House Floor Activity Report
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Calendar Types

Regular Calendar (Senate)
List of general bills to be heard on the Floor for the day
Floor Calendar (House)
List of general bills to be heard on the Floor for the day
Dispute Calendar (Senate)
List of bills in which the chambers don’t agree
Concurrence Calendar (Senate)
List of bills in which the chambers agree
Concurrence/Dispute Calendar (House)
Combined lists of bills in which the chambers either agree or don’t agree
Conference Calendar (House/Senate)
When House/Senate can’t come to an agreement a conference committee is created to resolve the issue. This calendar contains the bills considered by the Conference Committee.
Gubernatorial Calendar (Senate)
List of gubernatorial appointments
Suspension Calendar (House)
List of bills which will have little or no debate and if there are amendments, they are small and technical.
Consent Calendar (Senate)
List of bills which will have little or no debate and if there are amendments, they are small and technical.
Order of Consideration (House/Senate)
List of bills shown in the order that they are considered on the House/Senate floor

Flag Abbreviations and Other Symbols

Flag Abbreviations and Other Symbols
Abbreviation Description
a Amended
$ Appropriations bill
f State fiscal note
d Department sponsor
e Governor sponsor
b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee (JLARC) sponsor
o Other sponsor
# Local fiscal note
c Companion bill
A (next to bill #) Floor amendment
C (next to bill #) Committee amendment

Calendar and Chamber Activity categories in the FAR

Calendar and Chamber Activity categories in the FAR
Calendar for current bills
The calendar that contains the bill currently being debated on the Floor (this may not reflect today’s date, as calendars can be reused for multiple days)
Selected calendar
The calendar you selected to view from the FAR
Current Chamber Activity
House/Senate Display Boards, the bill currently on the floor, and the bill to be discussed next (if it has been specified)
Current working calendars
The active version of all calendars for the current day
Previous Calendars
Calendars that were previously displayed in the FAR


This is the order in which bills were put onto the calendar from the Rules Committee
Added to List
Date that a bill was added to the Floor Activity Report
Special notations about a bill (see legend)
Applicable reading of the bill:
1st reading: Bill Introduction
2nd reading: Floor discussion
3rd reading: Floor vote on final passage
NOTE: 2nd and 3rd readings may be combined for a bill
Description of the bill
Chair=Chair of the committee to which the bill is introduced; Sponsor=Prime sponsor of bill
In the Senate, this refers to which page in the printed calendar the bill report appears.
Floor Action
How the chamber voted on the bill—click the link to view the roll call
Action Date
Date roll call was taken on the bill
Committee Info
Abbreviated actions taken by a committee e.g., CB DPS11 means that a substitute of the bill (DPS) was passed by eleven members of the Capital Budget (CB) committee
Go to Help with Abbreviations to view descriptions of other legislative acronyms, such as committees, sponsors, and bill versions.
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Floor Calendar for 3/1/2019
Print View with Notes
CO Note Vote Amd Added to List Bill No. Flag Rdg Description Sponsor Committee Info Floor Action Action Date
Order of Consideration
1Vote2/28/2019SHB 1870f c2ndAfford. care act protectionsDavis,CodyHCW DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec156-38-0-43/1
2VoteA2/28/2019ESHB 1916f 2ndChild support servicesKilduff,LeavittCRJ DPS1593-1-0-43/1
3Vote2/28/2019SHB 1919f # 2ndAnimal abuseMosbrucker,AppletonPS DPS994-0-0-43/1
1VoteA2/5/2019EHB 10582ndMotorcycle parking methodsIrwin,BlakeTR DP3094-0-0-43/1
2Vote2/5/2019HB 1082f c2ndMassage therapists/photoKraft,WylieHCW DPS14
3VoteA2/15/2019HB 1010f 2ndForfeited firearms/WSPSenn,LovickCRJ DPS9 DNP6
4Vote2/15/2019SHB 1034f c2ndRestaurant soju endorsementRyu,PellicciottiCOG DPS93/1
5Vote2/15/2019SHB 1041f # 2ndCertificates of dischargeHansen,IrwinPS DPS1195-0-0-33/1
6Vote2/15/2019HB 10912ndTechnical correctionsGoodmanCRJ DPS14
7VoteA2/15/2019HB 1099f 2ndHealth network adequacyJinkins,CodyHCW DPS15
8Vote2/15/2019HB 1146f 2ndChristmas tree growersMacEwen,YoungRDAN DP1491-0-0-73/1
9Vote2/15/2019HB 1151f c2ndEducation reportingVolz,PolletED DPS19
10Vote2/15/2019HB 1159f # c2ndDefinition of theftGriffey,GoodmanPS DP11
11VoteA2/15/2019HB 1169f # 2ndFire juris. reimbursementPeterson,GriffeyLG DP5 DNP1
12Vote2/15/2019HB 1212f # 2ndElection materials/namesShea,McCaslinSGOV DP995-0-0-33/1
13VoteA2/15/2019HB 1219# c2ndReal estate taxes/housingWalen,SpringerHOUS DP6 DNP3
14VoteA2/15/2019HB 1223f # c2ndDiaper changing stationsReeves,DoglioCPB DPS9 DNP2 w/oRec1
15Vote2/15/2019HB 1225f # 2ndDomestic violence/law enf.Jinkins,PetersonCRJ DPS10 DNP5
16Vote2/15/2019HB 1255f 2ndPatches pal license platesLovick,OrwallTR DP23 DNP288-4-0-63/1
17Vote2/15/2019HB 12792ndCommittee on trade policyHudgins,StokesbaryITED DP9
18Vote2/15/2019HB 1341f 2ndUAVs near marine speciesHudgins,MorrisITED DP8 DNP167-26-0-53/1
19Vote2/15/2019HB 1349f c2ndGeriatric behavioral healthSchmick,CodyHCW DP1595-0-0-33/1
20VoteA2/15/2019HB 1379f 2ndPolitical comm. disclosuresPellicciotti,HudginsSGOV DPS9
21Vote2/15/2019HB 1380f # c2ndAssault of utility workerPellicciotti,GoodmanPS DP9 w/oRec295-0-0-33/1
22Vote2/15/2019HB 1385f c2ndFDA nonpublic informationSpringer,KretzRDAN DP1393-0-0-53/1
23Vote2/15/2019HB 1412f c2ndNonresident pharmaciesThai,DeBoltHCW DP12 DNP2 w/oRec190-3-0-53/1
24Vote2/15/2019HB 15452ndCuring ballotsMead,HudginsSGOV DPS9
25VoteA2/15/2019EHB 1563f 2ndLiquor tasting/studentsJenkin,BlakeCOG DP1089-6-0-33/1
26Vote2/15/2019HB 1568f # c2ndPort district worker dev.Chapman,DentITED DP994-0-0-43/1
27Vote2/15/2019SHB 1633f 2ndFuel tax rate postingGoehner,EntenmanTR DPS2592-2-0-43/1
28Vote2/15/2019HB 1647f c2ndPilot rest periodsChapman,BoehnkeLAWS DP6 DNP1
29Vote2/15/2019HB 16722ndWine recorkingSteele,KirbyCOG DP1095-0-0-33/1
30Vote2/15/2019HB 1674f 2ndPersonalized learning exp.Rude,SteeleED DP19
31VoteA2/15/2019HB 1739f # 2ndFirearms/undetectable, etc.Valdez,DolanCRJ DPS11 DNP3 w/oRec1
32Vote2/15/2019HB 1743f c2ndPrevailing rate of wagesOrmsby,SellsLAWS DP795-0-0-33/1
33VoteA2/21/2019ESB 5273f # c2ndPresidential primaryHuntSGOV DP5 DNP4
34VoteA2/22/2019ESSB 5079f # 2ndNative Americans/votingMcCoySGOV DPA9
35Vote2/26/2019SCR 84042ndLegislators, deceasedLiias
36Vote2/28/2019SHB 1009f c2ndState auditorDolan,KirbySGOV DPS995-0-0-33/1
37Vote2/28/2019HB 1011f # 2ndWorking forests/real estateReeves,BarkisCPB DP13
38Vote2/28/2019HB 1031f # 2ndBulkhead obligationsWalsh,IrwinENVI DPS9 w/oRec1
39Vote2/28/2019HB 1047c2ndLimited jdx. court comm'rsJinkins,StokesbaryCRJ DP9 DNP4 w/oRec2
40Vote2/28/2019SHB 1071f # c2ndPersonal informationKloba,DolanITED DPS994-0-0-43/1
41VoteA2/28/2019HB 1083f # 2ndOff-street parking, sale ofStonier,VickLG DPS5 DNP1
42Vote2/28/2019HB 1089f 2ndCertificates of achievementMacEwen,VolzED DP16 DNP2
43VoteA2/28/2019E2SHB 1112f c2ndHydrofluorocarbon emissionsFitzgibbon,KlobaAPP DP2S(w/o sub ENVI)19 DNP1355-39-0-43/1
44VoteA2/28/2019HB 1130f c2ndPub. school language accessOrwall,McCaslinED DPS19
45Vote2/28/2019HB 1137f c2ndNat guard pay/wildland firesLeavitt,KlippertAPP DP3295-0-0-33/1
46VoteA2/28/2019HB 1167c2ndComposting/nuisance lawsuitsWalen,BlakeRDAN DP10 w/oRec3
47Vote2/28/2019SHB 1170f # c2ndFire service mobilizationGriffey,GoodmanAPP DPS(HOUS)3194-0-0-43/1
48Vote2/28/2019SHB 1189f 2ndFerry system performanceFitzgibbon,YoungTR DPS22 DNP7 w/oRec179-16-0-33/1
49Vote2/28/2019HB 1210f c2ndSchool enrollment/militaryKilduff,LeavittED DPS19
50Vote2/28/2019HB 1231f # 2ndSex offenses/modify SOLGriffey,OrwallAPP DPS(PS)29
51Vote2/28/2019HB 1247f c2ndState credit union actReeves,HoffCPB DP1395-0-0-33/1
52Vote2/28/2019HB 13052ndNotices of disqualificationWalen,IrwinCRJ DP13 DNP2
53Vote2/28/2019HB 1335f c2ndLife sciences discovery fundSlatter,SchmickITED DP994-0-0-43/1
54Vote2/28/2019SHB 13562ndPeer support group privilegeLovick,MaycumberCRJ DPS1594-0-0-43/1
55Vote2/28/2019HB 1366f # 2ndComm. facilities districtsSullivan,JenkinLG DP4 DNP380-14-0-43/1
56Vote2/28/2019HB 1375f 2ndPort district campaign cntrbWylie,StonierSGOV DP9
57VoteA2/28/2019HB 1376c2ndMistreatment/faith exemptionSells,KlippertCRJ DP10 DNP3 w/oRec2
58Vote2/28/2019HB 1377f # c2ndHousing dev./religious orgs.Walen,BarkisHOUS DPS8 DNP1
59Vote2/28/2019SHB 1399f c2ndPaid family & medical leaveRobinson,DoglioAPP DPS(LAWS)22 DNP7 w/oRec271-23-0-43/1
60VoteA2/28/2019HB 14532ndResidential tenantsMacri,JinkinsCRJ DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec2
61Vote2/28/2019HB 14622ndTenant notice/demolish, etc.Barkis,ReevesCRJ DP14 DNP1
62Vote2/28/2019SHB 1485f c2ndReligious coordinator appt.Lekanoff,PettigrewSGOV DPS7 DNP270-24-0-43/1
63Vote2/28/2019SHB 15202ndBallot envelope datesMorgan,HudginsSGOV DPS7 DNP295-0-0-33/1
64Vote2/28/2019SHB 1529f 2ndPeer counselors/agency affilDavis,CorryHCW DPS1494-0-0-43/1
65Vote2/28/2019SHB 1531f # c2ndMedical debtJinkins,WalenCRJ DPS14 DNP190-4-0-43/1
66Vote2/28/2019HB 1534f 2ndPsychiatric payments/ruralDufault,CodyAPP DP3394-0-0-43/1
67Vote2/28/2019HB 15762ndConstruction defect actionsSenn,IrwinCRJ DPS15
68Vote2/28/2019HB 1595f # c2ndChild sexual abuse investig.Stonier,EslickPS DPS11
69Vote2/28/2019SHB 16022ndConsumer debtReeves,WalenCRJ DPS12 DNP2 w/oRec172-22-0-43/1
70Vote2/28/2019HB 1604f 2ndChildhood deafness centerStonier,HarrisED DP19
71Vote2/28/2019HB 1621f c2ndTeacher prep. skills assess.Ybarra,SteeleED DPS19
72VoteA2/28/2019HB 1630f c2ndNaturopathyDeBolt,MacriHCW DPS11 DNP4
73VoteA2/28/2019HB 1638f # 2ndVaccine preventable diseasesHarris,StonierHCW DP10 DNP4 w/oRec1
74Vote2/28/2019HB 1644f c2ndYouth development work groupOrtiz-Self,LovickHSEL DPS12 DNP1
75Vote2/28/2019HB 1656c2ndResidential tenantsMacri,JinkinsCRJ DPS9 DNP5 w/oRec1
76Vote2/28/2019HB 1657f c2ndHomeless youth servicesCallan,EslickHSEL DP12 DNP194-0-0-43/1
77Vote2/28/2019HB 1658f 2ndParaeducatorsPaul,SteeleED DPS19
78Vote2/28/2019HB 1670# c2ndFire district bid limitsEslick,SutherlandLG DP6
79Vote2/28/2019HB 1699f # 2ndDeannexation/parks & rec.Eslick,PetersonLG DP7
80VoteA2/28/2019HB 1706f c2ndSubminimum wage/disabilitiesFrame,SellsLAWS DP6 DNP1
81Vote2/28/2019HB 1714f c2ndHigh school diplomas by CTCEntenman,BoehnkeED DP19
82Vote2/28/2019HB 1715f c2ndWithholding of transcriptsEntenman,BoehnkeED DPS12 DNP7
83Vote2/28/2019HB 1724f # c2ndPublic facilities mitigationSantosLG DPS6
84Vote2/28/2019HB 1726f 2ndHealth care prof. studentsRiccelli,SchmickHCW DP14
85Vote2/28/2019HB 1730f 2ndPayment/limitations periodWalen,FrameCRJ DP1594-0-0-43/1
86VoteA2/28/2019HB 1742f # 2ndJuvenile offenses/depictionsFrame,EslickHSEL DPS9 DNP2 w/oRec1
87Vote2/28/2019HB 1764f # 2ndFound propertyChambers,GoodmanLG DPS7
88VoteA2/28/2019HB 1768f 2ndSubstance use disorder prof.Davis,MacriHCW DPS15
89VoteA2/28/2019HB 17992ndDeath certificate short formHoff,WylieHCW DPS15
90Vote2/28/2019HB 1803f 2ndMinimum school daysOrcutt,SantosED DP18 w/oRec1
91Vote2/28/2019HB 1826f 2ndDischarge planning processLeavitt,KilduffCRJ DPS15
92VoteA2/28/2019HB 1849f c2ndUnplatted tidelands, etc.Lekanoff,ChapmanENVI DPS7 DNP3
93Vote2/28/2019SHB 1870f c2ndAfford. care act protectionsDavis,CodyHCW DPS9 DNP4 w/oRec156-38-0-43/1
94Vote2/28/2019HB 1871f c2ndPrison safetyKlippert,GoodmanPS DPS11
95Vote2/28/2019HB 1906c2ndDolores Huerta dayOrtiz-Self,ValdezSGOV DP7 w/oRec2
96VoteA2/28/2019HB 1909f c2ndIndustrial ins claim recordsGraham,LovickLAWS DPS7
97Vote2/28/2019HB 1913f c2ndOccup. disease presumptionDoglio,SellsLAWS DP6 DNP189-5-0-43/1
98VoteA2/28/2019ESHB 1916f 2ndChild support servicesKilduff,LeavittCRJ DPS1593-1-0-43/1
99Vote2/28/2019SHB 1919f # 2ndAnimal abuseMosbrucker,AppletonPS DPS994-0-0-43/1
100Vote2/28/2019HB 1953f 2ndSno-park recreation permitsCorry,FitzgibbonHOUS DPS9
101Vote2/28/2019HB 2044# 2ndPark district deannexationSenn,PetersonLG DPS5 w/oRec1
102Vote2/28/2019HB 2072f # 2ndCounty treasurer contractingVolz,SennLG DP6
* CO = Calendar Order. This is the order in which bills were put onto the calendar from the Rules Committee