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240-20-080  <<  240-20-090 >>   240-20-110

PDFWAC 240-20-090


The clerk of the committee shall be responsible for the preparation of all reports to and on behalf of the committee. Such reports shall minimally include the following:
(1) Exception reports. The clerk of the committee shall report to the chair any exceptions that occur concerning projects and programs by account. Such report shall be submitted at such time as the exception becomes known.
(2) Quarterly reports. The clerk of the committee shall provide to the committee a report of the progress of programs and projects for each account. Such report shall be submitted prior to each regularly scheduled committee meeting at a time that permits it to be part of the information packets that include the meeting agenda and past meeting minutes. The format of such report shall be determined by the committee and communicated to the clerk of the committee.
(3) Annual report. The clerk of the committee shall prepare for the committee an annual report. Such report shall be presented to the committee at the regular scheduled meeting in the last quarter of the year for approval, and then presented to the legislative transportation committees by no later than January 1 of each year.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.66 RCW. WSR 94-10-030 and 94-11-081, ยง 240-20-090, filed 4/28/94 and 5/16/94, effective 5/1/94 and 5/16/94.]