Committee Schedules

Senate Health & Long Term Care - 3/18/2019 1:30 PM

Full Committee

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Senate Hearing Rm 4
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing
  1. ESHB 1099 - Providing notice about network adequacy to consumers.
  2. HB 1177 - Creating the dental laboratory registry within the department of health and establishing minimum standards for dental laboratories serving dentists in Washington state.
  3. E2SHB 1224 - Concerning prescription drug cost transparency.
  4. SHB 1239 - Protecting the confidentiality of health care quality and peer review discussions to support effective patient safety.
  5. 2SHB 1497 - Concerning foundational public health services.
  6. EHB 1564 - Concerning the nursing facility medicaid payment system.
  7. SHB 1869 - Establishing the emerging therapies work group.
Executive Session
  1. E2SHB 1593 - Establishing a behavioral health innovation and integration campus within the University of Washington school of medicine.

Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Possible other business. Committee meeting documents can be accessed through the committee's website: