Washington State Legislature

Committee Documents

Senate Early Learning, K-12 & Higher Education - 1/26/2006 3:30 PM

Senate Early Learning, K-12 & Higher Education - 1/26/2006 3:30 PM

Senate Early Learning, K-12 & Higher Education - 1/26/2006 3:30 PM

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Work Session
  • How special education students demonstrate that they meet high school standards for graduation.
  • How are schools, teachers and parents using the information gained from the WASL.
Executive Session
Public Hearing
  • SB 6472 - Requiring school districts to adopt policies for the retention and promotion of students. - NOT HEARD
  • SB 6256 - Creating the Washington community learning center program. - NOT HEARD
  • Guaranteed Education Tuition. S-3682.3.
  • SB 6744 - Creating the guaranteed opportunities scholarship program. - NOT HEARD