PDFWAC 388-78A-2462
Background checks—Who is required to have.
(1) Applicants for an assisted living facility license, as defined in WAC 388-78A-2740, must have the following background checks before licensure:
(a) A Washington state name and date of birth background check; and
(b) A national fingerprint background check.
(2) The assisted living facility must ensure that the administrator and all caregivers employed directly or by contract after January 7, 2012 have the following background checks:
(a) A Washington state name and date of birth background check; and
(b) A national fingerprint background check.
(3) The assisted living facility must ensure that the following individuals have a Washington state name and date of birth background check:
(a) Volunteers who are not residents, and students who may have unsupervised access to residents;
(b) Staff persons who are not caregivers or administrators;
(c) Managers who do not provide direct care to residents; and
(d) Contractors other than the administrator and caregivers who may have unsupervised access to residents.