PDFWAC 296-833-30005
Provide electricity and lighting to temporary housing areas.
(1) You must supply electricity to all:
(a) Dwelling units
(b) Kitchen facilities
(c) Shower/bathroom facilities
(d) Common areas
(e) Laundry facilities.
You need to follow additional requirements for electricity and lighting. See WAC 296-800-280, Basic electrical rules, in the safety and health core rules book for more information.
(2) You must provide lighting to camp buildings.
(a) Make sure general lighting and task lighting are adequate for normal daily activities.
(b) Make sure living quarters have:
(i) One ceiling-type light fixture; and
(ii) One separate floor or wall convenience outlet.
(c) Make sure laundry rooms, toilet rooms, and other common areas have at least:
(i) One ceiling light fixture; or
(ii) A wall light fixture.