Washington State Legislature

Committee Documents

Senate Ways & Means - 2/12/2008 1:30 PM

Senate Ways & Means - 2/12/2008 1:30 PM

Senate Ways & Means - 2/12/2008 1:30 PM

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Public Hearing
  • SSB 6280 - Implementing the recommendations of the joint legislative task force on family leave insurance.
  • SB 6583 - Changing provisions relating to eligibility for medical assistance.
  • SSB 5367 - Establishing the Washington trade corps fellowship program.
  • SB 6352 - Providing criteria for the siting of an institution of higher education in the north Puget Sound region.
  • SB 6490 - Authorizing a branch campus of the University of Washington at Lake Stevens.
  • SSB 6391 - Authorizing an additional University of Washington branch campus.
  • 2SSB 5043 - Dedicating a portion of the state property tax levy to state parks.
  • SB 6733 - Extending the sales and use tax exemptions to machinery and equipment used to produce electricity using certain organic materials and byproducts of pulping or wood manufacturing processes.
  • SB 6905 - Extending the commencement-of-construction date for a sales and use tax for public facilities districts in national disaster counties.
  • SB 6263 - Concerning property tax value changes as a result of government intervention.
  • SB 6423 - Strengthening the tax credit and modifying the governing board of a Washington motion picture competitiveness program.
  • SSB 6616 - Encouraging private investment in port terminal facilities by providing tax incentives to local governments.
  • SB 6218 - Concerning historic vessels.
  • SSB 6806 - Providing tax incentives for anaerobic digester production.
  • SSB 6203 - Authorizing a local sales tax deducted from the state portion of the sales tax for purposes of implementing water quality projects.
  • SB 6319 - Extending the application deadlines for sales and use tax deferral programs.
  • SB 6323 - Improving the effectiveness of tax incentives for eligible business projects in rural counties and community empowerment zones.
  • SB 6407 - Increasing the small business credit for the business and occupation tax.
  • SB 6417 - Providing for an increase in the property tax limit for emergency medical care and services.
  • SSB 6468 - Concerning the taxation of honey beekeepers.
  • SB 6482 - Providing a state public utility tax exemption for the transportation of grain by motor vehicle.
  • SB 6627 - Concerning the international services business and occupation tax credit.
  • SB 6904 - Providing tax relief for property damaged as a result of a natural disaster.
  • SB 6775 - Addressing the digital literacy and technology training needs of low-income and underserved areas through state support of community technology programs.
Executive Session
  • SSB 6377 - Regarding secondary career and technical education.
  • SB 6388 - Creating pilot programs for learning disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder.
  • SSB 6673 - Creating extended learning opportunities.
  • SB 6892 - Concerning the time limits of school impact fee expenditures.
  • SSB 6380 - Enhancing school library programs.
  • SB 6450 - Regarding reimbursement for school district and educational service district costs for performance audits.
  • SSB 6466 - Creating a task force to study teaching Spanish and Chinese in public schools.
  • SB 6448 - Providing for intensive behavior support services for children with developmental disabilities.
  • SSB 6220 - Allowing the delegation of nursing tasks to care for persons with diabetes.
  • SB 6629 - Making clarifications to the nursing facility medicaid payment system in relation to the use of minimum occupancy in setting cost limits and application of the statewide average payment rate specified in the biennial appropriations act.
  • SSB 6665 - Regarding the intensive case management and integrated crisis response pilot programs.
  • SSB 6736 - Establishing a lifelong services program for persons with developmental disabilities.
  • SB 6722 - Creating the cleanup settlement account.
  • SSB 6307 - Regarding marine managed areas.
  • SSB 6308 - Preparing for and adapting to climate change.
  • SSB 6483 - Enacting the local farms-healthy kids and communities act.
  • SSB 6805 - Promoting farmland preservation and environmental restoration through conservation markets.
  • SSB 6227 - Providing support and resources to outer coast marine resources committees.
  • SB 6231 - Improving the coordination of marine protected areas.
  • SSB 6502 - Reducing the release of mercury into the environment.
  • SSB 6874 - Regarding the Columbia river water delivery account.
  • SB 6295 - Creating workplace-based electronically distributed learning opportunities.
  • SB 6903 - Prioritizing four-year higher education institutions' capital project requests.
  • SSB 6737 - Authorizing collective bargaining for Washington State University employees who are enrolled in academic programs.
  • SB 6849 - Regarding resident student classification.
  • SB 6804 - Providing grants to community colleges for long-term care worker training.
  • SB 6760 - Requiring an exchange of land parcels on the Fircrest school campus and modifying the developmental disabilities community trust account.
  • SSB 6855 - Regarding state economic development programs.
  • SB 6638 - Reallocating existing lodging taxes for heritage and arts programs in a county with a population of one million or more.
  • SB 6848 - Financing for the renovation of university stadium facilities.
  • SB 6799 - Concerning the sourcing, for sales and use tax purposes, of sales of tangible personal property by florists.
  • SB 6809 - Providing a tax exemption for working families measured by the federal earned income tax credit.
  • SB 6931 - Providing funding for additional emphasis patrols for DUI enforcement and chemical dependency treatment.
  • SB 6224 - Modifying vendor overpayment provisions.
  • SB 6421 - Providing medical coverage for smoking cessation programs.
  • SSB 6333 - Establishing a citizens' work group on health care.
  • SB 6765 - Concerning the Washington state health insurance pool.
  • SSB 6620 - Regarding biological remediation technologies for on-site sewage disposal systems.
  • SB 6583 - Changing provisions relating to eligibility for medical assistance.
  • SB 6650 - Providing benefits for the survivors of certain firefighters.
  • SB 6652 - Extending the survivor annuity option for preretirement death in plan 1 of the public employees' retirement system to members who die after leaving active service.
  • SB 6654 - Addressing service credit for members working a partial year in plans 2 and 3 of the teachers' retirement system and the school employees' retirement system.
  • SB 6655 - Transferring public employees' retirement system plan 2 members to the school employees' retirement system plan 2.
  • SB 6656 - Purchasing service credit in plan 2 and plan 3 of the teachers' retirement system for public education experience performed as a teacher in a public school in another state or with the federal government.
  • SSB 6438 - Creating a statewide high-speed internet deployment and adoption effort.
  • SB 6645 - Providing interruptive military service credit for members of plans 2 and 3 who provide proof to the director that their interruptive military service was during a period of war defined in RCW 41.04.005.
  • SB 6573 - Providing additional revenues for public safety.
  • SB 6653 - Allowing department of fish and wildlife enforcement officers to transfer service credit.
  • SB 6458 - Improving patient safety through increased regulation of health professionals.
  • SSB 5831 - Providing for the certification of mechanics performing heating, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigeration, and gas piping work.
  • SSB 6302 - Establishing standards for prescription drug marketing and disclosure.
  • SSB 6732 - Implementing the recommendations of the joint legislative task force on the underground economy in the construction industry.
  • SSB 6506 - Creating a system for enforcing discipline in medical professions. - NO ACTION
  • SSB 6711 - Creating the smart homeownership choices program.
  • SSB 6280 - Implementing the recommendations of the joint legislative task force on family leave insurance.
  • SSB 6206 - Modifying child fatality and near fatality reviews and reports.
  • SSB 6479 - Establishing a program to screen and treat children with attachment disorders.
  • SSB 6522 - Providing collective bargaining for child care center directors and workers.
  • SB 6342 - Creating the military department active state service account.
  • SB 6510 - Providing a funding source to assist small manufacturers in obtaining innovation and modernization extension services.
  • SSB 6580 - Addressing the impacts of climate change through the growth management act.
  • SSB 6744 - Concerning homeowners' associations.
  • SSB 5367 - Establishing the Washington trade corps fellowship program.
  • SSB 6774 - Promoting regional industry cluster growth.
  • SB 6850 - Creating the financial fraud and identity theft crimes investigation and prosecution program.
  • SSB 6596 - Providing for the creation of a sex offender policy board.
  • SSB 6712 - Creating the affordable housing and community facilities rapid response loan program.
  • SSB 6269 - Concerning the rights of airline passengers.
  • SSB 6778 - Allowing voter registration up to and on election day.
  • SSB 6684 - Requiring language access services for persons with limited English proficiency in health care and insurance matters.
  • SSB 6776 - Modifying state whistleblower protections.
  • SB 6818 - Promoting transparency in state expenditures.
  • SB 6775 - Addressing the digital literacy and technology training needs of low-income and underserved areas through state support of community technology programs.