PDFWAC 296-310-170
Hearing on appeal of notice.
(1) The director may hear an appeal personally or may delegate the authority to hold the hearing and draft a proposed decision to an administrative law judge pursuant to chapter 34.12 RCW. The plaintiff at the hearing shall be the department and the defendants shall be the contractor or the violator and its surety. The department shall have the burden of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the matters stated in the notice occurred.
(2) Any person who has standing may, upon motion, be allowed to intervene as a plaintiff in a hearing on a notice of violation. Any interested person, whether or not admitted as a plaintiff, may submit written arguments and affidavits in any hearing.
(3) The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the uniform procedure rules, chapter 1-08 WAC.
(4) If the director presides over the hearing, the director shall issue a final decision that includes findings of fact and conclusions of law and, if appropriate for a violation, an order to pay unpaid wages, damages, or a penalty.
(5) If an administrative law judge presides over the hearing, she or he shall issue a proposed decision that includes findings of fact and conclusions of law and, if appropriate for a violation, an order to pay unpaid wages, damages, or a penalty. The proposed decision shall be served on the contractor or the violator and its surety, the department, and any persons who have intervened as plaintiffs. Any of these parties, if aggrieved by the proposed decision, may appeal to the director within thirty days after the date of issuance of the proposed decision. If none of the parties appeals within thirty days, the proposed decision may not be appealed either to the director or the courts. A copy of the proposed decision shall also be mailed to all persons who submitted written arguments or affidavits at the hearing.
(6) An appellant must file with the director an original and four copies of its notice of appeal. The notice of appeal must specify which findings and conclusions are erroneous. The appellant must attach to the notice the written arguments supporting its appeal.
The appellant must serve a copy of the notice of appeal and the arguments on the other parties. The respondent parties must file with the director their written arguments within thirty days after the date the notice of appeal and the arguments were served upon them.
(7) The director shall review the proposed decision in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.04 RCW. The director may: Require the parties to specify the portions of the record on which the parties rely; require the parties to submit additional information by affidavit or certificate; remand the matter to the administrative law judge for further proceedings; and require a department employee to prepare a summary of the record for the department to review. The director may allow the parties to present oral arguments as well as the written arguments. The director shall issue a final decision that can affirm, modify, or reverse the proposed decision.
(8) The director shall serve the final decision on all parties. Any aggrieved party may appeal the final decision to superior court pursuant to RCW 34.04.130 unless the final decision affirms an unappealed proposed decision. If no party appeals within the period set by RCW 34.04.130, the director's decision is conclusive and binding on all parties. The director shall also mail a copy of the final decision to all persons who submitted written arguments or affidavits at the hearing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 19.30.130. WSR 86-01-027 (Order 85-34), ยง 296-310-170, filed 12/11/85.]