Chapter 392-191 WAC
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 392-191-001 | Authority. |
HTMLPDF | 392-191-005 | Purpose. |
HTMLPDF | 392-191-007 | Evaluation requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 392-191-010 | Minimum evaluation criteria—Certificated classroom teachers. |
HTMLPDF | 392-191-020 | Minimum evaluation criteria—Certificated support personnel. |
HTMLPDF | 392-191-025 | Minimum procedural standards—Purposes of evaluation. |
HTMLPDF | 392-191-030 | Minimum procedural standards—Frequency of evaluation. |
HTMLPDF | 392-191-035 | Minimum procedural standards—Conduct of the evaluation. |
HTMLPDF | 392-191-040 | Minimum procedural standards—Procedures to be used in making evaluations. |
HTMLPDF | 392-191-045 | Minimum procedural standards—Use of evaluation results. |
392-191-060 | Professional growth component. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-060, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.] Repealed by WSR 91-16-026 (Order 91-13), filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. |
392-191-065 | Professional growth component—Purpose. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-065, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.] Repealed by WSR 91-16-026 (Order 91-13), filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. |
392-191-070 | Professional growth component—Implementation. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-070, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.] Repealed by WSR 91-16-026 (Order 91-13), filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. |
392-191-075 | Professional growth component—Committee membership. [Statutory Authority: 1990 c 33. WSR 91-16-011 (Order 91-12) § 392-191-075, filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-075, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.] Repealed by WSR 91-16-026 (Order 91-13), filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. |
392-191-080 | Professional growth component—Sources of information. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-080, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.] Repealed by WSR 91-16-026 (Order 91-13), filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. |
392-191-085 | Professional growth component—Short form of evaluation. [Statutory Authority: 1990 c 33. WSR 91-16-011 (Order 91-12), § 392-191-085, filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-085, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.] Repealed by WSR 91-16-026 (Order 91-13), filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. |
392-191-090 | Professional growth component—Records. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-090, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.] Repealed by WSR 91-16-026 (Order 91-13), filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. |
392-191-095 | Professional growth component—Timeline. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-095, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.] Repealed by WSR 91-16-026 (Order 91-13), filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. |
The general authority for this chapter is RCW 28A.405.100 which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to adopt minimum criteria for the evaluation by districts of the professional performance capabilities and development of certificated classroom teachers and certificated support personnel. This general authority is supplemented by RCW 28A.405.150 which authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to develop minimum procedural standards for evaluation of certificated classroom teachers and certificated support personnel conducted pursuant to RCW 28A.405.100.
[Statutory Authority: 1990 c 33. WSR 91-16-011 (Order 91-12), § 392-191-001, filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-001, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. WSR 84-20-085 (Order 84-45), § 392-191-001, filed 10/2/84.]
The purpose of this chapter is to establish the minimum criteria and minimum procedural standards to be adopted in accordance with chapter 41.59 RCW by districts for the evaluation of the professional performance capabilities and development of certificated classroom teachers and certificated support personnel.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-005, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. WSR 84-20-085 (Order 84-45), § 392-191-005, filed 10/2/84; Order 20-76, § 392-191-005, filed 1/11/77.]
Evaluation requirements.
Local school districts shall establish and implement on or before September 1, 1991, an evaluation program consisting of the following:
(1) Evaluation criteria meeting the minimum standards specified in WAC 392-191-010 and 392-191-020;
(2) Evaluation procedures meeting the minimum standards specified in WAC 392-191-025 through 392-191-045;
(3) Evaluation criteria and procedures as specified in RCW 28A.405.100 and 28A.405.150;
(4) Additional criteria and procedural standards as may be established pursuant to the bargaining process set forth in chapter 41.59 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: 1990 c 33. WSR 91-16-011 (Order 91-12), § 392-191-007, filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. WSR 90-22-045 (Order 41), § 392-191-007, filed 11/2/90, effective 12/3/90.]
Minimum evaluation criteria—Certificated classroom teachers.
The following are the minimum criteria for certificated classroom teachers:
(1) Instructional skill. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates, in his or her performance, a competent level of knowledge and skill in designing and conducting an instructional experience.
(2) Classroom management. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates, in his or her performance, a competent level of knowledge and skill in organizing the physical and human elements in the educational setting.
(3) Professional preparation and scholarship. The certificated classroom teacher exhibits, in his or her performance, evidence of having a theoretical background and knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching, and a commitment to education as a profession.
(4) Effort toward improvement when needed. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates an awareness of his or her limitations and strengths, and demonstrates continued professional growth.
(5) The handling of student discipline and attendant problems. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates the ability to manage the noninstructional, human dynamics in the educational setting.
(6) Interest in teaching pupils. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates an understanding of and commitment to each pupil, taking into account each individual's unique background and characteristics. The certificated classroom teacher demonstrates enthusiasm for or enjoyment in working with pupils.
(7) Knowledge of subject matter. The teacher demonstrates a depth and breadth of knowledge of theory and content in general education and subject matter specialization(s) appropriate to the elementary and/or secondary level(s).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-010, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90; Order 20-76, § 392-191-010, filed 1/11/77.]
Minimum evaluation criteria—Certificated support personnel.
The following are the minimum criteria for certificated support personnel:
(1) Knowledge and scholarship in special field. Each certificated support person demonstrates a depth and breadth of knowledge of theory and content in the special field. He/she demonstrates an understanding of and knowledge about common school education and the educational milieu grades K-12, and demonstrates the ability to integrate the area of specialty into the total school milieu.
(2) Specialized skills. Each certificated support person demonstrates in his/her performance a competent level of skill and knowledge in designing and conducting specialized programs of prevention, instruction, remediation and evaluation.
(3) Management of special and technical environment. Each certificated support person demonstrates an acceptable level of performance in managing and organizing the special materials, equipment and environment essential to the specialized programs.
(4) The support person as a professional. Each certificated support person demonstrates awareness of his/her limitations and strengths and demonstrates continued professional growth.
(5) Involvement in assisting pupils, parents, and educational personnel. Each certificated support person demonstrates an acceptable level of performance in offering specialized assistance in identifying those needing specialized programs.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-020, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90; Order 20-76, § 392-191-020, filed 1/11/77.]
Minimum procedural standards—Purposes of evaluation.
The purposes of evaluations of certificated classroom teachers and certificated support personnel shall be, at a minimum:
(1) To identify in consultation with classroom teachers and certificated support personnel observed, particular areas in which their professional performance is satisfactory or outstanding, and particular areas in which the classroom teacher or support person needs to improve his or her performance.
(2) To assist classroom teachers and certificated support personnel, who have identified areas needing improvement, in making those improvements.
(3) To identify classroom teachers or certificated support personnel whose professional performance is unsatisfactory and for whom remediation is needed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-025, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]
Minimum procedural standards—Frequency of evaluation.
Each school year the frequency of evaluation shall be:
(1) All classroom teachers and certificated support personnel shall be observed for the purposes of evaluation at least twice in the performance of their assigned duties.
(2) At least one observation shall be a minimum of thirty minutes.
(3) New employees shall be observed at least once for a total observation time of thirty minutes during the first ninety calendar days of their employment period.
(4) Total observation time for each employee for each school year shall be not less that sixty minutes: Provided, That after an employee has four years of satisfactory evaluations, a school district may use a short form of evaluation pursuant to RCW 28A.405.100(5).
[Statutory Authority: 1990 c 33. WSR 91-16-011 (Order 91-12), § 392-191-030, filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. WSR 90-22-045 (Order 41), § 392-191-030, filed 11/2/90, effective 12/3/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-030, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]
Minimum procedural standards—Conduct of the evaluation.
The conduct of the evaluation of classroom teachers and certificated support personnel shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) Observation and written comment pursuant to RCW 28A.405.100 by the principal or his/her designee at the school to which the certificated employee is assigned.
(2) The opportunity for the employee to attach written comments to his/her evaluation report.
(3) For certificated classroom teachers, the minimum criteria set forth in WAC 392-191-010; and for certificated support personnel the minimum criteria set forth in WAC 392-191-020. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit a local school district from developing an evaluation instrument which contains criteria in excess of those established by the superintendent of public instruction.
(4) When appropriate, suggestions for improvement should be part of the principal's or his/her designee's comments.
[Statutory Authority: 1990 c 33. WSR 91-16-011 (Order 91-12), § 392-191-035, filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. WSR 90-22-045 (Order 41), § 392-191-035, filed 11/2/90, effective 12/3/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-035, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]
Minimum procedural standards—Procedures to be used in making evaluations.
The following procedures shall be used in making evaluations:
(1) The procedures stipulated in RCW 28A.405.100 shall be used by principals or their designees conducting evaluations of certificated classroom teachers and certificated support personnel.
(2) Following each observation, or series of observations, the principal or his/her designee shall promptly document the results of the evaluation in writing, and shall provide the employee with a copy thereof within three days after such report is prepared.
(3) Each classroom teacher and each certificated support person shall have the opportunity for a minimum of two confidential conferences during each school year with his/her principal or principal's designee either following receipt of the written evaluation results, or at a time mutually satisfactory to the participants. The sole purpose of each such conference shall be to provide additional information to aid the principal or his or her designee in evaluating the teacher or certificated support person (e.g., providing direction, assistance, guidance, encouragement to the employee).
(4) If other evaluators are used, additional procedures may be adopted pursuant to local policy.
[Statutory Authority: 1990 c 33. WSR 91-16-011 (Order 91-12), § 392-191-040, filed 7/26/91, effective 8/26/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065. WSR 90-22-045 (Order 41), § 392-191-040, filed 11/2/90, effective 12/3/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-040, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]
Minimum procedural standards—Use of evaluation results.
Evaluation results shall be used:
(1) To acknowledge, recognize, and encourage excellence in professional performance.
(2) To document the satisfactory performance by an employee of his/her assigned duties.
(3) To identify discrete areas according to the criteria included on the evaluation instrument in which the employee may need improvement.
(4) To document performance by an employee judged unsatisfactory based on the district evaluation criteria.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.67.065 and 28A.67.225. WSR 90-02-078 (Order 20), § 392-191-045, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]