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16-302-075  <<  16-302-080 >>   16-302-085

PDFWAC 16-302-080

Seed fields ineligible for seed certification.

(1) A seed field is not eligible for certification unless a field inspection is made prior to defoliation or harvesting.
(2) Prohibited noxious weeds must be controlled to prevent seed formation, with the exception of jointed goatgrass or jointed goatgrass hybrids, the presence of which in "small grain" fields will be cause for rejection. Follow-up inspections may be conducted to ensure weed control was sufficiently carried out to prevent prohibited noxious weed seeds from being harvested with the seed crop. Excessive objectionable weeds may be cause for rejection of a seed field. Excessive weeds, poor stands, lack of vigor, or other conditions which make inspection inaccurate may be cause for rejection. A field producing foundation or registered seed that warrants a rejection because of noxious weeds may be reclassified to certified blue tag class if upon reinspection the field meets certified blue tag standards.
(3) If a seed field is rejected for certification, the grower may reapply to the certifying agency and pay a fee for reinspection after the cause for rejection is corrected, unless otherwise specified in chapter 16-302 WAC. No more than two reinspections are permitted for each field per year.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.49.005, 15.49.081, 15.49.310, 15.49.370(3), and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 14-20-050, § 16-302-080, filed 9/25/14, effective 10/26/14. Statutory Authority: Chapters 15.49 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 10-08-028, § 16-302-080, filed 3/31/10, effective 5/1/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 15.49.005, 15.49.081, 15.49.310, 15.49.370(3) and chapter 17.24 RCW. WSR 00-24-077, § 16-302-080, filed 12/4/00, effective 1/4/01.]