PDFWAC 296-19A-269
What are the provisions for independent review for permanent sanctions?
(1) The department shall establish an independent review panel of at least three private sector vocational providers. The panel will act as consultants whenever the department believes misconduct or failure to pass a criminal background check may warrant permanent restrictions or revocation of the VRC ID number.
(2) At least one member of the panel must hold the same credential as that of the provider whose conduct is under review, unless the provider is an intern.
(3) The review panel shall receive:
(a) A copy of the investigative report; and
(b) The results of the background check, and/or any complaint(s) with the names of the vocational provider and their employing vocational firm redacted.
(4) The department shall consider the feedback of the review panel when making its final decision on the level of permanent restrictions or revocation of the VRC ID number.