Detailed Legislative Reports - Roll Calls on a Bill

SSB 5960 - Requiring the department of fish and wildlife to update the 2011 wolf conservation and management plan to ensure the establishment of a self-sustaining population of gray wolves while also ensuring social tolerance of wolf recovery.

Chamber: SENATE  2015 Regular Session
Bill No: SSB 5960 Docs
Item No: 20
Transcript No: 52
Date: 03-04-2015
Yeas: 39 Nays: 9 Absent: 0 Excused: 1
Voting yea:Senators Angel (R-26), Bailey (R-10), Baumgartner (R-6), Becker (R-2), Benton (R-17), Billig (D-3), Braun (R-20), Brown (R-8), Chase (D-32), Cleveland (D-49), Conway (D-29), Dammeier (R-25), Dansel (R-7), Darneille (D-27), Ericksen (R-42), Fain (R-47), Hargrove (D-24), Hasegawa (D-11), Hatfield (D-19), Hewitt (R-16), Hill (R-45), Hobbs (D-44), Honeyford (R-15), Jayapal (D-37), King (R-14), Litzow (R-41), McAuliffe (D-1), Miloscia (R-30), Mullet (D-5), O'Ban (R-28), Padden (R-4), Parlette (R-12), Pearson (R-39), Ranker (D-40), Rivers (R-18), Roach (R-31), Schoesler (R-9), Sheldon (D-35), Warnick (R-13)
Voting nay:Senators Fraser (D-22), Habib (D-48), Keiser (D-33), Kohl-Welles (D-36), Liias (D-21), McCoy (D-38), Nelson (D-34), Pedersen (D-43), Rolfes (D-23)
Excused:Senator Frockt (D-46)