Senate Floor Activity Report
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Calendar Types

Regular Calendar (Senate)
List of general bills to be heard on the Floor for the day
Floor Calendar (House)
List of general bills to be heard on the Floor for the day
Dispute Calendar (Senate)
List of bills in which the chambers don’t agree
Concurrence Calendar (Senate)
List of bills in which the chambers agree
Concurrence/Dispute Calendar (House)
Combined lists of bills in which the chambers either agree or don’t agree
Conference Calendar (House/Senate)
When House/Senate can’t come to an agreement a conference committee is created to resolve the issue. This calendar contains the bills considered by the Conference Committee.
Gubernatorial Calendar (Senate)
List of gubernatorial appointments
Suspension Calendar (House)
List of bills which will have little or no debate and if there are amendments, they are small and technical.
Consent Calendar (Senate)
List of bills which will have little or no debate and if there are amendments, they are small and technical.
Order of Consideration (House/Senate)
List of bills shown in the order that they are considered on the House/Senate floor

Flag Abbreviations and Other Symbols

Flag Abbreviations and Other Symbols
Abbreviation Description
a Amended
$ Appropriations bill
f State fiscal note
d Department sponsor
e Governor sponsor
b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee (JLARC) sponsor
o Other sponsor
# Local fiscal note
c Companion bill
A (next to bill #) Floor amendment
C (next to bill #) Committee amendment

Calendar and Chamber Activity categories in the FAR

Calendar and Chamber Activity categories in the FAR
Calendar for current bills
The calendar that contains the bill currently being debated on the Floor (this may not reflect today’s date, as calendars can be reused for multiple days)
Selected calendar
The calendar you selected to view from the FAR
Current Chamber Activity
House/Senate Display Boards, the bill currently on the floor, and the bill to be discussed next (if it has been specified)
Current working calendars
The active version of all calendars for the current day
Previous Calendars
Calendars that were previously displayed in the FAR


This is the order in which bills were put onto the calendar from the Rules Committee
Added to List
Date that a bill was added to the Floor Activity Report
Special notations about a bill (see legend)
Applicable reading of the bill:
1st reading: Bill Introduction
2nd reading: Floor discussion
3rd reading: Floor vote on final passage
NOTE: 2nd and 3rd readings may be combined for a bill
Description of the bill
Chair=Chair of the committee to which the bill is introduced; Sponsor=Prime sponsor of bill
In the Senate, this refers to which page in the printed calendar the bill report appears.
Floor Action
How the chamber voted on the bill—click the link to view the roll call
Action Date
Date roll call was taken on the bill
Committee Info
Abbreviated actions taken by a committee e.g., CB DPS11 means that a substitute of the bill (DPS) was passed by eleven members of the Capital Budget (CB) committee
Go to Help with Abbreviations to view descriptions of other legislative acronyms, such as committees, sponsors, and bill versions.
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Your selected calendar
Confirmation Calendar for 3/6/2018
Purple sheet
Print View with Notes
CO* Note Vote Bill No. Appointee Board/Commission Floor Action Action Date
1VoteSGA 9020FRANK E. FENNERTY, JR.Member, Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals
2VoteSGA 9036SCOTT E. CARSONMember, Board of Regents, Washington State University
3VoteSGA 9050JOE M. TORTORELLIMember, Transportation Commission
4VoteSGA 9052DON BARBIERIMember, Board of Regents, Washington State University
5VoteSGA 9100RUSSELL HEPFERMember, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council
6VoteSGA 9117HESTER SEREBRINMember, Transportation Commission
7VoteSGA 9124SHIV BATRAMember, Transportation Commission
8VoteSGA 9128CHERYL C. ADAMSMember, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission
9VoteSGA 9129JUDY GUENTHERMember, Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission
10VoteSGA 9135TIM G. WETTACKMember, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
11VoteSGA 9138HAROLD W. WITHROWMember, Clover Park Technical College Board of Trustees
12VoteSGA 9164JAY A. REICHMember, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
13VoteSGA 9173IRENE GONZALESMember, The Evergreen State College Board of Trustees48-1-0-03/8
14VoteSGA 9183DEBORAH C. YOUNGMember, Transportation Commission
15VoteSGA 9185DEBORAH B. JENSENMember, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council48-0-1-03/8
16VoteSGA 9187PHILIP ANDERSONMember, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
17VoteSGA 9201BILL GORDONMember, Columbia Basin College Board of Trustees
18VoteSGA 9206EVELYN P. YENSONMember, Clemency and Pardons Board49-0-0-03/8
19VoteSGA 9217KAREN T. LEEMember, Western Washington University Board of Trustees
20VoteSGA 9222RUSSELL D. HAUGEChair, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
21VoteSGA 9246OLLIE A. GARRETTMember, Liquor and Cannabis Board
22VoteSGA 9253TONY F. GOLIKMember, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
23VoteSGA 9265J. A. VANDER STOEPMember, Chehalis Board
24VoteSGA 9266DENNIS J. MCLERRANMember, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council
25VoteSGA 9268STEVEN MALLOCHMember, Chehalis Board
26VoteSGA 9271ALEJANDRO J. SANCHEZMember, Board of Tax Appeals
27VoteSGA 9277ALYSSA I. NORRISMember, Board of Regents, Washington State University
28VoteSGA 9282NAOL D. DEBELEMember, Edmonds Community College Board of Trustees
29VoteSGA 9288JAY J. MANNINGMember, Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council
30VoteSGA 9297JERALD (JERRY) R. LITTMember, Transportation Commission
31VoteSGA 9299ROBERT M. BUGERTMember, Salmon Recovery Funding Board47-0-2-03/8
32VoteSGA 9300JEFFREY BRECKELMember, Salmon Recovery Funding Board
33VoteSGA 9304MICHAEL J. FENTONMember, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
34VoteSGA 9305KIMBERLY N. GORDONMember, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
35VoteSGA 9306PHILLIP R. LEMLEYMember, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
36VoteSGA 9310CHARLENE D. STRONGMember, Human Rights Commission
37VoteSGA 9311JON J. TUNHEIMMember, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
38VoteSGA 9312JENNIFER J. RANCOURTMember, Clemency and Pardons Board
39VoteSGA 9321BLAINE TAMAKIMember, University of Washington Board of Regents49-0-0-03/7
40VoteSGA 9323HEATHER B. REDMANMember, Board of Regents, Washington State University
41VoteSGA 9328DONALD R. MCQUARYMember, Walla Walla Community College Board of Trustees
42VoteSGA 9333EMILY A. WASHINESMember, Central Washington University Board of Trustees49-0-0-03/8
43VoteSGA 9336MONICA A. ALEXANDERMember, The Evergreen State College Board of Trustees49-0-0-03/8
44VoteSGA 9338GREG SZABOMember, Washington State School for the Blind Board of Trustees47-0-2-03/8
45VoteSGA 9341MICHAEL S. LATIMERMember, Parks and Recreation Commission
46VoteSGA 9347GREGORY C. LINKMember, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
47VoteSGA 9353MICHAEL S. SHIOSAKIMember, Recreation and Conservation Funding Board
48VoteSGA 9355THEODORE R. WILLHITEMember, Recreation and Conservation Funding Board
49VoteSGA 9361RANDY J. ROBINSONMember, Housing Finance Commission
50VoteSGA 9368GLENN A. JOHNSONMember, Community Colleges of Spokane Board of Trustees
51VoteSGA 9800CHRISTOPHER R. POULOSExecutive Director, Washington Statewide Reentry Council47-0-2-03/8
* CO = Calendar Order. This is the order in which bills were put onto the calendar from the Rules Committee
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