PDFWAC 133-20-070
Requests for public records.
(1) Any person wishing to inspect or copy public records of the board may submit the request in writing to the board, attn: Public Disclosure Officer or via email at ChairCERBBoard@commerce.wa.gov. The request should include the following information:
(a) Name of requestor;
(b) Address of requestor;
(c) Other contact information, including telephone number and email address;
(d) Identification of the public records sought adequate for the public disclosure officer to locate the records; and
(e) The date and time of day of the request.
(2) The public disclosure officer may accept public records requests by telephone or in person during the board's normal business hours. However, the requesting party may be asked to submit the request in writing or the public disclosure officer may confirm receipt of the request and restate the substance of the request in writing.
(3) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require the board to compile statistics or other information from material contained in public records where doing so would unduly interfere with other essential functions of the board and is not required for litigation by rules of pretrial discovery.
(4) Requests must be for identifiable records. A request for all, or substantially all, of the board's public records is not a valid request.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.160.050(8). WSR 20-07-074, § 133-20-070, filed 3/16/20, effective 4/16/20; WSR 83-10-041 (Order 83-1), § 133-20-070, filed 5/2/83.]