Concerning student services for students with disabilities.
12 documents for 2825 (2015-16)
Links | Document | Document Type | Description | Date |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | House Bill 2825 | Bills | Original Bill | 1/20/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Substitute House Bill 2825 as Recommended by Higher Education | Bills | HE 15 Substitute Bill | 2/8/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2825 as Recommended by Higher Education | Bills | Engrossed HE 15 Substitute Bill | 2/16/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Digest of House Bill 2825 | Digests | Bill Digest | 1/21/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Digest of Substitute House Bill 2825 | Digests | Substitute Bill Digest | 2/18/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | House Amendment by Rep. Holy (TANG 111) to Substitute House Bill 2825 | Amendments | House AMD 729 WITHDRAWN 02/15/2016 | 2/15/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | House Amendment by Rep. Frame (TANG 109) to Substitute House Bill 2825 | Amendments | House AMD 736 ADOPTED 02/15/2016 | 2/15/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Initial House Analysis of House Bill 2825 | Bill Reports | Initial House Analysis 02-02-16 | 2/2/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | House Bill Report on House Bill 2825 as Reported by House Higher Education on 02-05-2016 | Bill Reports | Reported by HE 02-05-16 | 2/5/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | House Bill Report on Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2825 as Passed House on 02-15-2016 | Bill Reports | Passed House 02-15-16 | 2/15/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Senate Bill Report on Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2825 | Bill Reports | Initial Bill Report 02-25-16 | 2/25/2016 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Senate Bill Report on Engrossed Substitute House Bill 2825 as Reported by Senate Higher Education on 02-25-2016 | Bill Reports | Reported by HIE 02-25-16 | 2/25/2016 |
Total Count: 12