WAC 434-230-010
WSR Filing Number | Type of Filing | Date of Filing |
09-12-078 | Permanent Rule | 5/29/2009 |
09-09-052 | Proposal Original Notice | 4/10/2009 |
08-15-052 | Permanent Rule | 7/11/2008 |
08-12-063 | Proposal Original Notice | 6/02/2008 |
08-10-055 | Emergency Rule | 5/02/2008 |
06-14-049 | Permanent Rule | 6/28/2006 |
06-10-076 | Proposal Original Notice | 5/02/2006 |
05-16-012 | Emergency Rule | 7/22/2005 |
05-15-104 | Proposal Withdrawl | 7/15/2005 |
05-15-102 | Rescind Emergency Rule | 7/15/2005 |
05-14-171 | Proposal Original Notice | 7/06/2005 |
05-11-101 | Emergency Rule | 5/18/2005 |
04-15-089 | Permanent Rule | 7/16/2004 |
04-10-084 | Expedited Rule Making | 5/04/2004 |
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