House Floor Activity Report
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Calendar Types

Regular Calendar (Senate)
List of general bills to be heard on the Floor for the day
Floor Calendar (House)
List of general bills to be heard on the Floor for the day
Dispute Calendar (Senate)
List of bills in which the chambers don’t agree
Concurrence Calendar (Senate)
List of bills in which the chambers agree
Concurrence/Dispute Calendar (House)
Combined lists of bills in which the chambers either agree or don’t agree
Conference Calendar (House/Senate)
When House/Senate can’t come to an agreement a conference committee is created to resolve the issue. This calendar contains the bills considered by the Conference Committee.
Gubernatorial Calendar (Senate)
List of gubernatorial appointments
Suspension Calendar (House)
List of bills which will have little or no debate and if there are amendments, they are small and technical.
Consent Calendar (Senate)
List of bills which will have little or no debate and if there are amendments, they are small and technical.
Order of Consideration (House/Senate)
List of bills shown in the order that they are considered on the House/Senate floor

Flag Abbreviations and Other Symbols

Flag Abbreviations and Other Symbols
Abbreviation Description
a Amended
$ Appropriations bill
f State fiscal note
d Department sponsor
e Governor sponsor
b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee (JLARC) sponsor
o Other sponsor
# Local fiscal note
c Companion bill
A (next to bill #) Floor amendment
C (next to bill #) Committee amendment

Calendar and Chamber Activity categories in the FAR

Calendar and Chamber Activity categories in the FAR
Calendar for current bills
The calendar that contains the bill currently being debated on the Floor (this may not reflect today’s date, as calendars can be reused for multiple days)
Selected calendar
The calendar you selected to view from the FAR
Current Chamber Activity
House/Senate Display Boards, the bill currently on the floor, and the bill to be discussed next (if it has been specified)
Current working calendars
The active version of all calendars for the current day
Previous Calendars
Calendars that were previously displayed in the FAR


This is the order in which bills were put onto the calendar from the Rules Committee
Added to List
Date that a bill was added to the Floor Activity Report
Special notations about a bill (see legend)
Applicable reading of the bill:
1st reading: Bill Introduction
2nd reading: Floor discussion
3rd reading: Floor vote on final passage
NOTE: 2nd and 3rd readings may be combined for a bill
Description of the bill
Chair=Chair of the committee to which the bill is introduced; Sponsor=Prime sponsor of bill
In the Senate, this refers to which page in the printed calendar the bill report appears.
Floor Action
How the chamber voted on the bill—click the link to view the roll call
Action Date
Date roll call was taken on the bill
Committee Info
Abbreviated actions taken by a committee e.g., CB DPS11 means that a substitute of the bill (DPS) was passed by eleven members of the Capital Budget (CB) committee
Go to Help with Abbreviations to view descriptions of other legislative acronyms, such as committees, sponsors, and bill versions.
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Floor Calendar for 3/9/2025
Print View with Notes
CO Note Vote Amd Added to List Bill No. Flag Rdg Description Sponsor Committee Info Floor Action Action Date
Order of Consideration
1VoteA3/5/2025EHB 1217f # c2ndResidential tenantsAlvarado,MacriAPP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)18 DNP12 w/oRec153-42-0-33/10
1VoteA2/5/2025HB 1298f c2ndStudent athlete insuranceBerg,ReedPEW DP17
2Vote2/11/2025HB 1090f c2ndContraceptive coverageAlvarado,ParshleyHCW DP17
3VoteA2/11/2025HB 1262f c2ndHealth disparities councilSantos,ThaiHCW DP12 DNP5 w/oRec2
4Vote2/18/2025HB 1094f # c2ndSocial services/property taxWalen,RyuFIN DP9 w/oRec5
5VoteA2/18/2025SHB 13212ndOutside militia activitiesMena,Ortiz-SelfSGOV DPS4 DNP258-37-0-33/10
6VoteA2/28/2025HB 1002f # 2ndPTSD/coroners & examinersAbbarno,RudeLAWS DP7 w/oRec2
7Vote2/28/2025HB 1121f 2ndWork restrictions/age 16, 17McClintock,SchmidtLAWS DPS9
8VoteA2/28/2025HB 1160f # 2ndLocal gov. design reviewWalen,RamelLG DPS6 w/oRec1
9Vote2/28/2025HB 1252f # 2ndPretrial releaseDavis,GriffeyCS DPS8 w/oRec1
10Vote2/28/2025HB 1289f 2ndPublic school survey info.McClintock,SantosED DPS18
11VoteA2/28/2025HB 1339f # c2ndEven-numbered year electionsGregerson,FarivarAPP DPS18 DNP12 w/oRec1
12VoteA2/28/2025HB 1406f # c2ndAssociate development orgsBarnard,RyuAPP DPS30
13VoteA2/28/2025HB 1533f 2ndSpecialty electriciansSchmidt,RamelLAWS DPS9
14Vote2/28/2025HB 1700f # 2ndComprehensive plan updatesVolz,GrahamLG DPS7
15Vote2/28/2025HB 17832ndLaw enf. officers/collegesMendoza,SpringerPEW DPS13 w/oRec3 DNP1
16Vote2/28/2025HB 17982ndFirefighters' pension boardsVolz,ChaseLG DP7
17VoteA2/28/2025HB 1817f c2ndSchools/sexual assaultScott,PolletED DPS18
18VoteA2/28/2025HB 1819f # 2ndTransmission capacityBarnard,DoglioENVI DPS21
19Vote2/28/2025HB 18232ndTransp. improvement boardLowTR DP27
20Vote2/28/2025HB 1842f # 2ndCaptive insurers/PUDsSteele,BarnardENVI DP21
21Vote2/28/2025HB 1857f 2ndAsbestos building materialsLey,DoglioENVI DPS21
22Vote2/28/2025HJM 40042ndMarine mammal protection actChase,NanceAGNR DP11
23VoteA3/4/2025HB 1014f # 2ndChild support scheduleSchmidt,WalenCRJ DP11 w/oRec2
24VoteA3/4/2025HB 1030f # 2ndCounted ballot auditsLow,MenaSGOV DP5 DNP1
25Vote3/4/2025HB 1037f # c2ndPFD formationDent,YbarraFIN DP2S(w/o sub LG)15
26VoteA3/4/2025HB 1085f # c2ndSchool safety/penaltiesSchmidt,TimmonsAPP DP2S(w/o sub CS)31
27VoteA3/4/2025HB 1108f # 2ndHousing cost task forceKlicker,PetersonAPP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)31
28VoteA3/4/2025HB 1195f # c2ndHousing & sheltersPeterson,MacriAPP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)19 DNP12
29Vote3/4/2025SHB 1309f c2ndBurrowing shrimpMcEntire,BernbaumAPP DPS3194-1-0-33/10
30VoteA3/4/2025HB 1332f 2ndTransp. network companiesObras,GregersonLAWS DPS6 DNP2 w/oRec1
31VoteA3/4/2025HB 1392f c2ndMedicaid access programMacri,LeavittAPP DPS19 DNP12
32VoteA3/4/2025HB 1402f 2ndJob posting/driver's licenseScott,FarivarAPP DPS16 DNP9 w/oRec5
33Vote3/4/2025HB 1498f # 2ndDomestic viol. co-respondersDavis,CoutureAPP DPS25 w/oRec3 DNP2
34Vote3/4/2025HB 1529# 2ndCities/county road resourcesGriffey,StuebeLG DPS7
35VoteA3/4/2025E2SHB 1549f # c2ndResponsible bidder criteriaFosse,ObrasAPP DP2S(CB)3095-0-0-33/10
36VoteA3/4/2025HB 1550f c2ndElectric vehicle batteriesStreet,DoglioAPP DPS(ENVI)21 w/oRec7 DNP3
37Vote3/4/2025HB 1600f # 2ndFamily services support feeEslick,ParshleyLG DP6 w/oRec1
38VoteA3/4/2025HB 1609c2ndNatural resources board/OSPIWaters,MenaAGNR DP9 w/oRec2
39VoteA3/4/2025HB 1644f c2ndWorking minorsFosse,Ortiz-SelfLAWS DPS6 w/oRec3
40VoteA3/4/2025HB 1728f 2ndEstate tax/nonfamilial heirOrcutt,MorganFIN DPS15
41Vote3/4/2025HB 1822f c2ndDriver course/work zonesLow,StearnsTR DPS27
42VoteA3/4/2025HB 1858f # 2ndDeed of trust assignment/feeScott,DoglioAPP DP19 DNP1251-42-0-53/10
43Vote3/4/20252SHB 1990f 2ndUtility disaster costsAbbarno,DoglioAPP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)3078-16-0-43/10
44VoteA3/5/2025EHB 1217f # c2ndResidential tenantsAlvarado,MacriAPP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)18 DNP12 w/oRec153-42-0-33/10
45VoteA3/5/2025HB 1296f 2ndPublic education systemStonier,MacriED DPS10 DNP8
46VoteA3/5/2025HB 1541f c2ndVeterans affairs adv. comm.Abell,DonaghyTEDV DPS10 DNP2 w/oRec1
47VoteA3/5/2025HB 1960f 2ndRenewable energyRamel,BergAPP DP2S(w/o sub FIN)20 w/oRec8 DNP2
48VoteA3/6/2025HB 1106f # 2ndDisabled veterans/prop. taxBarnard,LeavittFIN DP15
49Vote3/6/2025SHB 1133f # 2ndSexually violent predatorsLeavitt,CoutureCS DPS995-0-0-33/10
50VoteA3/6/2025HB 1155f c2ndNoncompetition agreementsBerry,WalenLAWS DPS8 w/oRec1
51VoteA3/6/2025HB 1175f # 2ndSmall businesses/residentialKlicker,LeavittAPP DP2S(w/o sub LG)30
52Vote3/6/2025HB 1273f 2ndDual credit program accessPaul,EslickAPP DP2S(w/o sub ED)29
53VoteA3/6/2025HB 1345f # 2ndDetached ADU limitsLow,PetersonHOUS DP17
54VoteA3/6/2025HB 1399f # c2ndSheriffs, chiefs, etc.Goodman,FitzgibbonAPP DP2S(w/o sub CS)19 DNP12
55VoteA3/6/2025HB 14032ndCondominium constructionTaylor,ConnorsCRJ DP11 w/oRec2
56Vote3/6/2025HB 1516f 2ndInsurance/affordable unitsHill,TaylorAPP DP2S(w/o sub CPB)18 DNP11 w/oRec1
57Vote3/6/2025HB 1615f # 2ndWater system classificationsCaldierENVI DP1995-0-0-33/10
58Vote3/6/2025HB 1636f c2ndWine & spirit sales limitsVolz,HackneyCPB DP14 DNP1
59Vote3/6/2025HB 1646f c2ndDNR civil enforcement appealOrmsby,OrcuttAGNR DP11
60VoteA3/6/2025E2SHB 1686f c2ndHealth care entity registryBronoske,FosseAPP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)20 w/oRec6 DNP586-7-0-53/10
61VoteA3/6/2025HB 1710f # 2ndVoting rights act complianceMena,SalahuddinAPP DP2S(w/o sub SGOV)18 DNP12 w/oRec1
62Vote3/6/2025SHB 1758f 2ndAquatic land lease inflationParshley,BarkisAGNR DPS1092-1-0-53/10
63VoteA3/6/2025HB 1834f c2ndOnline services/minorsCallan,PaulAPP DP2S(w/o sub CPB)18 DNP8 w/oRec4
64VoteA3/6/2025HB 2015f # 2ndPublic safety fundingEntenman,ReevesAPP DPS18 DNP12
65VoteA3/9/2025HB 1015f # 2ndEnergy labeling/residentialDuerr,RamelLG DPS4 DNP3
66Vote3/9/2025HB 1065f # 2ndFamily burial groundsWalsh,OrcuttCRJ DP13
67Vote3/9/2025HB 1098f # c2ndCounty local roadsLow,BarkisTR DPS27
68VoteA3/9/2025HB 1119f 2ndSupervision complianceGoodman,SimmonsAPP DPS19 DNP10 w/oRec2
69VoteA3/9/2025HB 1178f # 2ndSentencing enhancementsGoodman,HackneyCS DPS6 DNP3
70VoteA3/9/2025HB 1210f # 2ndUrban area tax preferencesBarnard,SpringerFIN DPS11 w/oRec3
71VoteA3/9/2025HB 1213f # c2ndPaid family & medical leaveBerry,FosseAPP DP2S(w/o sub LAWS)18 DNP12 w/oRec1
72VoteA3/9/2025HB 1218f # 2ndCompetency eval. & restor.Farivar,MacriAPP DP2S(w/o sub CRJ)17 DNP12 w/oRec1
73VoteA3/9/2025HB 1329f # c2ndWholesale power purchasesHunt,YbarraENVI DP20
74Vote3/9/2025HB 1341f c2ndMedical cannabis databaseWylieCPB DP1588-5-0-53/10
75Vote3/9/2025HB 1357f 2ndSpecial education fundingStonier,SantosAPP DPS28 w/oRec3
76Vote3/9/2025HB 1389f 2ndTimber purchase reportingBernbaum,OrcuttFIN DP1593-0-0-53/10
77Vote3/9/2025HB 1400f # c2ndOfficer certificationGoodman,SalahuddinCS DP9
78Vote3/9/2025HB 1409f 2ndClean fuels programFitzgibbon,DoglioAPP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)19 DNP12
79Vote3/9/2025HB 1427f 2ndPeer support specialistsDavis,CaldierAPP DP2S(w/o sub HCW)26 w/oRec5
80Vote3/9/2025HB 1460f # 2ndProtection order hope cardsGriffey,DavisAPP DPS30
81Vote3/9/20252SHB 1503f # 2ndDigital equityGregerson,RyuAPP DP2S(w/o sub TEDV)19 DNP9 w/oRec361-34-0-33/10
82Vote3/9/2025HB 1514f # 2ndLow carbon thermal energyRamel,BerryAPP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)30
83VoteA3/9/2025HB 1546f 2ndRadiologic technologistsParshley,SchmickHCW DPS19
84VoteA3/9/2025HB 1576f # 2ndHistoric landmarks/citiesWalen,BarkisLG DPS4 w/oRec3
85VoteA3/9/2025HB 1602f 2ndLiquor food service optionsWaters,PetersonCPB DP15
86Vote3/9/2025HB 1607f c2ndRecycling & waste reductionStonier,WatersAPP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)18 DNP11 w/oRec2
87Vote3/9/2025HB 1796f # c2ndSchool construction debtCallan,BergCB DP13 w/oRec4 DNP285-10-0-33/10
88VoteA3/9/2025ESHB 1902f # 2ndTransp. project permittingRichards,StuebeTR DPS2794-1-0-33/10
89Vote3/9/2025HB 1916f # 2ndVoter registrationsDoglio,ParshleySGOV DPS4 DNP2 w/oRec1
90Vote3/9/2025HB 1935f # 2ndProject permit definitionDuerr,ReedLG DPS7
91Vote3/9/2025HB 1975f 2ndClimate commitment actFitzgibbon,DyeAPP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)30
* CO = Calendar Order. This is the order in which bills were put onto the calendar from the Rules Committee