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PDFWAC 240-20-048

Availability for public inspection and copying of public records.

(1) Public records shall be available for inspection and copying during the normal business hours of the department. For the purposes of this chapter, the normal office hours shall be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.
(2) No fee shall be charged for inspection of public records.
(3) The committee shall impose a reasonable charge for providing copies of public records and for the use by any person of department equipment to copy records; such charges shall not exceed the amount necessary to reimburse the department for its actual costs incident to such copying. Actual costs shall include the labor costs of staff, machine cost and paper cost necessary to provide copies of requested records.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.66 RCW. WSR 94-10-030 and 94-11-081, ยง 240-20-048, filed 4/28/94 and 5/16/94, effective 5/1/94 and 5/16/94.]