SSB 5813 - Improving mathematics and science education.
SSB 5828 - Regarding early child development and learning.
SSB 5841 - Enhancing student learning opportunities and achievement.
SSB 5842 - Regarding education system benchmarks and monitoring.
SB 5955 - Regarding educator preparation, professional development, and compensation.
SB 5438 - Creating the Washington community learning center program.
SB 5528 - Requiring a review of the essential academic learning requirements in mathematics.
SB 5790 - Regarding skill centers.
SSB 5889 - Funding assessment fees for certificated instructional staff applying for national board for professional teaching standards certification.
SSB 5235 - Modifying provisions relating to the business and occupation taxation of mortgage brokers.
SB 5810 - Extending the current use property tax program for open space land to conserve wildlife habitat.
SB 6086 - Modifying provisions regarding the sales and use tax exemptions for purchases of diesel fuel used in commercial fishing.
SSB 5662 - Regulating charitable organizations that solicit contributions from the public.