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284-84-010  <<  284-84-020 >>   284-84-030

PDFWAC 284-84-020


As used in this regulation:
(1) "Universal life insurance policy" means any individual life insurance policy having provisions for separately identified interest credits (other than in connection with dividend accumulations, premium deposit funds, or other supplementary accounts) and mortality and expense charges. A universal life insurance policy may provide for other credits and charges, such as charges for the cost of benefits provided by rider.
(2) "Flexible premium universal life insurance policy" means a universal life insurance policy which permits the policyowner to vary the amount or timing of one or more premium payments or the amount of insurance, independently of each other.
(3) "Fixed premium universal life insurance policy" means a universal life insurance policy other than a flexible premium universal life insurance policy. These policies typically schedule a guaranteed maximum premium at the beginning of each policy year for the premium paying period.
(4) "Cash surrender value" means the amount available in cash to the policyowner upon surrender of the policy, in the absence of any indebtedness.
(5) "Net cash surrender value" means the cash surrender value less any indebtedness under the policy.
(6) "Policy value" means the amount, developed within the main structure of the policy or provided in a separate policy provision, to which separately identified interest credits and mortality, morbidity, expense or other charges are made under a fixed premium universal life insurance policy. The policy owner may or may not have a right to the entire policy value because of built in surrender charges imposed by the insurer.
(7) "Substandard class of insureds" is one whose mortality rates are assumed to be higher than the mortality rates employed with standard issues according to the insurer's classification of risks.
(8) "Death benefit corridor" defines a minimum policy benefit payable in addition to its cash value in the event of the death of the insured.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060. WSR 86-02-011 (Order R 85-5), ยง 284-84-020, filed 12/20/85.]