WAC 246-811-035
WSR Filing Number | Type of Filing | Date of Filing |
24-21-002 | Emergency Rule | 10/02/2024 |
24-12-078 | Emergency Rule | 6/04/2024 |
22-17-097 | Permanent Rule | 8/18/2022 |
22-12-085 | Proposal Original Notice | 5/31/2022 |
22-01-174 | Preproposal Statement of Inquiry | 12/17/2021 |
22-01-173 | Preproposal Statement of Inquiry Withdrawal | 12/17/2021 |
21-20-030 | Permanent Rule | 9/24/2021 |
21-15-110 | Preproposal Statement of Inquiry | 7/20/2021 |
21-13-152 | Expedited Rule Making | 6/22/2021 |
21-02-002 | Permanent Rule | 12/23/2020 |
20-20-077 | Proposal Original Notice | 10/02/2020 |
20-12-074 | Permanent Rule | 6/01/2020 |
20-07-128 | Proposal Original Notice | 3/18/2020 |
09-14-111 | Permanent Rule | 6/30/2009 |
09-08-080 | Proposal Original Notice | 3/30/2009 |
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