WAC 388-885-013
WSR Filing Number | Type of Filing | Date of Filing |
16-08-040 | Preproposal Statement of Inquiry Withdrawl | 3/30/2016 |
13-03-142 | Preproposal Statement of Inquiry | 1/23/2013 |
11-10-086 | Permanent Rule | 5/04/2011 |
11-07-105 | Proposal Original Notice | 3/23/2011 |
10-16-157 | Rescind Emergency Rule | 8/04/2010 |
10-16-067 | Emergency Rule | 7/29/2010 |
10-07-059 | Preproposal Statement of Inquiry | 3/15/2010 |
08-19-042 | Permanent Rule | 9/11/2008 |
08-15-057 | Proposal Original Notice | 7/14/2008 |
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