PDFWAC 246-918-130
Physician assistant identification.
(1) A physician assistant must clearly identify themself as a physician assistant and must appropriately display on their person identification as a physician assistant.
(2) A physician assistant must not present themself in any manner which would tend to mislead the public as to their title.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.71A.020, 18.130.050, 2024 c 62, and chapter 18.71A RCW. WSR 24-23-043, s 246-918-130, filed 11/14/24, effective 12/15/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.71A.150, 18.130.050, chapter 18.71A RCW and 2020 c 80. WSR 21-22-043, § 246-918-130, filed 10/27/21, effective 11/27/21. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.71.017, 18.130.050, chapter 18.71A RCW, and 2013 c 203. WSR 15-04-122, § 246-918-130, filed 2/3/15, effective 3/6/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.71.017 and 18.71A.020. WSR 96-03-073, § 246-918-130, filed 1/17/96, effective 2/17/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.71.017. WSR 92-12-089 (Order 278B), § 246-918-130, filed 6/3/92, effective 7/4/92; WSR 91-06-030 (Order 147B), recodified as § 246-918-130, filed 2/26/91, effective 3/29/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.71A.020. WSR 88-06-008 (Order PM 706), § 308-52-148, filed 2/23/88.]