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PDFWAC 263-12-145

Petition for review.

(1) Time for filing. Within 20 days from the date of communication of the proposed decision and order to the parties or their representatives of record, any aggrieved party may file with the board a written petition for review. When a petition for review is filed, the failure of any party not aggrieved by the proposed decision and order to file a petition for review shall not be deemed a waiver by such party of any objections or irregularities disclosed by the record.
(2) A petition for review must be filed separately. A petition for review must be filed separately from any other pleading or communication with the board and must note "PETITION FOR REVIEW" prominently on the first page of the submission.
(3) Extensions of time.
(a) The board may extend the time for filing a petition for review upon written request of a party filed within 20 days from the date of communication of the proposed decision and order to the parties or their representatives of record. Such extension of time, if granted, will apply to all parties to the appeal. Further extensions of time beyond any initial extension may be allowed only if an application for further extension is filed within 20 days from the date of communication of the proposed decision and order to the parties or their representatives of record or the board, on its own motion or at the request of a party, acts to further extend the time for filing a petition for review before the prior extended time for filing a petition for review has expired.
(b) An unrepresented limited-English-proficient party may file a request for translation of a proposed decision and order. A request for translation of a proposed decision and order by an unrepresented limited-English-proficient party that the board received within the time frame for a petition for review will also be treated as a request for extension of time. When the board receives and mails the translated proposed decision and order, the board will also extend the time for filing a petition for review for all parties for an additional 30 days.
(4) Contents. A petition for review shall set forth in detail the grounds for review. A party filing a petition for review waives all objections or irregularities not specifically set forth therein. A general objection to findings of fact on the ground that the weight of evidence is to the contrary shall not be considered sufficient compliance, unless the objection shall refer to the evidence relied upon in support thereof. A general objection to all evidentiary rulings adverse to the party shall be considered adequate compliance with this rule. If legal issues are involved, the petition for review shall set forth the legal theory relied upon and citation of authority and/or argument in support thereof. The board shall, at the request of any party, provide a copy of the transcript of testimony and other proceedings at the hearing. The requesting party shall sign an acknowledgment that receipt of the transcript of proceedings shall constitute compliance by the board with any statute requiring service on the party of a certified copy of the testimony.
(5) Action by board on petition for review.
(a) After receipt of a petition for review, the board shall enter an order within 20 days either:
(i) Denying the petition for review, in which case the proposed decision and order shall become the final order of the board; or
(ii) Granting the petition for review, in which case the board shall within 180 days from the date the petition for review was filed issue a final decision and order based upon its review of the record.
(b) After 20 days of receipt. If a petition for review is not acted upon by the board, it shall be deemed to have been granted.
(c) Remands for further hearing.
After review of the record, the board may set aside the proposed decision and order and remand the appeal to the hearing process, with instructions to the industrial appeals judge to whom the appeal is assigned on remand, to dispose of the matter in any manner consistent with chapter 263-12 WAC.
(6) Reply to petition for review. Any party may, within 10 days of receipt of the board's order granting review, submit a reply to the petition for review, a written brief, or a statement of position regarding the matters to which objections were made, or the board may, on its own motion, require the parties to submit written briefs or statements of position or to appear and present oral argument regarding the matters to which objections were made, within such time and on such terms as may be prescribed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.52.020. WSR 24-23-048, s 263-12-145, filed 11/14/24, effective 12/15/24; WSR 18-24-123, § 263-12-145, filed 12/5/18, effective 1/5/19; WSR 16-24-054, § 263-12-145, filed 12/2/16, effective 1/2/17; WSR 00-23-021, § 263-12-145, filed 11/7/00, effective 12/8/00; WSR 91-13-038, § 263-12-145, filed 6/14/91, effective 7/15/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.52.104, 51.52.020 and chapters 51.48 and 42.17 RCW. WSR 86-03-021 (Order 20), § 263-12-145, filed 1/10/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.41.060(4) and 51.52.020. WSR 83-01-001 (Order 12), § 263-12-145, filed 12/2/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.52.020. WSR 82-03-031 (Order 11), § 263-12-145, filed 1/18/82; Order 9, § 263-12-145, filed 8/8/75; Order 7, § 263-12-145, filed 4/4/75; Order 4, § 263-12-145, filed 6/9/72; General Order 3, Rule 8.4, filed 10/29/65; General Order 2, Rule 8.4, filed 6/12/63. Formerly WAC 296-12-145.]