Chapter 52.20 RCW



HTMLPDF 52.20.010L.I.D.'s authorizedPetition or resolution method.
HTMLPDF 52.20.020Dismissal, approval of petition or resolution of intentionNotice of hearing.
HTMLPDF 52.20.022Notice must contain statement that assessments may vary from estimates.
HTMLPDF 52.20.025Hearing and subsequent proceedings to be in accordance with laws applicable to cities and townsDefinitions.
HTMLPDF 52.20.027Lands subject to forest fire protection assessments exemptSeparation of forest-type lands for tax and assessment purposes.
HTMLPDF 52.20.060Coupon or registered warrantsPaymentInterestRegistration.
HTMLPDF 52.20.070Contracts not general district obligations.


Assessments and charges against state lands: Chapter 79.44 RCW.
Local improvements, supplemental authority: Chapter 35.51 RCW.

L.I.D.'s authorizedPetition or resolution method.

If, for fire protection or emergency medical purposes the acquisition, maintenance, and operation of real property, buildings, apparatus, and instrumentalities needed to provide such services are of special benefit to part or all of the lands in the fire protection district, the board of fire commissioners may include the lands in a local improvement district, and may levy special assessments under a mode of annual installments extending over a period not exceeding twenty years on all property specially benefited by any local improvement, on the basis of the special benefits to pay in whole or in part the damages or costs of improvements ordered in the local improvement district. Local improvement districts may be initiated either by resolution of the board of fire commissioners or by petition signed by the owners of a majority of the acreage of lands to be included within the local improvement district.
If the petition procedure is followed, the petition shall set forth generally the necessity for the creation of a local improvement district, outline the plan of fire or emergency medical protection to be accomplished, and the means by which the cost shall be financed. Upon receipt of a petition, the board of fire commissioners of the district shall at its next regular meeting review the petition. The owners of the lands as shown on the general tax roll in the county treasurer's office, last equalized, shall be used to determine the ownership of the lands to be included in the local improvement district. If the petition is sufficient, the district board shall consider the petition and determine whether the proposed local improvement appears feasible and of special benefit to the lands concerned.
If the board of fire commissioners desire[s] to initiate the formation of a local improvement district by resolution, it shall adopt a resolution declaring its intention to order the proposed improvement, set forth the nature and territorial extent of the proposed improvement, designate the number of the proposed district, describe the boundaries, state the estimated costs and expenses of the improvement and the proportionate amount of the costs which will be borne by the property within the proposed district, and fix a date, time, and place for a public hearing on the formation of the proposed district.


SeverabilityConstruction1975 1st ex.s. c 130: See note following RCW 52.16.070.

Dismissal, approval of petition or resolution of intentionNotice of hearing.

If the petition is found insufficient or if the district board determines that a local improvement district is not feasible or is of no special benefit to the lands concerned, it shall dismiss the petition. If the district board approves the petition or adopts a resolution of intention to order an improvement, it shall fix a date, hour, and place for hearing the matter and shall (1) mail notice of the hearing at least fifteen days before the date fixed for the public hearing to the owner or reputed owner of each lot, tract, or parcel of land within the proposed local improvement district as shown on the tax rolls of the county treasurer at the address shown thereon, and (2) publish notice of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, for three consecutive weeks prior to the day of the hearing. The cost of publication shall be paid by the fire protection district. The notices shall describe the boundaries of the proposed local improvement district and the plan of fire or emergency medical protection proposed, or may refer to the resolution of intention describing the nature and territorial extent of the proposed improvement. The notices shall state the means by which the cost shall be financed, shall state the date, hour, and place of the hearing on the petition and shall be signed by the secretary of the fire protection district. In addition, the notice given each owner or reputed owner by mail shall state the estimated cost and expense of the improvement to be borne by the particular lot, tract, or parcel.


SeverabilityConstruction1975 1st ex.s. c 130: See note following RCW 52.16.070.

Notice must contain statement that assessments may vary from estimates.

Any notice given to the public or to the owners of specific lots, tracts, or parcels of land relating to the formation of a local improvement district shall contain a statement that actual assessments may vary from assessment estimates so long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the improvement adds to the property.

Hearing and subsequent proceedings to be in accordance with laws applicable to cities and townsDefinitions.

The hearing and all subsequent proceedings in connection with the local improvement, including but not limited to the levying, collection, and enforcement of local improvement assessments, and the authorization, issuance, and payment of local improvement bonds and warrants shall be in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to cities and towns set forth in chapters 35.43, 35.44, 35.45, 35.49, 35.50, and 35.53 RCW. Fire protection districts may exercise the powers set forth in those chapters: PROVIDED, That no local improvement guaranty fund may be created: PROVIDED FURTHER, That for the purposes of RCW 52.16.070, 52.20.010, 52.20.020, and 52.20.025, with respect to the powers granted and the duties imposed in chapters 35.43, 35.44, 35.45, 35.50, and 35.53 RCW:
(1) The words "city or town" mean fire protection district.
(2) The secretary of a fire protection district shall perform the duties of the "clerk" or "city or town clerk."
(3) The board of fire commissioners of a fire protection district shall perform the duties of the "council" or "city or town council" or "legislative authority of a city or town."
(4) The board of fire commissioners of a fire protection district shall perform the duties of the "mayor."
(5) The word "ordinance" means a resolution of the board of fire commissioners of a fire protection district.
(6) The treasurer or treasurers of the county or counties in which a fire protection district is located shall perform the duties of the "treasurer" or "city or town treasurer."


SeverabilityConstruction1975 1st ex.s. c 130: See note following RCW 52.16.070.

Lands subject to forest fire protection assessments exemptSeparation of forest-type lands for tax and assessment purposes.

RCW 52.20.010, 52.20.020, and 52.20.025 shall not apply to any tracts or parcels of wholly forest-type lands within the district which are required to pay forest fire protection assessments, as required by RCW 76.04.610; however, both the tax levy or special assessments of the district and the forest fire protection assessment shall apply to the forestland portion of any tract or parcel which is in the district containing a combination of both forest-type lands and nonforest-type lands or improvements: PROVIDED, That an owner has the right to have forest-type lands of more than twenty acres in extent separated from land bearing improvements and from nonforest-type lands for taxation and assessment purposes upon furnishing to the assessor a written request containing the proper legal description.

Coupon or registered warrantsPaymentInterestRegistration.

(1) The district board may also, if in accordance with the adopted method of financing the local improvement district, issue and sell at par and accrued interest coupon or registered warrants payable within three years from the date thereof exclusively from the local improvement fund of the district. The coupon or registered warrants shall bear semiannual interest and shall be in such form as the board determines and shall state on their face that they are payable exclusively from the local improvement fund of the district. Interest shall be payable on the first day of January and of July. Such warrants may be registered as provided in RCW 39.46.030.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such warrants may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.
Purpose1970 ex.s. c 56: See note following RCW 39.52.020.
ValidationSavingSeverability1969 ex.s. c 232: See notes following RCW 39.52.020.

Contracts not general district obligations.

A fire protection district shall not be liable under any contract creating an obligation chargeable against the lands of any local improvement district therein, unless the liability and the extent thereof is specifically stated in the contract.
[ 1984 c 230 s 53; 1939 c 34 s 21; RRS s 5654-121.]