Washington State Legislature

Committee Documents

Senate Government Operations & Elections - 2/24/2005 8:00 AM

Senate Government Operations & Elections - 2/24/2005 8:00 AM

Senate Government Operations & Elections - 2/24/2005 8:00 AM

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Public Hearing
  • SB 5912 - Revising provisions pertaining to the use of scientific information in the designation and protection of critical areas.
  • SB 5954 - Allowing for the adoption of example critical areas policies or regulations.
  • SB 5772 - Creating the growth management infrastructure account.
  • SB 5907 - Affirming that cities and counties planning under chapter 36.70A RCW retain the ability to accommodate state projected population growth within urban growth areas without requiring a minimum residential density.
  • SB 5923 - Changing timelines for required comprehensive plan and development regulation updates.
  • SB 5930 - Establishing compliance tiers for review and revision requirements mandated by RCW 36.70A.130.
  • SB 5620 - Providing for priority consideration of voluntary buffers in open space plans and public benefit rating systems.
  • SB 5608 - Limiting the authority to condemn property outside the boundaries of the condemning entity.
  • SB 5945 - Encouraging agricultural zoning that supports family farm ownership.