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Chapter 352-76 WAC

Last Update: 3/10/98


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF352-76-010What is the purpose of clean vessel program funding?
HTMLPDF352-76-020How are the words and phrases used in this chapter?
HTMLPDF352-76-030Who is eligible for clean vessel program funding?
HTMLPDF352-76-040What activities are eligible for clean vessel program funding?
HTMLPDF352-76-050Are there any limitations on the availability and use of funds?
HTMLPDF352-76-060How does one apply for funding?
HTMLPDF352-76-070What criteria will be used to evaluate applications?
HTMLPDF352-76-075How will projects be selected for funding?
HTMLPDF352-76-080What conditions are placed on the use of funds?