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Reports to the Legislature
Close Note: This page consolidates, and makes available electronically, reports to the Legislature from January 1, 2008 to date. These reports come from a variety of sources and the Legislature makes no claim as to the timeliness or comprehensiveness of the list. If you have or are aware of additional reports during this time frame, please send them to the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate.

Reports to the Legislature by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, and the State Auditor's Office can be accessed at:
WSIPP: https://www.wsipp.wa.gov
JLARC: Audit and Study Reports
SAO: Reports
You may click on the column headings in the table below to sort it in ascending or descending order. For instance, if you would like to see all reports for an organization in date order, first choose the organization from the menu below, then click the Report Date column heading to sort by date. View more information about this page.

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Organization Name RCW Bill Exec. Order Report Title Report Date
Transportation, Department of 47.01.495 Construction Program Business Plan Biennial Progress Report, September 2018 (1.6MB) 9/30/2018
Health Benefit Exchange 43.71.030 Strategic Plan for 2018-2019 (2.3MB) 10/1/2018
Health Care Authority ESSB 6032 (2017-18)  (5.7MB) Pay1 System Replacement (384k) 9/30/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 2ESHB 2376 (2015-16)  (4.3MB) WorkFirst Maintenance of Effort and Work Participation Rate, July - September 2017 (307k) 4/1/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 2ESHB 2376 (2015-16)  (4.3MB) WorkFirst Maintenance of Effort and Work Participation Rate, October - December 2017 (395k) 7/1/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.39A.275 Individual Provider Overtime Annual Expenditures, Fiscal Year 2018 Report (432k) 9/1/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.225 Washington Connection Benefit Portal 2018 Report (778k) 12/1/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 72.23.451 Department Efforts to Reduce Violence in the State Hospitals, September 2018 (1.2MB) 9/1/2018
Transportation, Department of 47.04.285 2018 Biennial Transportation Attainment Report (7.2MB) 10/1/2018
Health Care Authority 41.05.630 Public Employees Benefits Board Annual Report, Customer Service Complaints and Appeals, July 2017 - June 2018 (245k) 9/30/2018
Health Care Authority ESSB 6032 (2017-18)  (5.7MB) Distribution of Criminal Justice Treatment Account (CJTA) Funds (149k) 9/30/2018
Transportation, Department of 2ESSB 5988 (2015-16)  (228k) Puget Sound Gateway Program Construction and Implementation Plan (1.5MB) 9/1/2018
Transportation, Department of ESB 5096 (2017-18)  (1.8MB) Puget Sound Gateway Program Benefits of Program Acceleration (1.3MB) 9/1/2018
Transportation, Department of 18.43 US 2/SR 204/20th Stree SE Interchange Justification (6.4MB) 4/30/2018
Transportation, Department of 18.43 US 2/SR 204/20th Street SE Interchange Justification Appendices (13.7MB) 4/30/2018
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6106 (2017-18)  (1.5MB) Toll Division Proviso Report, April - June 2018 (1.1MB) 9/1/2018
Health Care Authority ESSB 6032 (2017-18)  (5.7MB) Medicaid Managed Care Preventive Services and Vaccinations, 2018 Report (3.5MB) 9/15/2018
Health Care Authority 74.09.480 Child Health Services: Provider Performance (1.2MB) 9/15/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of ESSB 6032 (2017-18)  (5.7MB) State Hospital Clinical Model and Acuity Tool -- Implementation Progress (382k) 9/1/2018
Fish and Wildlife, Department of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) Long-Term Funding Plan (10.3MB) 9/1/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 2ESHB 2376 (2015-16)  (4.3MB) WorkFirst Maintenance of Effort and Work Participation Rate, April - June 2017 (308k) 1/1/2018
Traffic Safety Commission 43.59.155 Pedestrian Safety Advisory Council and Bicyclist Safety Advisory Council Fiscal Recommendation (550k) 7/31/2018
Health, Department of 70.54.440 Epinephrine Autoinjector Incident Reporting (219k) 9/1/2018
Secretary of State, Office of the ESHB 1594 (2017-18)  (110k) Open Records Portal Feasibility Study (2.6MB) 8/29/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 13.06.050 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Juvenile Court Evidence-Based Programs, 2017 Report (1.2MB) 6/15/2018
Fish and Wildlife, Department of ESSB 6032 (2017-18)  (5.7MB) North Cascades Elk Management Update (786k) 8/31/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 43.20A.870 Children's Administration Annual Quality Assurance Report, July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 (563k) 5/15/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.08A.341 WorkFirst Spending Plan Monitoring Report, 3rd Quarter State Fiscal Year 2018, as of March 31, 2018 (358k) 3/31/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 10.77.068 Forensic Admissions and Evaluations -- Performance Targets 2018 First Quarter (January 1, 2018 - March 31, 2018) (530k) 5/30/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) Western State Hospital - City of Lakewood Community Policing Program (204k) 12/1/2017
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.39A.275 Individual Provider Overtime Quarterly Expenditures, January - March 2018 (374k) 6/1/2018
Transportation, Department of ESB 5096 (2017-18)  (1.8MB) Capital Projects and Nickel/TPA Projects Quarterly Reports - 2017-2019 Biennium Quarter 4 (340k) 8/15/2018
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6106 (2017-18)  (1.5MB) Fund Transfers Report, April - June 2018 (85k) 8/15/2018
Insurance Commissioner, Office of the 48.140.050 Medical Malpractice Statistical Summary for 2017 (474k) 6/30/2018
Commerce, Department of 43.185C Homelessness in Washington State, 2017 Annual Report to the Legislature (1.1MB) 8/1/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.08A.411 WorkFirst Wage Progression Report, through Third Quarter 2017 (272k) 7/1/2018
Ecology, Department of 90.48.465 Wastewater and Stormwater Discharge Permit Fee Program, State Fiscal Years 2014-2017 (1.4MB) 8/1/2018
Commerce, Department of ESHB 2380 (2015-16)  (1.3MB) Veteran Housing Study (8.7MB) 8/1/2018
Ecology, Department of 70.105D.030 Model Toxics Control Accounts (MTCA) Report of Expenditures for the 2015-2017 Biennium (10.4MB) 7/31/2018
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, April - June 2018 (62k) 7/31/2018
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of ESSB 6032 (2017-18)  (5.7MB) Recommendations to Amend Provisos (265k) 7/30/2018
Revenue, Department of 35.90.020 Local Business Licensing Partnership Plan Fiscal Year 2018-2019 (258k) 8/7/2018
Transportation, Department of 47.64.360 Ferries Division - Fiscal Year 2017 Performance Report (525k) 12/31/2017
Transportation, Department of 47.56.880 I-405 Express Toll Lanes: 30 Months of Operations, October 2015 - March 2017 (3.2MB) 7/31/2018
Transportation, Department of 47.01.480 Practical Design Savings on Connecting Washington Funded Projects, July 2018 (1.2MB) 7/16/2018
Public Employment Relations Commission 41.58.010 Annual Report for 2017 (6.0MB) 7/13/2018
Transportation, Department of 47.01.480 Implementing Practical Design Connection Washington Project Title and Scope Change Request (134k) 7/13/2018
Transportation, Department of ESSB 6106 (2017-18)   Ferries Division - 2019-2040 Long-Range Plan (13.0MB) 6/29/2018
Financial Management, Office of 36.22.179 Independent Examination of the Department of Commerce's Expenditures for Private for-Profit Rental Housing, January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017 (760k) 6/30/2018
Financial Management, Office of SSB 5883 (2017-18)  (6.5MB) One Washington Quarterly Report, January - March 2018 (60k) 4/30/2018

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