WAC 388-827-0120
WSR Filing Number | Type of Filing | Date of Filing |
18-06-101 | Permanent Rule | 3/07/2018 |
18-03-104 | Emergency Rule | 1/18/2018 |
18-02-097 | Proposal Original Notice | 1/03/2018 |
17-20-011 | Emergency Rule | 9/22/2017 |
17-19-101 | Preproposal Statement of Inquiry | 9/19/2017 |
17-13-022 | Permanent Rule | 6/12/2017 |
17-08-043 | Proposal Original Notice | 3/30/2017 |
04-02-015 | Permanent Rule | 12/29/2003 |
04-01-145 | Emergency Rule | 12/19/2003 |
03-22-056 | Proposal Original Notice | 10/31/2003 |
03-18-027 | Emergency Rule | 8/25/2003 |
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