Providing unemployment insurance benefit charging relief for part-time employers who continue to employ a claimant on a part-time basis and the claimant qualified for two consecutive claims with wages attributable to at least one employer who employed the claimant in both base years.
7 documents for 2339 (2011-12)
Links | Document | Document Type | Description | Date |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | House Bill 2339 | Bills | Original Bill | 1/10/2012 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Digest of House Bill 2339 | Digests | Bill Digest | 1/11/2012 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Initial House Analysis of House Bill 2339 | Bill Reports | Initial House Analysis 01-18-12 | 1/18/2012 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | House Bill Report on House Bill 2339 as Reported by House Labor & Workforce Development on 01-27-2012 | Bill Reports | Reported by LWD 01-27-12 | 1/27/2012 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | House Bill Report on House Bill 2339 as Passed House on 02-09-2012 | Bill Reports | Passed House 02-09-12 | 2/9/2012 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Senate Bill Report on House Bill 2339 | Bill Reports | Initial Bill Report 02-16-12 | 2/16/2012 |
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) | Senate Bill Report on House Bill 2339 as Reported by Senate Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection on 02-16-2012 | Bill Reports | Reported by LCCP 02-16-12 | 2/16/2012 |
Total Count: 7