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200-110-240  <<  200-110-250 >>   200-110-260

PDFWAC 200-110-250

Standards for operation—Special meetings—Notice to members.

All joint self-insurance programs shall comply with the requirements of RCW 42.30.080 in providing notification of special meetings. In addition, programs shall provide notice by electronic mail to the state risk manager and every member of the joint self-insurance program twenty-four hours in advance of every special meeting.
[Statutory Authority: 2011 c 43. WSR 11-23-093, recodified as § 200-110-250, filed 11/17/11, effective 11/17/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.62.061. WSR 10-14-034, § 82-65-250, filed 6/28/10, effective 10/1/10.]