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110-148-1367  <<  110-148-1368 >>   110-148-1370

PDFWAC 110-148-1368

What happens if I stop providing PTFC services?

If you are approved as a PTFC home and stop providing PTFC services within the contracted time frame:
(1) You must inform the CPA and the department; and
(2) The department must:
(a) Place you in no referral status; and
(b) Not place any additional children in the home until you provide income verification that meets the requirements for general foster care in WAC 110-148-1365 (2)(b).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.220, 43.216.020, and 43.216.065. WSR 24-18-052, ยง 110-148-1368, filed 8/28/24, effective 9/28/24.]
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