PDFWAC 173-166-050
Forecast of drought conditions.
(1) Whenever it appears to the department of ecology that drought conditions as defined in WAC 173-166-030(2) either exist or are forecast to occur, ecology will consult with the state's water supply availability committee (WSAC) or its successor. Other appropriate sources of water supply information, such as the Columbia River water management group, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other water managers, may be consulted by the WSAC as needed.
(2) Ecology may solicit input from local authorities to aid ecology in determining the anticipated level of hardship and will make that information available to the executive water emergency committee (EWEC).
(3) Should the WSAC determine that a geographical area is receiving, or is likely to receive, seventy-five percent or less of its normal water supply, it will advise the EWEC and the Indian tribes within the area. The EWEC will then make a determination as to whether or not undue hardships will occur as a result of the shortage.
(4) Should the EWEC determine that an area will suffer undue hardship as a result of a reduced water supply, it will submit a recommendation to that effect to the governor for written approval. Affected Indian tribes will be notified at the time such a recommendation is submitted.
(5) Upon securing the written approval of the governor, ecology will then issue an order declaring a geographical area to be suffering from drought conditions and publish that order in a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the order.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.83B.420. WSR 18-09-031 (Order 17-01), § 173-166-050, filed 4/11/18, effective 5/12/18; WSR 91-03-081 (Order 90-53), § 173-166-050, filed 1/17/91, effective 2/17/91. Statutory Authority: 1977 c 339 § 75. WSR 78-04-019 (Order 78-3), § 173-166-050, filed 3/10/78.]