PDFWAC 468-95-200
Approach markings for obstructions.
Amend paragraph 01 of MUTCD Section 3B.10 to read:
Pavement markings shall be used to guide traffic away from fixed obstructions within a paved roadway. Approach markings for bridge supports, refuge islands, median islands, toll plazas, and channelization islands (except channelization islands formed by paint stripes or raised pavement markers) shall consist of a diagonal line or lines extending from the center line or the lane line to a point1 to 2feet to the right side, or to both sides, of the approach end of the obstruction (see Figure3B-15).
Amend paragraph 07 of MUTCD Section 3B.10 to read:
If traffic is required to pass only to the right of the obstruction, the markings shall consist of a no-pass marking, approaching the obstruction, at least twice the length of the diagonal portion as determined by the appropriate taper formula (see Figure3B-15).
Modify MUTCD Figure 3B-15, Item a - Center of two-lane road, to show a single no-pass marking on the approach to the obstruction.