PDFWAC 314-55-570
Social equity in cannabis program.
(1) Definitions.
(a) "Disproportionately impacted area (DIA)" means a census tract within Washington state where community members were more likely to be impacted by the war on drugs. The board will provide maps to identify disproportionately impacted areas. The maps will reflect census tracts from different time periods to account for gentrification. These areas are determined using a standardized statistical equation to identify areas in the top 15th percentile in at least two of the following demographic indicators of populations most impacted by the war on drugs:
(i) The area has a high rate of people living under the federal poverty level;
(ii) The area has a high rate of people who did not graduate from high school;
(iii) The area has a high rate of unemployment; or
(iv) The area has a high rate of people receiving public assistance.
(b) "Family member" means:
(i) A biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a child's spouse, or a child to whom the social equity registrant, as defined in this subsection below, stands in loco parentis (in place of the parent), is a legal guardian, or is a de facto parent, regardless of age or dependency status;
(ii) Grandchild, grandparent, parent, or sibling of a child as defined in (b)(i) of this subsection;
(iii) Spouse or domestic partner;
(iv) Any individual who regularly resides in the registrant's home or where the relationship creates an expectation that the registrant care for the individual and that individual depends on the applicant for care, or that the individual care for the registrant and that the registrant depends on the individual for care.
(c) "Household income" means the gross income for the previous calendar year and includes the sum of the income received in the previous calendar year by all household members aged 15 years and older before taxes and deductions.
(d) "Individual" means a real human being, distinguished from a corporation, company, or other business entity.
(e) "Median household income" means the median income for households in Washington for the previous calendar year, as determined by the United States Census Bureau.
(f) "Preliminary letter of approval" means an approval letter issued to a social equity program applicant. The letter may be used for the purposes of applying for funding and/or securing a location, and additional steps that may be necessary for continuing with the licensing application process.
(g) "Social equity program applicant" means an individual or entity that receives a preliminary letter of approval to apply for the social equity licensing program.
(h) "Social equity contractor" means a third party responsible for reviewing and scoring social equity program applications to identify which applicants qualify to apply for a social equity license.
(i) "Social equity licensee" means an individual or entity that holds a social equity cannabis license or any individual or entity who is a true party of interest in a social equity in cannabis license as described in WAC 314-55-035.
(j) "Social equity registrant" means any individual or entity that registers to be evaluated and scored for the social equity program. Qualification is evaluated based on the registrant's application materials submitted to the social equity contractor. If a registrant is deemed qualified for the social equity program and selected to move forward, the registrant becomes a social equity applicant, as defined in this subsection.
(2) Registering for the social equity program. Registration through a designated portal is required prior to submitting application materials to the social equity contractor. If two or more individuals are registering as a single applicant, only one individual may fill out the registration form on behalf of the other individuals who are applying. Each individual is limited to one registration, within a designated license application window. Individuals registering and submitting application materials who are contributing to the required 51 percent ownership may not be removed or added after registering.
(a) Registration window. The registration window(s) will be open for 30 calendar days. The board will open separate registration windows for retail applications and for producer and processor applications. The board may reopen a designated registration window after conducting an evaluation that considers market demand, impacts related to license density, and availability of licenses.
(3) Social equity application process. After a designated registration window closes, the social equity contractor will provide the registrant with directions for submitting social equity program application materials and verification documents.
(a) Submission requirements. Social equity program application materials must be submitted directly to the social equity contractor in the form and manner required by the social equity contractor, within 21 calendar days after notification from the social equity contractor. Application materials submitted after the specified time frame will not be reviewed or scored. Registrants are responsible for ensuring the application is complete, accurate, and successfully submitted.
(4) Qualifying for the social equity program. To qualify for the social equity program under this chapter and RCW 69.50.335, the criteria provided in this subsection must be met. Social equity applicants with the highest scores will be prioritized by the social equity contractor to proceed with the social equity license application process. The social equity contractor will provide the board with a list of the selected registrants that may move forward in the application process as an applicant.
(a) 51 percent ownership. An applicant must have 51 percent ownership and control by one or more individuals qualifying as a social equity applicant. All individuals that are a part of the license registration must be held by a person, or persons, who has lawfully resided in Washington state for six months prior to the registration date, consistent with RCW 69.50.331. Each individual comprising the 51 percent majority ownership must meet at least two of the four qualifications below:
(i) Qualification 1: Resided in a disproportionately impacted area (DIA) in Washington state for a minimum of five years any time between 1980 and 2010. Time spent living in a DIA does not need to be consecutive.
(A) Proof of address documentation that may demonstrate currently living or having lived in a DIA include, but are not limited to, documents such as: Bank statements, lease agreements, home insurance or car policy, federal or state tax returns that show the address for each year, utility bills, employment records, school records, voter registration. Any combination of documents may be utilized to demonstrate the qualification.
(B) Affidavits may be used as a supplemental document to demonstrate the registrant meets the qualifications under (4)(a)(i) of this subsection, provided that the affidavit is accompanied by other documents. The social equity contractor may verify the authenticity and accuracy of the submitted affidavit and supporting documentation. Additional documentation or evidence may be requested to support the claims made in the affidavit. Failure to provide truthful information or to comply with the verification request may be considered a misrepresentation of fact, under WAC 314-55-050, 314-55-073, or 314-55-505.
(ii) Qualification 2: Been arrested or convicted for a cannabis offense.
(A) To demonstrate this, documents that contain details such as the date of the arrest or conviction, the charges, and the law enforcement agency involved, such as: Arrest records from the agency that made the arrest, booking reports, bail papers, police reports or police logs, court documents (e.g., arrest warrants, charging documents, or minutes from the arraignment), criminal history records, news reports to establish the event, online inmate locator services for the family member, legal representation who can provide details about the arrest or conviction, court mandated community service paperwork, court mandated paperwork, or background checks. Any combination of documents may be utilized to demonstrate the qualification.
(B) Affidavits may be used as a supplemental document to demonstrate an arrest or conviction was a cannabis offense provided that the affidavit is accompanied by court records that provide evidence of an arrest or conviction for a schedule 1 drug offense. Court records include, but are not limited to, arrest records, charging documents, plea agreements, court orders, or sentencing documents. The social equity contractor may verify the authenticity and accuracy of the submitted affidavit and supporting documentation. Additional documentation or evidence may be requested to support the claims made in the affidavit. Failure to provide truthful information or to comply with the verification request may be considered a misrepresentation of fact, under WAC 314-55-050, 314-55-073, or 314-55-505.
(iii) Qualification 3: Had a household income less than the median household income within the state of Washington as determined by the United States Census Bureau for the calendar year preceding the date of application.
(A) Proof of household income includes, but is not limited to, documents such as: Federal tax return, W-2 forms issued by an employer that shows annual wages and taxes withheld, 1099-NEC forms, bank statements showing consistent deposits, employer income verification letter stating your salary and terms of employment, unemployment benefits statements, court ordered agreements, annuity statements from an insurance company showing regular annuity payments, workers' compensation letter from an employer or insurance company detailing workers' compensation payments, profit or loss statements for self-employed individuals, a statement showing business income and expenses. Any combination of documents may be utilized to demonstrate the qualification.
(iv) Qualification 4: Is both socially and economically disadvantaged as defined by the office of minority and women's business enterprises.
(A) Examples of documentation to demonstrate the qualification may include, but are not limited to, those identified by the office of minority and women's business enterprises for Washington state certification. Any combination of documents may be utilized to demonstrate the qualification.
(5) Identifying registrants eligible to apply for a license. After the social equity contractor has evaluated all registrations from a designated registration window, the social equity contractor will provide the board with a prioritized list of:
(a) The top 52 scoring registrants eligible to apply for a retail license.
(b) The top 10 scoring registrants for a cannabis producer license, which must be issued in conjunction with a cannabis processor license.
(c) The top 100 scoring registrants for a cannabis processor only license.
(6) Social equity contractor review. After the registration window is closed, the social equity contractor will provide the registrant, or title certificate holder, with directions for submitting social equity program application materials and verification documents.
(a) Who is eligible to be scored: Scoring by the social equity contractor will be limited to each registrant who meets two out of the four required social equity program qualifications, and each registrant may only be scored once. Only the first registration received will be scored for qualifications. Title certificate holders applying for license reinstatement and registering for an eligibility determination shall not be considered a duplicate registration for other new social equity license application under this section.
(b) Scoring rubric. The social equity contractor will prioritize social equity program registrants based on the below scoring rubric criteria. The total score will be based on a cumulative total, adding together the highest achieved score for each of the 7 categories:
Social Equity Application Scoring Rubric | |||
Category | Eligibility Requirements | Point Scale | |
1. Lived in a disproportionately impacted area (DIA) 1-5 years = 15 points 6-10 years = 45 points 11+ years = 60 points | 60 | ||
2. Convicted of a drug offense? (Self) = 15 points Convicted of a cannabis offense? (Self) = 60 points | 60 | ||
3. Convicted of a drug offense? (Family) = 15 points Convicted of a cannabis offense? (Family) = 30 points | 30 | ||
4. If you were convicted of a cannabis offense, what type of sentence did you receive: Fine = 15 points Served probation or Confined to home = 30 points Served time in jail or prison = 60 points | 60 | ||
5. Is your household income less than the median household income within the state of Washington as calculated by the United States Census Bureau? | 45 | ||
6. Owned a medical cannabis dispensary or collective garden, licensed as a business, prior to July 1, 2016 = 15 points Owned a medical cannabis dispensary or collective garden licensed as a business in a DIA = 30 points | 30 | ||
7. Applied during the HB 2870 social equity application window, qualified as a social equity applicant, but were not eligible to be issued a license | 15 | ||
Total Maximum Points | 300 points |
(c) Preliminary score. Upon initial assessment of the social equity program application materials, the social equity contractor will provide the registrant with a preliminary score, along with a comprehensive explanation of the score detailing the points allocated for each criterion.
(i) The registrant may submit additional documentation to potentially improve the final score. Documentation must be submitted in the form and manner specified by the social equity contractor no later than 21 calendar days after being provided the preliminary score.
(d) Final score. Prior to issuing the final score, the social equity contractor may adjust the registrant's preliminary score based on a review of any additional documentation provided. The social equity contractor will notify registrants and qualified social equity applicants of the final score and include a detailed explanation of the scoring decision.
(e) Prioritization. Qualified registrants with highest final scores will be prioritized by the social equity contractor to be included on the list of social equity applicants who are selected to apply for a social equity license.
(f) Double-blind lottery. If a tie should occur among qualified registrants with identical scores, a double-blind lottery will be used to prioritize the social equity applicants who may proceed with applying for a social equity license. The double-blind lottery will be conducted by a third-party contractor who is separate from the social equity contractor reviewing and scoring the application.
(g) Conflict of interest. It is a conflict of interest and violation of this chapter if the social equity contractor, the third-party contractor conducting the double-blind lottery, or employees of any contractor benefit from any social equity license granted under this section. Any conflicts of interest between a contractor and applicant or cannabis licensee may result in the denial of an application or a revocation of the cannabis license.
(7) Board notification.
(a) Preliminary letter of approval. Once the social equity applications that will be processed are identified as described in this section, eligible social equity applicants will be issued a preliminary letter of approval.
(b) Withdrawal letter. The board will issue a withdrawal letter notifying registrants that are not eligible to apply for a social equity license if:
(i) The social equity program application or additional materials are determined to be incomplete or incorrect by the social equity contractor;
(ii) The social equity program application materials are not received by the social equity contractor in a timely manner;
(iii) The social equity registrant is not qualified for the social equity program based on the determination made by the social equity contractor;
(iv) The social equity registrant is deemed qualified for the social equity program but did not score high enough to be prioritized, based on the score provided by the social equity contractor or the social equity registrant was not selected in a lottery to determine which registrants could move forward.
(v) The social equity registrant makes a voluntary request to the board, in writing, to voluntarily withdraw the social equity program application being reviewed and scored by the social equity contractor. The voluntary withdrawal of a social equity program application does not result in a hearing right.
(8) Social equity license application. Once the board issues the preliminary letter of approval, selected applicants may submit social equity license application materials to the board. Qualifying as a social equity applicant does not guarantee the issuance of a social equity license.
(a) Licensing requirements. To qualify for a social equity license, applicants must meet the licensing requirements provided in this chapter, RCW 69.50.331, and RCW 69.50.335.
(b) Location and financing. There are no time restrictions for when a social equity applicant must select and secure a location and/or financing. Social equity registrants who applied under chapter 220, Laws of 2023, have been scored and prioritized pursuant to this section by the social equity contractor and have been selected to apply for a new social equity license may locate the initial licensed business to any city, town, or county in the state of Washington, one time only. Once the initial licensed location is established it may not be moved from the selected city, town, or county.
(c) County threshold. The board will establish license thresholds for each county to ensure there is an adequate amount of access to licensed sources of cannabis, cannabis concentrates, usable cannabis, and cannabis-infused products to discourage purchases from the illegal market. The board shall conduct a license threshold determination every three years, beginning July 1, 2029. In making its determination, the board shall consider market conditions, economic trends, demographics, and other relevant factors. County thresholds will be publicly posted and updated every three years and will be accessible to all stakeholders and the general public via the internet.
(d) Retailer license mobility. Effective January 1, 2026, social equity applicants, who applied under chapter 236, Laws of 2020, may change the initial business location from their currently allocated local jurisdiction under the following conditions:
(i) The qualifying licensee has not secured a location in the initial county where their license is allocated; and
(ii) Any relocation into a different county requires the qualifying social equity licensee to have received an application score which exceeds the lowest score awarded for successful applicants in the desired county.
(iii) The lowest scores awarded for successful applicants under chapter 236, Laws of 2020, by county will be posted online.
(e) Local ordinance. The board will substantially consider an objection from an incorporated city or town, or county for a proposed location of a social equity retail license if an ordinance limiting retail outlet density is in effect in the area prior to the board receiving the license application.
(f) License transfer and assumption. Licenses awarded under this section may not be transferred or assumed within the first year of the license being issued. After the first year and up to the fifth year from the date of the initial license approval, licenses awarded under this section may only be transferred to or assumed by individuals or groups of individuals who meet the qualifications of a social equity program applicant.
(g) Appeals. An applicant or licensee may request an administrative hearing to contest the withdrawal, denial, nonrenewal, or revocation of a license pursuant to chapter 34.05 RCW. A request for a hearing must be made in writing and received by the board no later than 20 days after the date the notification of withdrawal, denial, nonrenewal, or revocation was mailed to the applicant or licensee.
(9) Title certificate holders. A title certificate holder means a licensee who is unable to open for business in the city or county where the cannabis retail license was originally located due to a ban or moratorium.
(a) Title certificate holders that meet the requirements of a social equity applicant under chapter 220, Laws of 2023, may reinstate their existing license under the social equity program, and locate anywhere in the county where the cannabis retail license was originally located. To reinstate a license under the social equity program, title certificate holders must first register through the board to then submit application materials to the social equity contractor for an eligibility determination, as defined in this chapter and RCW 69.50.335. Scoring by the social equity contractor is not required as part of eligibility determination.
(i) Prior to submitting application materials to the board to reinstate the license under the social equity program, the title certificate holders must have an established business entity structure that has been approved by the board.
(ii) Individuals registering and submitting application materials for an eligibility determination, who are contributing to the required 51 percent ownership, may not be removed after the title certificate holder registers and submits application materials to the social equity contractor during the 30-day registration window.
(iii) An application to reinstate a license and application for a social equity license must be submitted to the board.
(iv) Neither a new location for the retail license in the county or financing are required at the time of the application to reinstate an existing cannabis license.
(v) Nothing shall prevent a title certificate holder from applying for a social equity license under chapter 220, Laws of 2023, in addition to reinstating a license under the social equity in cannabis program. Only social equity registrants receiving a score by the social equity contractor are eligible to be prioritized for a new license under this section.
(10) Social equity plan reimbursement. All cannabis licensees with an active license may submit a social equity plan, as defined in RCW 69.50.101, to the board for a one-time reimbursement that equals the cost of the licensee's annual cannabis license renewal fee, one per entity. The board will reimburse the licensee no later than 30 calendar days after the social equity plan has been received and verified.
(a) Reimbursements may only be provided to licenses that are currently operational, and not in the process of assumption, acquisition, or discontinuation of business activities.
(b) Social equity applicants or those who hold a social equity license are not required to pay a license renewal fee.