PDFWAC 136-300-070
Allowable activities within CAPP.
For all CAPA-funded projects that involve structural resurfacing, the existing road must meet the following minimum width standards:
Shouldered roadway sections: | ||
Current ADT | Lane width | Shoulder width |
0 to 100 | 9 feet | 2 feet |
101 to 400 | 10 feet | 2 feet |
401 to 4000 | 10 feet | 2 feet |
Over 4000 | 11 feet | 4 feet |
Curbed roadway sections (minimum lane width): | ||
Current ADT | Two-way undivided | One-way & two-way divided |
All | 10 feet | 9 feet |
All roadways built to less than the above standards for which a county proposes to perform structural resurfacing must be widened with other than CAPA funds.
Use of county arterial preservation account funds shall be limited to the following three groups of activities:
(1) Implementation of computerized systems to include:
(a) Acquisition of computer hardware and software that may be necessary to operate a computer-based pavement management and maintenance management systems.
(b) Pavement management system training not otherwise provided by the county road administration board. This can include software usage, pavement condition surveying, and other specialized training directly related to the operation and maintenance of a computer-based pavement management system.
(c) Payment for related services such as data entry, pavement condition surveys, and rental of specialized PMS-related equipment such as road raters.
Acquisition of equipment other than computer hardware as described in (a) of this subsection is not eligible.
(2) Direct and attributable indirect costs associated with paved surface preservation and rehabilitation activities on existing roadways, and maintenance management activities related to all county arterials, including the following:
(a) Nonstructural resurfacing projects. These include thin asphalt concrete overlays (one-inch or less); bituminous seal coats (single and double); slurry seals, sand seals, and fog seals; associated tack coats, paving fabrics, and preleveling; and associated surface grinding and planing.
(b) Structural resurfacing projects. These include thick asphalt concrete overlays (greater than one inch); portland cement concrete overlays; associated tack coats, paving fabrics, and preleveling; associated surface grinding and planing; and hot/cold bituminous road mixes.
(c) Associated activities. These include crack sealing (bituminous and portland cement pavements); full-depth, structural patching done in preparation for structural or nonstructural overlays or seals; portland cement pavement joint reconstruction, undersealing, panel jacking and panel replacement; and other related activities as are directly attributable to nonstructural and structural resurfacing projects.
(d) Maintenance management activities. These include creating maintenance management reports and training in maintenance management per the requirements listed in chapter 136-11 WAC.
(3) Resurfacing work associated with the reconstruction and/or widening of existing paved arterials. This participation is limited as follows:
(a) The present roadway is a paved county arterial as defined by WAC 136-300-050;
(b) The county's approved pavement management system has identified the existing pavement as requiring resurfacing within two years of the expected reconstruction/widening project completion date;
(c) The reconstruction/widening project will bring the roadway to at least the lane and shoulder width standards and non-CAPA funding requirements of this section;
(d) The CAPA participation will be limited to the resurfacing portion of the project as described in this section.