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Chapter 222-30 WAC

Last Update: 2/22/21


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF222-30-010Policy—Timber harvesting.
HTMLPDF222-30-020*Harvest unit planning and design.
HTMLPDF222-30-021*Western Washington riparian management zones.
HTMLPDF222-30-022*Eastern Washington riparian management zones.
HTMLPDF222-30-023Riparian management zones for exempt 20-acre parcels.
HTMLPDF222-30-025Even-aged harvest—Size and timing.
HTMLPDF222-30-030Stream bank integrity.
HTMLPDF222-30-040Shade requirements to maintain water temperature.
HTMLPDF222-30-045Salvage logging within riparian management zones.
HTMLPDF222-30-050Felling and bucking.
HTMLPDF222-30-060Cable yarding.
HTMLPDF222-30-062*Large woody debris removal or repositioning.
HTMLPDF222-30-065Helicopter yarding.
HTMLPDF222-30-070Ground-based logging systems.
HTMLPDF222-30-080Landing cleanup.
HTMLPDF222-30-090Postharvest site preparation.
HTMLPDF222-30-100Slash disposal or prescribed burning.
HTMLPDF222-30-110Timber harvesting on islands.
HTMLPDF222-30-120Rate of harvest monitoring.
Reviser's note: For an explanation of the rules marked with an asterisk (*), see WAC 222-12-010.
Site Contents
Selected content listed in alphabetical order under each group