PDFWAC 296-36-250
Routine examination of employees—Preemployment examinations and reports.
(1) Every person considered for work in compressed air on any job and before starting work shall be given a thorough medical and physical examination by the appointed physician who shall order special tests when deemed necessary. The physician's findings shall be entered on a form entitled "preemployment history" and a form entitled "physical examination" furnished by the department of labor and industries. A copy of his recommendation as to employability shall be submitted to the superintendent and shall be kept on the job. The physical examination shall include adequate X-rays to determine possible preexisting lung or bone disease, a test of the ability of the ear to adjust to pressure changes, an orthopedic examination, a clear tone audiogram, an inspection for gross obesity, a simple test for pulmonary and cardiac function, and an inquiry concerning metallic objects in the body.
(2) No workman shall be employed in compressed air unless he has been examined by the appointed physician and is certified by the physician, by a health certificate or a workman's compressed air health register, to be fit for such employment, and further that the date of such certificate is not more than 3 days earlier.
(3) Where work in compressed air is urgently required to be done, before it is reasonably practical, because of the inaccessibility of the appointed physician, to arrange for any examination to obtain any certificate required, an examination may be made by any duly qualified physician who may issue a temporary certificate of fitness. A reexamination of such a workman by the appointed physician shall be made as soon as practicable.
[Rules (Part XX A), filed 12/28/62; § 23, filed 3/23/60.]