Chapter 29B.55 RCW



HTMLPDF 29B.55.010Elected officials, executive state officers, candidates, and appointeesStatement of financial affairs.
HTMLPDF 29B.55.020"Executive state officer" defined.
HTMLPDF 29B.55.030Statement of financial affairsContents.
HTMLPDF 29B.55.040Concealing identity of source of payment prohibitedException.

Elected officials, executive state officers, candidates, and appointeesStatement of financial affairs. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) After January 1st and before April 15th of each year, every elected official and every executive state officer who served for any portion of the preceding year shall electronically file with the commission a statement of financial affairs for the preceding calendar year or for that portion of the year served. Any official or officer in office for any period of time in a calendar year, but not in office as of January 1st of the following year, may electronically file either within 60 days of leaving office or during the January 1st through April 15th reporting period of that following year. Such filing must include information for the portion of the current calendar year for which the official or officer was in office.
(2) Within two weeks of becoming a candidate, every candidate shall file with the commission a statement of financial affairs for the preceding 12 months.
(3) Within two weeks of appointment, every person appointed to a vacancy in an elective office or executive state officer position during the months of January through November shall file with the commission a statement of financial affairs for the preceding 12 months, except as provided in subsection (4) of this section. For appointments made in December, the appointee must file the statement of financial affairs between January 1st and January 15th of the immediate following year for the preceding 12-month period ending on December 31st.
(4) A statement of a candidate or appointee filed during the period from January 1st to April 15th shall cover the period from January 1st of the preceding calendar year to the time of candidacy or appointment if the filing of the statement would relieve the individual of a prior obligation to file a statement covering the entire preceding calendar year.
(5) No individual may be required to file more than once in any calendar year.
(6) Each statement of financial affairs filed under this section shall be sworn as to its truth and accuracy.
(7) Every elected official and every executive state officer shall file with their statement of financial affairs a statement certifying that they have read and are familiar with RCW 29B.45.010 or 42.52.180, whichever is applicable.
(8) For the purposes of this section, the term "executive state officer" includes those listed in RCW 29B.55.020.
(9) This section does not apply to incumbents or candidates for a federal office or the office of precinct committee officer.
[ 2024 c 164 s 486; 2019 c 428 s 35; 2010 c 204 s 901; 1995 c 397 s 8; 1993 c 2 s 31 (Initiative Measure No. 134, approved November 3, 1992); 1989 c 158 s 1; 1987 c 295 s 19. Prior: 1984 c 125 s 14; 1984 c 34 s 1; 1983 c 161 s 27; 1982 c 10 s 9; prior: 1981 c 311 s 20; 1981 c 67 s 15; 1979 ex.s. c 265 s 3; 1979 c 151 s 73; prior: 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 112 s 7; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 104 s 1 (Ref. Bill No. 36); 1975 1st ex.s. c 294 s 13; 1973 c 1 s 24 (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972). Formerly RCW 42.17A.700, 42.17.240.]


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2019 c 428 ss 35 and 36: "Sections 35 and 36 of this act take effect January 1, 2020." [ 2019 c 428 s 43.]
Finding2019 c 428: See note following RCW 29B.20.110.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective date1995 c 397: See note following RCW 29B.40.020.
Short title1993 c 2: See note following RCW 29B.40.010.
Effective dates1983 c 161: See RCW 43.180.904.
Severability1982 c 10: See note following RCW 6.13.080.
Effective datesSeverability1981 c 67: See notes following RCW 34.12.010.
Construction1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 112: See note following RCW 29B.60.020.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.
Cemetery district commissioners exempt from chapter: RCW 68.52.140, 68.52.220.

"Executive state officer" defined. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

For the purposes of RCW 29B.55.010, "executive state officer" includes:
(1) The chief administrative law judge, the director of agriculture, the director of the department of services for the blind, the secretary of children, youth, and families, the director of the state system of community and technical colleges, the director of commerce, the director of Washington technology solutions, the secretary of corrections, the director of ecology, the commissioner of employment security, the chair of the energy facility site evaluation council, the director of enterprise services, the secretary of the state finance committee, the director of financial management, the director of fish and wildlife, the executive secretary of the forest practices appeals board, the director of the gambling commission, the secretary of health, the administrator of the Washington state health care authority, the executive secretary of the health care facilities authority, the executive secretary of the higher education facilities authority, the executive secretary of the horse racing commission, the executive secretary of the human rights commission, the executive secretary of the indeterminate sentence review board, the executive director of the state investment board, the director of labor and industries, the director of licensing, the director of the lottery commission, the director of the office of minority and women's business enterprises, the director of parks and recreation, the executive director of the public disclosure commission, the executive director of the Puget Sound partnership, the director of the recreation and conservation office, the director of retirement systems, the director of revenue, the secretary of social and health services, the chief of the Washington state patrol, the executive secretary of the board of tax appeals, the secretary of transportation, the secretary of the utilities and transportation commission, the director of veterans affairs, the president of each of the regional and state universities and the president of The Evergreen State College, and each district and each campus president of each state community college;
(2) Each professional staff member of the office of the governor;
(3) Each professional staff member of the legislature; and
(4) Central Washington University board of trustees, the boards of trustees of each community college and each technical college, each member of the state board for community and technical colleges, state convention and trade center board of directors, Eastern Washington University board of trustees, Washington economic development finance authority, Washington energy northwest executive board, The Evergreen State College board of trustees, executive ethics board, fish and wildlife commission, forest practices appeals board, forest practices board, gambling commission, Washington health care facilities authority, student achievement council, higher education facilities authority, horse racing commission, state housing finance commission, human rights commission, indeterminate sentence review board, board of industrial insurance appeals, state investment board, commission on judicial conduct, legislative ethics board, life sciences discovery fund authority board of trustees, state liquor and cannabis board, lottery commission, Pacific Northwest electric power and conservation planning council, parks and recreation commission, Washington personnel resources board, board of pilotage commissioners, pollution control hearings board, public disclosure commission, public employees' benefits board, recreation and conservation funding board, salmon recovery funding board, shorelines hearings board, board of tax appeals, transportation commission, University of Washington board of regents, utilities and transportation commission, Washington State University board of regents, and Western Washington University board of trustees.


Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2024 c 54 s 40 and by 2024 c 164 s 487, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2017 3rd sp.s. c 6 ss 102, 104-115, 201-227, 301-337, 401-419, 501-513, 801-803, and 805-822: See note following RCW 43.216.025.
Conflict with federal requirements2017 3rd sp.s. c 6: See RCW 43.216.908.
Effective date2015 3rd sp.s. c 1 ss 101-109, 201-224, 406-408, 410, 501-507, 601, and 602: See note following RCW 43.105.007.
Effective date2012 c 229 ss 101, 117, 401, 402, 501 through 594, 601 through 609, 701 through 708, 801 through 821, 902, and 904: See note following RCW 28B.77.005.
Effective date2011 1st sp.s. c 43 s 109: "Section 109 of this act takes effect January 1, 2012." [ 2011 1st sp.s. c 43 s 111.]
Purpose2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See note following RCW 43.19.003.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Alphabetization2010 c 204 s 902: "When RCW 42.17A.705 is codified, the code reviser shall arrange the names of the agencies in each subsection in alphabetical order, arranged according to the first distinctive word of each agency's name." [ 2010 c 204 s 1101.]
Effective date2007 c 341: See RCW 90.71.907.
IntentEffective date2007 c 241: See notes following RCW 79A.25.005.
Effective date2006 c 265: See RCW 43.216.902.
FindingsIntentPart headings not lawEffective date1996 c 186: See notes following RCW 43.330.904.
Effective date1995 c 397: See note following RCW 29B.40.020.
Effective date1993 sp.s. c 2 ss 1-6, 8-59, and 61-79: See RCW 43.300.900.
FindingsIntent1993 c 492: See notes following RCW 43.20.050.
Short titleSavingsReservation of legislative powerEffective dates1993 c 492: See RCW 43.72.910 through 43.72.915.
Effective date1993 c 281: See note following RCW 41.06.022.
Effective dates1991 c 200: See RCW 90.56.901.
Effective dateSeverability1989 1st ex.s. c 9: See RCW 43.70.910 and 43.70.920.
Alphabetization1989 c 158 s 2: "When section 2 of this act is codified, the code reviser shall arrange the names of the agencies in each subsection in alphabetical order." [ 1989 c 158 s 3.] The names of the agencies in the above section have been arranged according to the first distinctive word of each agency's name.

Statement of financial affairsContents. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) The statement of financial affairs required by RCW 29B.55.010 shall disclose the following information for the reporting individual and each member of the reporting individual's immediate family:
(a) Occupation, name of employer, and business address;
(b) Each bank account, savings account, and insurance policy in which a direct financial interest was held that exceeds *twenty thousand dollars at any time during the reporting period; each other item of intangible personal property in which a direct financial interest was held that exceeds *two thousand dollars during the reporting period; the name, address, and nature of the entity; and the nature and highest value of each direct financial interest during the reporting period;
(c) The name and address of each creditor to whom the value of *two thousand dollars or more was owed; the original amount of each debt to each creditor; the amount of each debt owed to each creditor as of the date of filing; the terms of repayment of each debt; and the security given, if any, for each such debt. Debts arising from a "retail installment transaction" as defined in chapter 63.14 RCW (retail installment sales act) need not be reported;
(d) Every public or private office, directorship, and position held as trustee; except that an elected official or executive state officer need not report the elected official's or executive state officer's service on a governmental board, commission, association, or functional equivalent, when such service is part of the elected official's or executive state officer's official duties;
(e) All persons for whom any legislation, rule, rate, or standard has been prepared, promoted, or opposed for current or deferred compensation. For the purposes of this subsection, "compensation" does not include payments made to the person reporting by the governmental entity for which the person serves as an elected official or state executive officer or professional staff member for the person's service in office; the description of such actual or proposed legislation, rules, rates, or standards; and the amount of current or deferred compensation paid or promised to be paid;
(f) The name and address of each governmental entity, corporation, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, association, union, or other business or commercial entity from whom compensation has been received in any form of a total value of *two thousand dollars or more; the value of the compensation; and the consideration given or performed in exchange for the compensation;
(g) The name of any corporation, partnership, joint venture, association, union, or other entity in which is held any office, directorship, or any general partnership interest, or an ownership interest of ten percent or more; the name or title of that office, directorship, or partnership; the nature of ownership interest; and: (i) With respect to a governmental unit in which the official seeks or holds any office or position, if the entity has received compensation in any form during the preceding twelve months from the governmental unit, the value of the compensation and the consideration given or performed in exchange for the compensation; and (ii) the name of each governmental unit, corporation, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, association, union, or other business or commercial entity from which the entity has received compensation in any form in the amount of *ten thousand dollars or more during the preceding twelve months and the consideration given or performed in exchange for the compensation. As used in (g)(ii) of this subsection, "compensation" does not include payment for water and other utility services at rates approved by the Washington state utilities and transportation commission or the legislative authority of the public entity providing the service. With respect to any bank or commercial lending institution in which is held any office, directorship, partnership interest, or ownership interest, it shall only be necessary to report either the name, address, and occupation of every director and officer of the bank or commercial lending institution and the average monthly balance of each account held during the preceding twelve months by the bank or commercial lending institution from the governmental entity for which the individual is an official or candidate or professional staff member, or all interest paid by a borrower on loans from and all interest paid to a depositor by the bank or commercial lending institution if the interest exceeds *two thousand four hundred dollars;
(h) A list, including legal or other sufficient descriptions as prescribed by the commission, of all real property in the state of Washington, the assessed valuation of which exceeds *ten thousand dollars in which any direct financial interest was acquired during the preceding calendar year, and a statement of the amount and nature of the financial interest and of the consideration given in exchange for that interest;
(i) A list, including legal or other sufficient descriptions as prescribed by the commission, of all real property in the state of Washington, the assessed valuation of which exceeds *ten thousand dollars in which any direct financial interest was divested during the preceding calendar year, and a statement of the amount and nature of the consideration received in exchange for that interest, and the name and address of the person furnishing the consideration;
(j) A list, including legal or other sufficient descriptions as prescribed by the commission, of all real property in the state of Washington, the assessed valuation of which exceeds *ten thousand dollars in which a direct financial interest was held. If a description of the property has been included in a report previously filed, the property may be listed, for purposes of this subsection (1)(j), by reference to the previously filed report;
(k) A list, including legal or other sufficient descriptions as prescribed by the commission, of all real property in the state of Washington, the assessed valuation of which exceeds *twenty thousand dollars, in which a corporation, partnership, firm, enterprise, or other entity had a direct financial interest, in which corporation, partnership, firm, or enterprise a ten percent or greater ownership interest was held;
(l) A list of each occasion, specifying date, donor, and amount, at which food and beverage in excess of fifty dollars was accepted under RCW 42.52.150(5);
(m) A list of each occasion, specifying date, donor, and amount, at which items specified in RCW 42.52.010(9) (d) and (f) were accepted; and
(n) Such other information as the commission may deem necessary in order to properly carry out the purposes and policies of this title, as the commission shall prescribe by rule.
(2)(a) When judges, prosecutors, sheriffs, participants in the address confidentiality program under RCW 40.24.030, or their immediate family members are required to disclose real property that is the personal residence of the judge, prosecutor, sheriff, or address confidentiality program participant, the requirements of subsection (1)(h) through (k) of this section may be satisfied for that property by substituting:
(i) The city or town;
(ii) The type of residence, such as a single-family or multifamily residence, and the nature of ownership; and
(iii) Such other identifying information the commission prescribes by rule for the mailing address where the property is located.
(b) Nothing in this subsection relieves the judge, prosecutor, or sheriff of any other applicable obligations to disclose potential conflicts or to recuse oneself.
(3)(a) Where an amount is required to be reported under subsection (1)(a) through (m) of this section, it may be reported within a range as provided in (b) of this subsection.
Code A
Less than thirty thousand dollars;
Code B
At least thirty thousand dollars, but less than sixty thousand dollars;
Code C
At least sixty thousand dollars, but less than one hundred thousand dollars;
Code D
At least one hundred thousand dollars, but less than two hundred thousand dollars;
Code E
At least two hundred thousand dollars, but less than five hundred thousand dollars;
Code F
At least five hundred thousand dollars, but less than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars;
Code G
At least seven hundred fifty thousand dollars, but less than one million dollars; or
Code H
One million dollars or more.
(c) An amount of stock may be reported by number of shares instead of by market value. No provision of this subsection may be interpreted to prevent any person from filing more information or more detailed information than required.
(4) Items of value given to an official's or employee's spouse, domestic partner, or family member are attributable to the official or employee, except the item is not attributable if an independent business, family, or social relationship exists between the donor and the spouse, domestic partner, or family member.


*Reviser's note: The dollar amounts in this section may have been adjusted for inflation by rule of the commission adopted under the authority of RCW 29B.20.050. For current dollar amounts, see WAC 390-24-301.
IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2019 c 428 ss 35 and 36: See note following RCW 29B.55.010.
Finding2019 c 428: See note following RCW 29B.20.110.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Part headings not lawSeverability2008 c 6: See RCW 26.60.900 and 26.60.901.
Effective date1995 c 397: See note following RCW 29B.40.020.
Purpose1979 ex.s. c 126: See RCW 29A.60.280(1).

Concealing identity of source of payment prohibitedException. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

No payment shall be made to any person required to report under RCW 29B.55.010 and no payment shall be accepted by any such person, directly or indirectly, in a fictitious name, anonymously, or by one person through an agent, relative, or other person in such a manner as to conceal the identity of the source of the payment or in any other manner so as to effect concealment. The commission may issue categorical and specific exemptions to the reporting of the actual source when there is an undisclosed principal for recognized legitimate business purposes.


IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Severability1977 ex.s. c 336: See note following RCW 29B.25.020.