the secretary shall respond to the notifying authority within fifteen days of such notice as to the effect that the proposed subdivision will have on the state highway or the state or municipal airport.

Notice of public hearing.

(1) Upon receipt of an application for preliminary plat approval the administrative officer charged by ordinance with responsibility for administration of regulations pertaining to platting and subdivisions shall provide public notice and set a date for a public hearing. Except as provided in RCW 36.70B.110, at a minimum, notice of the hearing shall be given in the following manner:
(a) Notice shall be published not less than ten days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation within the county and a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the real property which is proposed to be subdivided is located; and
(b) Special notice of the hearing shall be given to adjacent landowners by any other reasonable method local authorities deem necessary. Adjacent landowners are the owners of real property, as shown by the records of the county assessor, located within three hundred feet of any portion of the boundary of the proposed subdivision. If the owner of the real property which is proposed to be subdivided owns another parcel or parcels of real property which lie adjacent to the real property proposed to be subdivided, notice under this subsection (1)(b) shall be given to owners of real property located within three hundred feet of any portion of the boundaries of such adjacently located parcels of real property owned by the owner of the real property proposed to be subdivided.
(2) All hearings shall be public. All hearing notices shall include a description of the location of the proposed subdivision. The description may be in the form of either a vicinity location sketch or a written description other than a legal description.


FindingSeverabilityPart headings and table of contents not law1995 c 347: See notes following RCW 36.70A.470.
Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Public noticeIdentification of affected property.

Any notice made under chapter 58.17 or 36.70B RCW that identifies affected property may identify this affected property without using a legal description of the property including, but not limited to, identification by an address, written description, vicinity sketch, or other reasonable means.


FindingSeverabilityPart headings and table of contents not law1995 c 347: See notes following RCW 36.70A.470.

Ordinance may authorize administrative review of preliminary plat without public hearing.

A county, city, or town may adopt an ordinance providing for the administrative review of a preliminary plat without a public hearing by adopting an ordinance providing for such administrative review. The ordinance may specify a threshold number of lots in a subdivision above which a public hearing must be held, and may specify other factors which necessitate the holding of a public hearing. The administrative review process shall include the following minimum conditions:
(1) The notice requirements of RCW 58.17.090 shall be followed, except that the publication shall be made within ten days of the filing of the application. Additionally, at least ten days after the filing of the application notice both shall be: (a) Posted on or around the land proposed to be subdivided in at least five conspicuous places designed to attract public awareness of the proposal; and (b) mailed to the owner of each lot or parcel of property located within at least three hundred feet of the site. The applicant shall provide the county, city, or town with a list of such property owners and their addresses. The notice shall include notification that no public hearing will be held on the application, except as provided by this section. The notice shall set out the procedures and time limitations for persons to require a public hearing and make comments.
(2) Any person shall have a period of twenty days from the date of the notice to comment upon the proposed preliminary plat. All comments received shall be provided to the applicant. The applicant has seven days from receipt of the comments to respond thereto.
(3) A public hearing on the proposed subdivision shall be held if any person files a request for a hearing with the county, city, or town within twenty-one days of the publishing of such notice. If such a hearing is requested, notice requirements for the public hearing shall be in conformance with RCW 58.17.090, and the ninety-day period for approval or disapproval of the proposed subdivision provided for in RCW 58.17.140 shall commence with the date of the filing of the request for a public hearing. Any hearing ordered under this subsection shall be conducted by the planning commission or hearings officer as required by county or city ordinance.
(4) On its own initiative within twenty-one days of the filing of the request for approval of the subdivision, the governing body, or a designated employee or official, of the county, city, or town, shall be authorized to cause a public hearing to be held on the proposed subdivision within ninety days of the filing of the request for the subdivision.
(5) If the public hearing is waived as provided in this section, the planning commission or planning agency shall complete the review of the proposed preliminary plat and transmit its recommendation to the legislative body as provided in RCW 58.17.100.


Applicability1986 c 233: "This act does not affect the provisions of RCW 82.02.020." [ 1986 c 233 s 3.]

Review of preliminary plats by planning commission or agencyRecommendationChange by legislative bodyProcedureApproval.

If a city, town or county has established a planning commission or planning agency in accordance with state law or local charter, such commission or agency shall review all preliminary plats and make recommendations thereon to the city, town or county legislative body to assure conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the comprehensive plan and to planning standards and specifications as adopted by the city, town or county. Reports of the planning commission or agency shall be advisory only: PROVIDED, That the legislative body of the city, town or county may, by ordinance, assign to such commission or agency, or any department official or group of officials, such administrative functions, powers and duties as may be appropriate, including the holding of hearings, and recommendations for approval or disapproval of preliminary plats of proposed subdivisions.
Such recommendation shall be submitted to the legislative body not later than fourteen days following action by the hearing body. Upon receipt of the recommendation on any preliminary plat the legislative body shall at its next public meeting set the date for the public meeting where it shall consider the recommendations of the hearing body and may adopt or reject the recommendations of such hearing body based on the record established at the public hearing. If, after considering the matter at a public meeting, the legislative body deems a change in the planning commission's or planning agency's recommendation approving or disapproving any preliminary plat is necessary, the legislative body shall adopt its own recommendations and approve or disapprove the preliminary plat.
Every decision or recommendation made under this section shall be in writing and shall include findings of fact and conclusions to support the decision or recommendation.
A record of all public meetings and public hearings shall be kept by the appropriate city, town or county authority and shall be open to public inspection.
Sole authority to adopt or amend platting ordinances shall reside in the legislative bodies. The legislative authorities of cities, towns, and counties may by ordinance delegate final plat approval to an established planning commission or agency, or to such other administrative personnel in accordance with state law or local charter.


FindingSeverabilityPart headings and table of contents not law1995 c 347: See notes following RCW 36.70A.470.
Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Approval or disapproval of subdivision and dedicationFactors to be consideredConditions for approvalFindingRelease from damages.

(1) The city, town, or county legislative body shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication. It shall determine: (a) If appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) whether the public interest will be served by the subdivision and dedication.
(2) A proposed subdivision and dedication shall not be approved unless the city, town, or county legislative body makes written findings that: (a) Appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and schoolgrounds and all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school; and (b) the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision and dedication. If it finds that the proposed subdivision and dedication make such appropriate provisions and that the public use and interest will be served, then the legislative body shall approve the proposed subdivision and dedication. Dedication of land to any public body, provision of public improvements to serve the subdivision, and/or impact fees imposed under RCW 82.02.050 through 82.02.090 may be required as a condition of subdivision approval. Dedications shall be clearly shown on the final plat. No dedication, provision of public improvements, or impact fees imposed under RCW 82.02.050 through 82.02.090 shall be allowed that constitutes an unconstitutional taking of private property. The legislative body shall not as a condition to the approval of any subdivision require a release from damages to be procured from other property owners.
(3) If the preliminary plat includes a dedication of a public park with an area of less than two acres and the donor has designated that the park be named in honor of a deceased individual of good character, the city, town, or county legislative body must adopt the designated name.
(4) If water supply is to be provided by a groundwater withdrawal exempt from permitting under RCW 90.44.050, the applicant's compliance with RCW 90.44.050 and with applicable rules adopted pursuant to chapters 90.22 and 90.54 RCW is sufficient in determining appropriate provisions for water supply for a subdivision, dedication, or short subdivision under this chapter.


Intent2018 c 1: See note following RCW 90.94.010.
Effective date2018 c 1: See RCW 90.94.900.
SeverabilityPart, section headings not law1990 1st ex.s. c 17: See RCW 36.70A.900 and 36.70A.901.

Disapproval due to flood, inundation or swamp conditionsImprovementsApproval conditions.

The city, town, or county legislative body shall consider the physical characteristics of a proposed subdivision site and may disapprove a proposed plat because of flood, inundation, or swamp conditions. Construction of protective improvements may be required as a condition of approval, and such improvements shall be noted on the final plat.
No plat shall be approved by any city, town, or county legislative authority covering any land situated in a flood control zone as provided in chapter 86.16 RCW without the prior written approval of the department of ecology of the state of Washington.

Bond in lieu of actual construction of improvements prior to approval of final platBond or security to assure successful operation of improvements.

Local regulations shall provide that in lieu of the completion of the actual construction of any required improvements prior to the approval of a final plat, the city, town, or county legislative body may accept a bond, in an amount and with surety and conditions satisfactory to it, or other secure method, providing for and securing to the municipality the actual construction and installation of such improvements within a period specified by the city, town, or county legislative body and expressed in the bonds. In addition, local regulations may provide for methods of security, including the posting of a bond securing to the municipality the successful operation of improvements for an appropriate period of time up to two years after final approval. The municipality is hereby granted the power to enforce bonds authorized under this section by all appropriate legal and equitable remedies. Such local regulations may provide that the improvements such as structures, sewers, and water systems shall be designed and certified by or under the supervision of a registered civil engineer prior to the acceptance of such improvements.

Time limitation for approval or disapproval of platsExtensions.

(1) Preliminary plats of any proposed subdivision and dedication shall be approved, disapproved, or returned to the applicant for modification or correction within ninety days from date of filing thereof unless the applicant consents to an extension of such time period or the ninety day limitation is extended to include up to twenty-one days as specified under RCW 58.17.095(3): PROVIDED, That if an environmental impact statement is required as provided in RCW 43.21C.030, the ninety day period shall not include the time spent preparing and circulating the environmental impact statement by the local government agency.
(2) Final plats and short plats shall be approved, disapproved, or returned to the applicant within thirty days from the date of filing thereof, unless the applicant consents to an extension of such time period.
(3)(a) Except as provided by (b) of this subsection, a final plat meeting all requirements of this chapter shall be submitted to the legislative body of the city, town, or county for approval within seven years of the date of preliminary plat approval if the date of preliminary plat approval is on or before December 31, 2014, and within five years of the date of preliminary plat approval if the date of preliminary plat approval is on or after January 1, 2015.
(b) A final plat meeting all requirements of this chapter shall be submitted to the legislative body of the city, town, or county for approval within ten years of the date of preliminary plat approval if the project is not subject to requirements adopted under chapter 90.58 RCW and the date of preliminary plat approval is on or before December 31, 2007.
(4) Nothing contained in this section shall act to prevent any city, town, or county from adopting by ordinance procedures which would allow extensions of time that may or may not contain additional or altered conditions and requirements.


Applicability1986 c 233: See note following RCW 58.17.095.
Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Recommendations of certain agencies to accompany plats submitted for final approval.

Each preliminary plat submitted for final approval of the legislative body shall be accompanied by the following agencies' recommendations for approval or disapproval:
(1) Local health department or other agency furnishing sewage disposal and supplying water as to the adequacy of the proposed means of sewage disposal and water supply;
(2) Local planning agency or commission, charged with the responsibility of reviewing plats and subdivisions, as to compliance with all terms of the preliminary approval of the proposed plat subdivision or dedication;
(3) City, town or county engineer.
Except as provided in RCW 58.17.140, an agency or person issuing a recommendation for subsequent approval under subsections (1) and (3) of this section shall not modify the terms of its recommendations without the consent of the applicant.


Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Short subdivision adjacent to state highwayNotice to department of transportation.

Whenever a city, town, or county receives an application for the approval of a short plat of a short subdivision that is located adjacent to the right-of-way of a state highway, the responsible administrator shall give written notice of the application, including a legal description of the short subdivision and a location map, to the department of transportation. The department shall, within fourteen days after receiving the notice, submit to the responsible administrator who furnished the notice a statement with any information that the department deems to be relevant about the effect of the proposed short subdivision upon the legal access to the state highway, the traffic carrying capacity of the state highway and the safety of the users of the state highway.

Requirements for each plat or replat filed for record.

Each and every plat, or replat, of any property filed for record shall:
(1) Contain a statement of approval from the city, town or county licensed road engineer or by a licensed engineer acting on behalf of the city, town or county as to the layout of streets, alleys and other rights-of-way, design of bridges, sewage and water systems, and other structures;
(2) Be accompanied by a complete survey of the section or sections in which the plat or replat is located made to surveying standards adopted by the division of engineering services of the department of natural resources pursuant to RCW 58.24.040.
(3) Be acknowledged by the person filing the plat before the auditor of the county in which the land is located, or any other officer who is authorized by law to take acknowledgment of deeds, and a certificate of said acknowledgment shall be enclosed or annexed to such plat and recorded therewith.
(4) Contain a certification from the proper officer or officers in charge of tax collections that all taxes and delinquent assessments for which the property may be liable as of the date of certification have been duly paid, satisfied or discharged.
No engineer who is connected in any way with the subdividing and platting of the land for which subdivision approval is sought, shall examine and approve such plats on behalf of any city, town or county.

Certificate giving description and statement of owners must accompany final platDedication, certificate requirements if plat containsWaiver.

Every final plat or short plat of a subdivision or short subdivision filed for record must contain a certificate giving a full and correct description of the lands divided as they appear on the plat or short plat, including a statement that the subdivision or short subdivision has been made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the owner or owners.
If the plat or short plat is subject to a dedication, the certificate or a separate written instrument shall contain the dedication of all streets and other areas to the public, and individual or individuals, religious society or societies or to any corporation, public or private as shown on the plat or short plat and a waiver of all claims for damages against any governmental authority which may be occasioned to the adjacent land by the established construction, drainage and maintenance of said road. Said certificate or instrument of dedication shall be signed and acknowledged before a notary public by all parties having any ownership interest in the lands subdivided and recorded as part of the final plat.
Every plat and short plat containing a dedication filed for record must be accompanied by a title report confirming that the title of the lands as described and shown on said plat is in the name of the owners signing the certificate or instrument of dedication.
An offer of dedication may include a waiver of right of direct access to any street from any property, and if the dedication is accepted, any such waiver is effective. Such waiver may be required by local authorities as a condition of approval. Roads not dedicated to the public must be clearly marked on the face of the plat. Any dedication, donation or grant as shown on the face of the plat shall be considered to all intents and purposes, as a quitclaim deed to the said donee or donees, grantee or grantees for his, her or their use for the purpose intended by the donors or grantors as aforesaid.


Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Written approval of subdivisionOriginal of final plat to be filedCopiesPeriods of validity, governance.

(1) When the legislative body of the city, town, or county, or such other agency as authorized by RCW 58.17.100, finds that the subdivision proposed for final plat approval conforms to all terms of the preliminary plat approval, and that said subdivision meets the requirements of this chapter, other applicable state laws, and any local ordinances adopted under this chapter which were in effect at the time of preliminary plat approval, it shall suitably inscribe and execute its written approval on the face of the plat. The original of said final plat shall be filed for record with the county auditor. One reproducible copy shall be furnished to the city, town, or county engineer. One paper copy shall be filed with the county assessor. Paper copies shall be provided to such other agencies as may be required by ordinance.
(2)(a) Except as provided by (b) of this subsection, any lots in a final plat filed for record shall be a valid land use notwithstanding any change in zoning laws for a period of seven years from the date of filing if the date of filing is on or before December 31, 2014, and for a period of five years from the date of filing if the date of filing is on or after January 1, 2015.
(b) Any lots in a final plat filed for record shall be a valid land use notwithstanding any change in zoning laws for a period of ten years from the date of filing if the project is not subject to requirements adopted under chapter 90.58 RCW and the date of filing is on or before December 31, 2007.
(3)(a) Except as provided by (b) of this subsection, a subdivision shall be governed by the terms of approval of the final plat, and the statutes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of approval under RCW 58.17.150 (1) and (3) for a period of seven years after final plat approval if the date of final plat approval is on or before December 31, 2014, and for a period of five years after final plat approval if the date of final plat approval is on or after January 1, 2015, unless the legislative body finds that a change in conditions creates a serious threat to the public health or safety in the subdivision.
(b) A subdivision shall be governed by the terms of approval of the final plat, and the statutes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of approval under RCW 58.17.150 (1) and (3) for a period of ten years after final plat approval if the project is not subject to requirements adopted under chapter 90.58 RCW and the date of final plat approval is on or before December 31, 2007, unless the legislative body finds that a change in conditions creates a serious threat to the public health or safety in the subdivision.


Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Review of decision.

Any decision approving or disapproving any plat shall be reviewable under chapter 36.70C RCW.


FindingSeverabilityPart headings and table of contents not law1995 c 347: See notes following RCW 36.70A.470.

Approval of plat required before filingProcedure when unapproved plat filed.

The county auditor shall refuse to accept any plat for filing until approval of the plat has been given by the appropriate legislative body, or such other agency as authorized by RCW 58.17.100. Should a plat or dedication be filed without such approval, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the plat is filed shall apply for a writ of mandate in the name of and on behalf of the legislative body required to approve same, directing the auditor and assessor to remove from their files or records the unapproved plat, or dedication of record.

Approval of plat or short platWritten finding of conformity with applicable land use controls.

No plat or short plat may be approved unless the city, town, or county makes a formal written finding of fact that the proposed subdivision or proposed short subdivision is in conformity with any applicable zoning ordinance or other land use controls which may exist.


Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Injunctive action to restrain subdivision, sale, transfer of land where final plat not filed.

Whenever any parcel of land is divided into five or more lots, tracts, or parcels of land and any person, firm or corporation or any agent of any of them sells or transfers, or offers or advertises for sale or transfer, any such lot, tract, or parcel without having a final plat of such subdivision filed for record, the prosecuting attorney shall commence an action to restrain and enjoin further subdivisions or sales, or transfers, or offers of sale or transfer and compel compliance with all provisions of this chapter. The costs of such action shall be taxed against the person, firm, corporation or agent selling or transferring the property.

Agreements to transfer land conditioned on final plat approvalAuthorized.

If performance of an offer or agreement to sell, lease, or otherwise transfer a lot, tract, or parcel of land following preliminary plat approval is expressly conditioned on the recording of the final plat containing the lot, tract, or parcel under this chapter, the offer or agreement is not subject to RCW 58.17.200 or 58.17.300 and does not violate any provision of this chapter. All payments on account of an offer or agreement conditioned as provided in this section shall be deposited in an escrow or other regulated trust account and no disbursement to sellers shall be permitted until the final plat is recorded.


Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Building, septic tank or other development permits not to be issued for land divided in violation of chapter or regulationsExceptionsDamagesRescission by purchaser.

No building permit, septic tank permit, or other development permit, shall be issued for any lot, tract, or parcel of land divided in violation of this chapter or local regulations adopted pursuant thereto unless the authority authorized to issue such permit finds that the public interest will not be adversely affected thereby. The prohibition contained in this section shall not apply to an innocent purchaser for value without actual notice. All purchasers' or transferees' property shall comply with provisions of this chapter and each purchaser or transferee may recover his or her damages from any person, firm, corporation, or agent selling or transferring land in violation of this chapter or local regulations adopted pursuant thereto, including any amount reasonably spent as a result of inability to obtain any development permit and spent to conform to the requirements of this chapter as well as cost of investigation, suit, and reasonable attorneys' fees occasioned thereby. Such purchaser or transferee may as an alternative to conforming his or her property to these requirements, rescind the sale or transfer and recover costs of investigation, suit, and reasonable attorneys' fees occasioned thereby.

Vacation of subdivisionProcedure.

Whenever any person is interested in the vacation of any subdivision or portion thereof, or any area designated or dedicated for public use, that person shall file an application for vacation with the legislative authority of the city, town, or county in which the subdivision is located. The application shall set forth the reasons for vacation and shall contain signatures of all parties having an ownership interest in that portion of the subdivision subject to vacation. If the subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants which were filed at the time of the approval of the subdivision, and the application for vacation would result in the violation of a covenant, the application shall contain an agreement signed by all parties subject to the covenants providing that the parties agree to terminate or alter the relevant covenants to accomplish the purpose of the vacation of the subdivision or portion thereof.
When the vacation application is specifically for a county road or city or town street, the procedures for road vacation or street vacation in chapter 36.87 or 35.79 RCW shall be utilized for the road or street vacation. When the application is for the vacation of the plat together with the roads and/or streets, the procedure for vacation in this section shall be used, but vacations of streets may not be made that are prohibited under *RCW 35.79.030, and vacations of roads may not be made that are prohibited under RCW 36.87.130.
The legislative authority of the city, town, or county shall give notice as provided in RCW 58.17.080 and 58.17.090 and shall conduct a public hearing on the application for a vacation and may approve or deny the application for vacation of the subdivision after determining the public use and interest to be served by the vacation of the subdivision. If any portion of the land contained in the subdivision was dedicated to the public for public use or benefit, such land, if not deeded to the city, town, or county, shall be deeded to the city, town, or county unless the legislative authority shall set forth findings that the public use would not be served in retaining title to those lands.
Title to the vacated property shall vest with the rightful owner as shown in the county records. If the vacated land is land that was dedicated to the public, for public use other than a road or street, and the legislative authority has found that retaining title to the land is not in the public interest, title thereto shall vest with the person or persons owning the property on each side thereof, as determined by the legislative authority. When the road or street that is to be vacated was contained wholly within the subdivision and is part of the boundary of the subdivision, title to the vacated road or street shall vest with the owner or owners of property contained within the vacated subdivision.
This section shall not be construed as applying to the vacation of any plat of state-granted tide or shore lands.


*Reviser's note: After amendment by 1987 c 228 s 1, RCW 35.79.030 no longer prohibited vacations of streets. Limitations on vacations of streets abutting bodies of water are now found in RCW 35.79.035.

Alteration of subdivisionProcedure.

When any person is interested in the alteration of any subdivision or the altering of any portion thereof, except as provided in RCW 58.17.040(6), that person shall submit an application to request the alteration to the legislative authority of the city, town, or county where the subdivision is located. The application shall contain the signatures of the majority of those persons having an ownership interest of lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions in the subject subdivision or portion to be altered. If the subdivision is subject to restrictive covenants which were filed at the time of the approval of the subdivision, and the application for alteration would result in the violation of a covenant, the application shall contain an agreement signed by all parties subject to the covenants providing that the parties agree to terminate or alter the relevant covenants to accomplish the purpose of the alteration of the subdivision or portion thereof.
Upon receipt of an application for alteration, the legislative body shall provide notice of the application to all owners of property within the subdivision, and as provided for in RCW 58.17.080 and 58.17.090. The notice shall either establish a date for a public hearing or provide that a hearing may be requested by a person receiving notice within fourteen days of receipt of the notice.
The legislative body shall determine the public use and interest in the proposed alteration and may deny or approve the application for alteration. If any land within the alteration is part of an assessment district, any outstanding assessments shall be equitably divided and levied against the remaining lots, parcels, or tracts, or be levied equitably on the lots resulting from the alteration. If any land within the alteration contains a dedication to the general use of persons residing within the subdivision, such land may be altered and divided equitably between the adjacent properties.
After approval of the alteration, the legislative body shall order the applicant to produce a revised drawing of the approved alteration of the final plat or short plat, which after signature of the legislative authority, shall be filed with the county auditor to become the lawful plat of the property.
This section shall not be construed as applying to the alteration or replatting of any plat of state-granted tide or shore lands.

Alteration or vacation of subdivisionConduct of hearing.

Any hearing required by RCW 58.17.212, 58.17.215, or 58.17.060 may be administered by a hearings examiner as provided in RCW 58.17.330.

Alteration of subdivisionEasements by dedication.

The alteration of a subdivision is subject to RCW 64.04.175.

Violation of court order or injunctionPenalty.

Any person who violates any court order or injunction issued pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to a fine of not more than five thousand dollars or imprisonment for not more than ninety days or both.

Easement over public open spaceMay be exempt from RCW 58.17.215HearingNotice.

The granting of an easement for ingress and egress or utilities over public property that is held as open space pursuant to a subdivision or plat, where the open space is already used as a utility right-of-way or corridor, where other access is not feasible, and where the granting of the easement will not impair public access or authorize construction of physical barriers of any type, may be authorized and exempted from the requirements of RCW 58.17.215 by the county, city, or town legislative authority following a public hearing with notice to the property owners in the affected plat.

Assurance of discontinuance of violations.

In the enforcement of this chapter, the prosecuting attorney may accept an assurance of discontinuance of any act or practice deemed in violation of this chapter from any person engaging in, or who has engaged in such act or practice. Any such assurance shall be in writing and be filed with and subject to the approval of the superior court of the county in which the alleged violation occurs. A violation of such assurance shall constitute prima facie proof of a violation of this chapter.

Permanent control monuments.

Except for subdivisions excluded under the provisions of RCW 58.17.040, as now or hereafter amended, permanent control monuments shall be established at each and every controlling corner on the boundaries of the parcel of land being subdivided. The local authority shall determine the number and location of permanent control monuments within the plat, if any.

Survey of subdivision and preparation of plat.

The survey of the proposed subdivision and preparation of the plat shall be made by or under the supervision of a registered land surveyor who shall certify on the plat that it is a true and correct representation of the lands actually surveyed.

Survey discrepancyDisclosure.

Whenever a survey of a proposed subdivision or short subdivision reveals a discrepancy, the discrepancy shall be noted on the face of the final plat or short plat. Any discrepancy shall be disclosed in a title report prepared by a title insurer and issued after the filing of the final plat or short plat. As used in this section, "discrepancy" means: (1) A boundary hiatus; (2) an overlapping boundary; or (3) a physical appurtenance, which indicates encroachment, lines of possession, or conflict of title.

Joint committeeMembersRecommendations for surveys, monumentation and plat drawings.

In order that there be a degree of uniformity of survey monumentation throughout the cities, towns and counties of the state of Washington, there is hereby created a joint committee composed of six members to be appointed as follows: The Washington state association of counties shall appoint two county road engineers; the association of Washington cities shall appoint two city engineers; the land surveyors association of Washington shall appoint one member; and the consulting engineers association of Washington shall appoint one member. The joint committee is directed to cooperate with the department of natural resources to establish recommendations pertaining to requirements of survey, monumentation and plat drawings for subdivisions and dedications throughout the state of Washington. The department of natural resources shall publish such recommendation.

Proposals to adopt, amend, or repeal local ordinancesAdvance notice.

All cities, towns, and counties shall establish procedures to provide reasonable advance notice of proposals to adopt, amend, or repeal local ordinances adopted in accordance with this chapter. These procedures shall include but not be limited to advance notice to individuals or organizations which have submitted requests for notice. Reasonable fees may be charged to defray the costs of providing notice.


Severability1981 c 293: See note following RCW 58.17.010.

Naming and numbering of short subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks.

Any city, town or county shall, by ordinance, regulate the procedure whereby short subdivisions, subdivisions, streets, lots and blocks are named and numbered. A lot numbering system and a house address system, however, shall be provided by the municipality for short subdivisions and subdivisions and must be clearly shown on the short plat or final plat at the time of approval.

Copy of plat as evidence.

A copy of any plat recorded in the manner provided in this chapter and certified by the county auditor of the county in which the same is recorded to be a true copy of such record and the whole thereof, shall be received in evidence in all the courts of this state, with like effect as the original.


Any person, firm, corporation, or association or any agent of any person, firm, corporation, or association who violates any provision of this chapter or any local regulations adopted pursuant thereto relating to the sale, offer for sale, lease, or transfer of any lot, tract or parcel of land, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor and each sale, offer for sale, lease or transfer of each separate lot, tract, or parcel of land in violation of any provision of this chapter or any local regulation adopted pursuant thereto, shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.

Application for approval of plat within irrigation districtApproval without provision for irrigation prohibited.

(1) Whenever a city, town, or county receives an application for the approval of a plat of a subdivision that lies in whole or in part in an irrigation district organized pursuant to chapter 87.03 RCW, the responsible administrator shall give written notice of the application, including a legal description of the short subdivision and a location map, to the irrigation district. The irrigation district shall, after receiving the notice, submit to the responsible administrator who furnished the notice a statement with any information or conditions for approval that the irrigation district deems to be necessary regarding the proposed division's effect upon the structural integrity, including lateral support, of the irrigation district facilities, other risk exposures, and the safety of the public and irrigation district.
(2) In addition to any other requirements imposed by the provisions of this chapter, the legislative authority of any city, town, or county shall not approve a short plat or final plat, as defined in RCW 58.17.020, for any subdivision, short subdivision, lot, tract, parcel, or site which lies in whole or in part in an irrigation district organized pursuant to chapter 87.03 RCW unless there has been provided an irrigation water right-of-way for each parcel of land in such district. In addition, if the subdivision, short subdivision, lot, tract, parcel, or site lies within land within the district classified as irrigable, completed irrigation water distribution facilities for such land may be required by the irrigation district by resolution, bylaw, or rule of general applicability as a condition for approval of the short plat or final plat by the legislative authority of the city, town, or county. Rights-of-way shall be evidenced by the respective plats submitted for final approval to the appropriate legislative authority. In addition, if the subdivision, short subdivision, lot, tract, parcel, or site to be platted is wholly or partially within an irrigation district of two hundred thousand acres or more and has been previously platted by the United States bureau of reclamation as a farm unit in the district, the legislative authority shall not approve for such land a short plat or final plat as defined in RCW 58.17.020 without the approval of the irrigation district and the administrator or manager of the project of the bureau of reclamation, or its successor agency, within which that district lies. Compliance with the requirements of this section together with all other applicable provisions of this chapter shall be a prerequisite, within the expressed purpose of this chapter, to any sale, lease, or development of land in this state.

Compliance with chapter and local regulationsEnforcement.

Whenever land within a subdivision granted final approval is used in a manner or for a purpose which violates any provision of this chapter, any provision of the local subdivision regulations, or any term or condition of plat approval prescribed for the plat by the local government, then the prosecuting attorney, or the attorney general if the prosecuting attorney shall fail to act, may commence an action to restrain and enjoin such use and compel compliance with the provisions of this chapter or the local regulations, or with such terms or conditions. The costs of such action may be taxed against the violator.

Hearing examiner systemAdoption authorizedProceduresDecisions.

(1) As an alternative to those provisions of this chapter requiring a planning commission to hear and issue recommendations for plat approval, the county or city legislative body may adopt a hearing examiner system and shall specify by ordinance the legal effect of the decisions made by the examiner. The legal effect of such decisions shall include one of the following:
(a) The decision may be given the effect of a recommendation to the legislative body;
(b) The decision may be given the effect of an administrative decision appealable within a specified time limit to the legislative body; or
(c) The decision may be given the effect of a final decision of the legislative body.
The legislative authority shall prescribe procedures to be followed by a hearing examiner.
(2) Each final decision of a hearing examiner shall be in writing and shall include findings and conclusions, based on the record, to support the decision. Each final decision of a hearing examiner, unless a longer period is mutually agreed to by the applicant and the hearing examiner, shall be rendered within ten working days following conclusion of all testimony and hearings.


FindingSeverabilityPart headings and table of contents not law1995 c 347: See notes following RCW 36.70A.470.
Severability1994 c 257: See note following RCW 36.70A.270.
Severability1977 ex.s. c 213: See note following RCW 35.63.130.

Validation of existing ordinances and resolutions.

All ordinances and resolutions enacted at a time prior to the passage of this chapter by the legislative bodies of cities, towns, and counties and which are in substantial compliance with the provisions of this chapter, shall be construed as valid and may be further amended to include new provisions and standards as are authorized in general law.

Effective date and application of 1974 ex.s. c 134.

(1) The provisions of *this 1974 amendatory act shall become effective July 1, 1974.
(2) The provisions of *this 1974 amendatory act shall not apply to any plat which has been granted preliminary approval prior to July 1, 1974, but shall apply to any proposed plat granted preliminary approval on or after July 1, 1974.


*Reviser's note: For codification of "this 1974 amendatory act" [1974 ex.s. c 134], see Codification Tables.