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16-470-711  <<  16-470-715 >>   16-470-717

PDFWAC 16-470-715

Conditions governing the movement of regulated articles into Washington state from external quarantine areas.

Regulated articles are prohibited entry into this state from a state or other area under quarantine listed in WAC 16-470-705(1), either directly, indirectly, diverted or reconsigned, except as provided for below.
(1) Prior notification is required. Persons shipping regulated articles as specified in WAC 16-470-710 into this state from areas within the external quarantine must notify the department's plant services program by sending via email to or other method approved by the department, a copy of the applicable phytosanitary certificate as described in subsection (2) of this section for each shipment. The phytosanitary certificate must state the nature and quantity of the shipment, the name of the intended receiver, and the destination. The person to whom the commodities are shipped must hold the shipment until it is inspected and released by the department.
(2) Each shipment of regulated articles must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate from the state of origin certifying that the commodity, soil, or means of conveyance is treated with methods and procedures approved and prescribed by the director. Approved methods and procedures include those specified in the National Plant Board U.S. Domestic Japanese Beetle Harmonization Plan Appendix 1. Shipment to Category 1 States, as amended June 20, 2016. A copy of this plan can be accessed at
(3) Privately owned houseplants grown indoors may be allowed entry into this state if a department official inspects the plants and determines that they are free from Japanese beetle.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 17.24.011 and 17.24.041. WSR 22-17-068, § 16-470-715, filed 8/15/22, effective 9/15/22. Statutory Authority: Chapter 17.24 RCW. WSR 00-23-098, § 16-470-715, filed 11/21/00, effective 12/22/00; WSR 90-15-042 (Order 2049), § 16-470-715, filed 7/16/90, effective 8/16/90.]
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