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173-518-060  <<  173-518-070 >>   173-518-075

PDFWAC 173-518-070

Future groundwater appropriations.

All new groundwater appropriations must comply with the provisions of this chapter.
(1) Based on the hydrogeology of the basin, ecology determines that surface water and groundwater sources within the Dungeness watershed are hydraulically connected.
(2) If connection to a public water supply is not available in a timely and reasonable manner, then a new withdrawal from another well is allowed. Written evidence that connection is not available must be provided to ecology or the county before another well may be used for a new withdrawal.
A new permit-exempt withdrawal may receive water from an existing group domestic water system operating under the groundwater permit exemption. The new withdrawal will be considered an additional and separate exemption.
(3) New groundwater rights, including permit-exempt withdrawals under RCW 90.44.050, may be obtained that are not subject to the instream flows established in WAC 173-518-040 or to the closures established in WAC 173-518-050 if all statutory requirements are met and any of the following situations apply:
(a) A proposed use that would impact any surface water sources listed in Table III is mitigated through an ecology-approved mitigation plan, as defined in WAC 173-518-075.
(i) Water use may be mitigated through the purchase of credits available through the Dungeness water exchange. The exchange will identify methods and means of mitigation, including the use of water resources management techniques and water banking authorized under RCW 90.03.255 and chapter 90.42 RCW. The 2008 Dungeness Groundwater Flow Model (Pacific Groundwater Group, 2009) will be the basis for determining credits for offsetting the consumptive use associated with the proposed water use. At the time of rule adoption the 2008 Dungeness Groundwater Flow Model represents the best available method for calculating mitigation credits. If ecology determines a better method is available in the future, then ecology will apply the new method. Drilling to the middle or deep aquifer, where available, is encouraged.
(ii) As an alternative to acquiring mitigation through the Dungeness water exchange, the proponent may choose to submit a mitigation plan. Ecology must approve the mitigation plan prior to plan implementation. If ecology determines that the mitigation is no longer effective, the water use shall cease until an effective mitigation plan is put in place.
(b) The proposed use is nonconsumptive, and is compatible with the intent of this chapter.
(c) The proponent shows, through scientifically sound studies and technical analysis, and to the satisfaction of ecology, that the proposed use will not adversely affect any surface waters closed in WAC 173-518-050.
(4) All new wells drilled must comply with state well drilling requirements in chapter 173-160 WAC, in particular the provisions to prevent contamination between aquifers in WAC 173-160-241.
(5) New permits for groundwater withdrawals may include a provision requiring that the permittee allow ecology employees access to the well and any associated measuring device upon request at reasonable times.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 90.54, 90.22, 90.82, 90.03, 90.42, and 90.44 RCW. WSR 12-23-054 (Order 07-17), ยง 173-518-070, filed 11/16/12, effective 1/2/13.]