Chapter 9.24 RCW



HTMLPDF 9.24.010Fraud in stock subscription.
HTMLPDF 9.24.020Fraudulent issue of stock, scrip, etc.
HTMLPDF 9.24.030Insolvent bank receiving deposit.
HTMLPDF 9.24.040Corporation doing business without license.
HTMLPDF 9.24.050False report of corporation.


Business corporations: Title 23B RCW.
Child labor: RCW 26.28.060, 26.28.070, chapter 49.12 RCW.
Common carriers: Chapter 22.32 RCW.
Conspiracy, forfeiture of right to do business: RCW 9A.08.030, 9A.28.040.
Corporations, criminal process against: Chapter 10.01 RCW.
Credit unions, penalties: Chapter 31.12 RCW.
Discrimination in employment: Chapter 49.60 RCW.
False statements in filings with secretary of state: RCW 43.07.210.
Fraud: Chapter 9A.60 RCW.
Hours of labor: Chapter 49.28 RCW.
Industrial welfare: Chapter 49.12 RCW.
conditions of: Chapter 49.12 RCW.
prohibited practices: Chapter 49.44 RCW.
Legal services, advertising ofPenalty: RCW 30A.04.260.
Minors, wages, working conditions, permits: RCW 49.12.121, 49.12.123.
Mutual savings banks, penalties: RCW 32.04.100 through 32.04.130, 32.24.080.
Public service companies: Title 80 RCW.
Railroad rolling stock, penalties: RCW 81.60.080.
Savings and loan associations, prohibited acts: Chapter 33.36 RCW.
Trading stamps, penalties: RCW 19.84.040.
Transportation companies: Title 81 RCW.
Unemployment compensation, penalties: Chapter 50.36 RCW.
Uniform Variable Transactions Act: Chapter 19.40 RCW.
WagesPaymentCollection: Chapter 49.48 RCW.
Warehouse operators: Chapter 22.32 RCW.
Workers' compensation, penalties: RCW 51.16.140, chapter 51.48 RCW.

Fraud in stock subscription.

Every person who shall sign the name of a fictitious person to any subscription for or any agreement to take stock in any corporation existing or proposed, and every person who shall sign to any such subscription or agreement the name of any person, knowing that such person does not intend in good faith to comply with the terms thereof, or upon any understanding or agreement that the terms of such subscription or agreement are not to be complied with or enforced, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
[ 1909 c 249 s 386; RRS s 2638. Formerly RCW 9.44.090.]

Fraudulent issue of stock, scrip, etc.

Every officer, agent or other person in the service of a joint stock company or corporation, domestic or foreign, who, willfully and knowingly with intent to defraud:
(1) Sells, pledges, or issues, or causes to be sold, pledged, or issued, or signs or executes, or causes to be signed or executed, with intent to sell, pledge, or issue, or cause to be sold, pledged, or issued, any certificate or instrument purporting to be a certificate or evidence of ownership of any share or shares of such company or corporation, or any conveyance or encumbrance of real or personal property, contract, bond, or evidence of debt, or writing purporting to be a conveyance or encumbrance of real or personal property, contract, bond or evidence of debt of such company or corporation, without being first duly authorized by such company or corporation, or contrary to the charter or laws under which such company or corporation exists, or in excess of the power of such company or corporation, or of the limit imposed by law or otherwise upon its power to create or issue stock or evidence of debt; or,
(2) Reissues, sells, pledges, disposes of, or causes to be reissued, sold, pledged, or disposed of, any surrendered or canceled certificate or other evidence of the transfer of ownership of any such share or shares
is guilty of a class B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than ten years, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both.
[ 2003 c 53 s 17; 1992 c 7 s 5; 1909 c 249 s 387; RRS s 2639. Formerly RCW 9.37.070.]


IntentEffective date2003 c 53: See notes following RCW 2.48.180.

Insolvent bank receiving deposit.

Every owner, officer, stockholder, agent or employee of any person, firm, corporation or association engaged, wholly or in part, in the business of banking or receiving money or negotiable paper or securities on deposit or in trust, who shall accept or receive, with or without interest, any deposit, or who shall consent thereto or connive thereat, when he or she knows or has good reason to believe that such person, firm, corporation or association is unsafe or insolvent, is guilty of a class B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than ten years, or by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars.


IntentEffective date2003 c 53: See notes following RCW 2.48.180.
Application to mutual savings banks: RCW 32.04.120.
Receiving deposits by bank after insolvency: State Constitution Art. 12 s 12, RCW 30A.44.120.

Corporation doing business without license.

Every corporation, whether domestic or foreign, and every person representing or pretending to represent such corporation as an officer, agent or employee thereof, who shall transact, solicit or advertise for any business in this state, before such corporation shall have obtained from the officer lawfully authorized to issue the same, a certificate that such corporation is authorized to transact business in this state, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
[ 1909 c 249 s 389; RRS s 2641. Formerly RCW 9.45.130.]


Application to mutual savings banks: RCW 32.04.120.

False report of corporation.

Every director, officer or agent of any corporation or joint stock association, and every person engaged in organizing or promoting any enterprise, who shall knowingly make or publish or concur in making or publishing any written prospectus, report, exhibit or statement of its affairs or pecuniary condition, containing any material statement that is false or exaggerated, is guilty of a class B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than ten years, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars.
[ 2003 c 53 s 19; 1992 c 7 s 7; 1909 c 249 s 390; RRS s 2642. Formerly RCW 9.38.040.]


IntentEffective date2003 c 53: See notes following RCW 2.48.180.
Application to mutual savings banks: RCW 32.04.120.