Chapter 80.24 RCW
HTMLPDF | 80.24.010 | Companies to file reports of gross revenue and pay fees—Delinquent fee payments. |
HTMLPDF | 80.24.020 | Fees to approximate reasonable cost of regulation. |
HTMLPDF | 80.24.030 | Intent of legislature—Regulatory cost records to be kept by commission. |
HTMLPDF | 80.24.040 | Disposition of fees. |
HTMLPDF | 80.24.050 | Penalty for failure to pay fees—Disposition of fines and penalties. |
HTMLPDF | 80.24.060 | Pipeline safety fee—Reports—Procedure to contest fees—Regulatory incentive program. |
Assessment of public utilities for property tax purposes: Chapter 84.12 RCW.
Corporations, annual license fees for public service companies: RCW 23B.01.590.
Easements of public service companies taxable as personalty: RCW 84.20.010.
Public utility tax: Chapter 82.16 RCW.