Concerning portions of state highways better served by merged districts under certain circumstances.

8 documents for 6205 (2009-10)

Links Document Document Type Description Date
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Senate Bill 6205 Bills Original Bill 12/7/2009
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Substitute Senate Bill 6205 as Recommended by Transportation Bills TRAN 09 Substitute Bill 1/21/2010
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Digest of Senate Bill 6205 Digests Bill Digest 1/4/2010
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Digest of Substitute Senate Bill 6205 Digests Substitute Bill Digest 1/22/2010
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Senate Bill Report on Senate Bill 6205 Bill Reports Initial Bill Report 01-14-10 1/14/2010
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Senate Bill Report on Senate Bill 6205 as Reported by Senate Transportation on 01-20-2010 Bill Reports Reported by TRAN 01-20-10 1/20/2010
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Senate Bill Report on Substitute Senate Bill 6205 as Passed Senate on 02-12-2010 Bill Reports Passed Senate 02-12-10 2/12/2010
(WORD) (HTM) (PDF) Initial House Analysis of Substitute Senate Bill 6205 Bill Reports Initial House Analysis 02-22-10 2/22/2010

Total Count: 8

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