PDFWAC 246-470-090
Under RCW 70.225.040, prescription monitoring information is confidential, and maintained in compliance with chapter 70.02 RCW and federal health care information privacy requirements. Prescription monitoring information that has been disclosed to a health care provider under the provisions of RCW 70.225.040 is health care information under chapter 70.02 RCW and federal privacy laws. Health care providers may retain prescription monitoring information with the patient's health care records which are protected by state and federal law.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.225.020, 70.225.025, and 70.225.040. WSR 16-15-014, § 246-470-090, filed 7/8/16, effective 8/8/16. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.225 RCW and 2007 c 259. WSR 11-16-041, § 246-470-090, filed 7/27/11, effective 8/27/11.]