Chapter 36.64 RCW



HTMLPDF 36.64.010Joint courthouse and city hall.
HTMLPDF 36.64.020Joint courthouse and city hallTerms of contract.
HTMLPDF 36.64.030Joint courthouse and city hallApproval of contract.
HTMLPDF 36.64.040Joint courthouse and city hallFunds, how provided.
HTMLPDF 36.64.050Joint armory sites.
HTMLPDF 36.64.060Joint canal construction.
HTMLPDF 36.64.070Counties with populations of two hundred ten thousand or moreContracts with cities concerning buildings and related improvements.
HTMLPDF 36.64.080Conferences to study regional and governmental problemsCounties and cities may establishSubjectsRecommendations.
HTMLPDF 36.64.090Conferences to study regional and governmental problemsArticlesOfficersAgents and employees.
HTMLPDF 36.64.100Conferences to study regional and governmental problemsContracts with other governmental agenciesGrants and giftsConsultants.
HTMLPDF 36.64.110Conferences to study regional and governmental problemsPublic purposeContributions to support by municipal corporations.


Care, support, and relief of needy persons: RCW 74.04.040.
Cemetery facilities as: RCW 68.52.192, 68.52.193.
Cities and towns
agreements with county for planning, establishing, construction, and maintenance of streets: Chapter 35.77 RCW.
city may contribute to support of county in which city owned utility plant located: RCW 35.21.420.
community renewal: RCW 35.21.660, 35.81.130.
Combined city-county health departments: Chapter 70.08 RCW.
County and city tuberculosis hospitals: Chapter 70.30 RCW.
County public works project, department of transportation cooperation: RCW 47.08.070.
County roads: RCW 47.04.080.
County superintendent of schools, consolidation of office into joint county district: Chapter 28A.310 RCW.
Diking and drainage, intercounty districts: Chapter 85.24 RCW.
Elevators, escalators, like conveyances, municipal governing over: RCW 70.87.050.
Executory conditional sales contracts for purchase of property for park and library purposes: RCW 39.30.010.
Fire protection districts, county contracts with: RCW 52.12.031.
Flood control
by counties jointly: Chapter 86.13 RCW.
county participation with flood control district: RCW 86.24.040.
county participation with state and federal governments: Chapter 86.24 RCW.
districts (1937 act): Chapter 86.09 RCW.
maintenance, county participation with state: Chapter 86.26 RCW.
Franchises across joint bridges: RCW 47.56.256.
Health districts as: Chapter 70.46 RCW.
Highways, construction, benefit of, cooperative agreements, prevention or minimization of flood damages: RCW 47.28.140.
Housing authorities, cooperation between: RCW 35.82.100.
Housing cooperation law: Chapter 35.83 RCW.
Intercounty rural library districts: Chapter 27.12 RCW.
Intercounty weed districts: Chapter 17.06 RCW.
Intergovernmental disposition of property: RCW 39.33.010.
Interlocal cooperation act: Chapter 39.34 RCW.
Joint aid river and harbor improvements: RCW 88.32.230, 88.32.235.
Joint county teachers' institutes: Chapter 28A.415 RCW.
Joint hospitals: RCW 36.62.030.
Joint operations by political subdivisions, deposit and control of funds: RCW 43.09.285.
Joint planning for improvement of navigable stream: RCW 88.32.240, 88.32.250.
Limited access facilities, cooperative agreements: RCW 47.52.090.
Metropolitan municipal corporations: Chapter 35.58 RCW.
Mosquito control
districts: Chapter 17.28 RCW.
generally: Chapter 70.22 RCW.
Motor vehicles, removal of when disabled and impounding: RCW 46.55.113.
Municipal airports: Chapters 14.07 and 14.08 RCW.
Operating agencies (electricity, water resources): Chapter 43.52 RCW.
Pesticide application, agreements authorized: RCW 17.21.300.
Port districts
contracts with: RCW 53.08.240.
ownership of improvements by with county: RCW 53.20.030.
Public assistance, joint county administration: RCW 74.04.180.
Public health pooling fund: RCW 70.12.030 through 70.12.070.
Reclamation districts of one million acres: Chapter 89.30 RCW.
Regional libraries: Chapter 27.12 RCW.
Regional planning commission: RCW 35.63.070.
River and harbor improvements by counties jointly: RCW 88.32.180 through 88.32.220.
Roads and bridges, limited access facilities: Chapter 47.52 RCW.
Soil and water conservation districts, county cooperation with: RCW 89.08.341.
Taxes, property
collection of: Chapter 84.56 RCW.
revaluation program: Chapter 84.41 RCW.
Toll bridges
state boundary, county participation: RCW 47.56.042.
tunnels and ferries: Chapter 47.56 RCW.
Traffic schools: Chapter 46.83 RCW.
Transfer of real property or contract for use for park and recreational purposes: RCW 39.33.060.
Washington clean air act: Chapter 70A.15 RCW.
World fair or exposition participation: Chapter 35.60 RCW.

Joint courthouse and city hall.

If the county seat of a county is in an incorporated city, the county and city may contract, one with the other, for the joint purchase, acquisition, leasing, ownership, control, and disposition of land and other property suitable as a site for a county courthouse and city hall and for the joint construction, ownership, control, and disposition of a building or buildings thereon for the use by such county and city as a county courthouse and city hall. Any county or city owning a site or any interest therein, or a site with buildings thereon, may, upon such terms as appear fair and just to the board of county commissioners of such county and to the legislative body of such city, contract with reference to the joint ownership, acquisition, leasing, control, improvement, and occupation of such property.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.64.010. Prior: 1913 c 90 s 1; RRS s 3992.]

Joint courthouse and city hallTerms of contract.

A contract made in pursuance of RCW 36.64.010 shall fully set forth the amount of money to be contributed by each towards acquisition of the site and the improvement thereof and the manner in which such property shall be improved and the character of the building or buildings to be erected thereon. The contract may provide for the amount of money to be contributed annually by each for the upkeep and maintenance of the property and the building or buildings thereon, or it may provide for the relative proportion of such expense which such county and city shall annually pay. The contract shall specify the parts of such building or buildings which shall be set apart for the exclusive use and occupation of each.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.64.020. Prior: 1913 c 90 s 2; RRS s 3993.]

Joint courthouse and city hallApproval of contract.

The contract between a county and a city shall be made only after a proper resolution of the board of county commissioners of the county and a proper ordinance of the city have been passed specifically authorizing it. The contract shall be binding upon the county and the city during the term thereof, or until it is modified or abrogated by mutual consent evidenced by a proper resolution and ordinance of the county and city.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.64.030. Prior: 1913 c 90 s 4; RRS s 3995.]

Joint courthouse and city hallFunds, how provided.

The money to be contributed by a county or a city or both may be raised by a sale of its bonds, or by general taxation. Any county or city possessing funds or having funds available for a county courthouse or city hall from the sale of bonds or otherwise, may contract for the expenditure of such funds.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.64.040. Prior: 1913 c 90 s 3; RRS s 3994.]

Joint armory sites.

Any city or county in the state may expend money from its current expense funds in payment in whole or in part for an armory site whenever the legislature has authorized the construction of an armory within such city or county.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.64.050. Prior: 1913 c 91 s 1; RRS s 3996.]

Joint canal construction.

Whenever the county legislative authority of a county with a population of one hundred twenty-five thousand or more deems it for the interest of the county to construct or to aid the United States in constructing a canal to connect any bodies of water within the county, such county may construct such canal or aid the United States in constructing it and incur indebtedness for such purpose to an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars and issue its negotiable bonds therefor in the manner and form provided in RCW 36.67.010. Such construction or aid in construction is a county purpose.


PurposeCaptions not law1991 c 363: See notes following RCW 2.32.180.

Counties with populations of two hundred ten thousand or moreContracts with cities concerning buildings and related improvements.

Any county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more may contract with any city or cities within such county for the financing, erection, ownership, use, lease, operation, control or maintenance of any building or buildings, including open spaces, off-street parking facilities for the use of county and city employees and persons doing business with such county or city, plazas and other improvements incident thereto, for county or city, or combined county-city, or other public use. Property for such buildings and related improvements may be acquired by either such county or city or by both by lease, purchase, donation, exchange, and/or gift or by eminent domain in the manner provided by law for the exercise of such power by counties and cities respectively and any property acquired hereunder, together with the improvements thereon, may be sold, exchanged or leased, as the interests of said county, city or cities may from time to time require.


PurposeCaptions not law1991 c 363: See notes following RCW 2.32.180.

Conferences to study regional and governmental problemsCounties and cities may establishSubjectsRecommendations.

The boards of county commissioners of any county and any counties contiguous thereto and the governing body of any cities and/or towns within said counties may establish and organize a regional agency hereinafter referred to as a conference, for the purpose of studying regional and governmental problems of mutual interest and concern, including but not limited to, facility studies on highways, transit, airports, ports or harbor development, water supply and distribution, codes and ordinances, governmental finances, flood control, air and water pollution, recommendations of sites for schools and educational institutions, hospitals and health facilities, parks and recreation, public buildings, land use and drainage; and to formulate recommendations for review and action by the member counties and/or cities legislative body.


Youth agencies, joint establishment: RCW 35.21.630.

Conferences to study regional and governmental problemsArticlesOfficersAgents and employees.

The governing bodies of the counties and cities so associated in a conference shall adopt articles of association and bylaws, select a chair and such other officers as they may determine, and may employ and discharge such agents and employees as the officers deem convenient to carry out the purposes of the conference.

Conferences to study regional and governmental problemsContracts with other governmental agenciesGrants and giftsConsultants.

The conference is authorized to contract generally and to enter into any contract with the federal government, the state, any municipal corporation and/or other governmental agency for the purpose of conducting the study of regional problems of mutual concern, and shall have the power to receive grants and gifts in furtherance of the program. The conference may retain consultants if deemed advisable.

Conferences to study regional and governmental problemsPublic purposeContributions to support by municipal corporations.

The formation of the conference is hereby declared to be a public purpose, and any municipal corporation may contribute to the expenses of such conference pursuant to the budgetary laws of the municipal corporations and such bylaws as may be adopted by the conference: PROVIDED, That services and facilities may be provided by a municipal corporation in lieu of assessment.